User:I see dead peoples/i see dead peoples

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Makes you think, doesn't it? How the world can go so wrong so quick, a childhood in Malton is a childhood in hell, which usually consists of sitting in one building with about 40 other people and the constant banging of desperate corpses, like walking nightmares, banging on the barricades. Until now we were lucky, in one of the quieter suburbs, in a hospital with medical supplies, after all none of the few zombies in Mornington cares about Sixtus General Hospital. I had healing experience, having grown up in a hospital, i had a little fighting experience, having grown up in Malton, but this one day, this was different. The barricades fell, the horrible messengers of death, not living, not dead, got in, biting and slahing and tearing flesh wherever they found it, my parents had died trying to get me here during the early outbreaks and i thought that was the last i would see of the carnage these creatures bring but it wasn't, in fact, it turned out to just be an appetiser.

I grabbed the pistol that John, the man who had raised me since i arrived here, had dropped, I tried not to look at his body, but did. I almost puked as I saw the torn up flesh hanging off the bones of what used to be the closest thing I had to a father, but there was no time to be sentimental, the zombies had not yet bothered attacking the children in the Hospital, they were too busy feasting on the adults, but it was only a matter of time, and I'd be their first child victim because at 14 years of age, im the largest of the kids. I ran out the door and saw "Revive point, no killing" scrawled on the wall, having not been outside the hospital very much i wondered, what could that mean?, I was soon going to find out the hard way.

I wandered aimlessly for several days, doing nothing more than moving in one direction, to see if I could find a safe haven. As I entered the suburb of Chudleyton I looked around, as I had in every other suburb. To my dismay I found nothing but corpses and ruined buildings. I wondered to myself, what the hell happened here?, and then I saw it, a horde of over 70 zombies. As my jaw dropped at the sight of more zombies than I had seen in my life so far I did what my gut told me to do, one of the stupidest things I've ever done, go and try to help the survivors in the area, I later found out that i had just wandered into the middle of the Third Siege of Caiger!

I hadn't heard of Caiger Mall before then, I wandered through the streets looking for living, breathing people but found only corpses, some standing, most on the ground. I ducked into one of the buildings and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning out in the street, as I went to scratch my head my hand wouldn't move, as I went to sit up my legs didnt respond, as I began to stand up I groaned in an inhuman voice. I now realized what the message on the hospital wall had meant, I was dead and needed help.

I wandered west to join a group I had heard of called the US Army Infantry, they said that when I arrived they would shove a needle up my nose (at the time I wondered what did that mean) and train me to fight. When I arrived I was revived and joined the USAI bootcamp, I was assigned to fireteam ROMEO. I joined them on their missions, fought with them, became part of the team, and would be part of the team until I became experienced enough to graduate.

So far i have been part of the team for a month and a half and probably won't be for much longer, when i graduate the bootcamp I will add the stories of what i did there into this biography.

Profile link: i see dead peoples