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~The following is taken from a notebook found in the rubble, it is covers in beer stains and blood~

First paragraph

Date.....who knows

I have lost track of time in this nightmare hell, them, those things, zombies. they are still out there, roaming around eating any one they can, fools they are getting killed like that, leaving safe houses just to tag on some wall. Im stay in this bar were it is safe with plenty of beer to wet my throat, drinking problem my wife said? ha look at her now some dead body walking around. alcohol has saved me again, first from her nagging now from the undead horde. me and my friend jack daniels will last out this horror till the army comes and saves us.....

                                           ~text is covered in blood and is unreadable~

....that knocking on the door, it must be the delivery truck with more alcohol, going to have to let them in....

~lesson learned from this drunk fool, that knocking on your barricade is never the delivery truck~