User:Darkpigion/Evil Plans Archive
Muhaha! Welcome, curious fools!, to my Evil page of Evil Plans that involve Evil Doing!
These are my plans that involve invading stuff (like Sweeden) INVADE CANADA WITH SQUIRILS (THAT HAVE LAZERS)Step 1) Capture 5000 squirils. Step 2) Give them nicknames like "Francais", "Colin" and "Nutkin McKill." Step 3) Atach lazers to them Step 4) Ship them to the Canadian sea-border and then create a vidio-link with every TV in Canada Step 5) Demand £20,000,000,000 (thats 2 billion British Pounds, fools,...) or every citizen of Canada will have to face DEATH BY SQURIRIL!!! Step 6)I become rich and buy Greenland!
These are the plans that involve my evil lobster friend, Craig THE GREAT SHOE THEFTStep 1) Craig gets dressed up in a black outfit Step 2) I drop him in a random suburb of my choice (the one that is the most annoying at the time) Step 3) He then makes his way into several safehouses (regardless of baracade level) and then steal peoples shoes Step 4) I strip the shoes down into their part components and then sell them for a rather shifty price! |