User:Liquid Uranium/Journal

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Journal of PFC Liquid Uranium

Part I - Arrival

Day 1 - 9/1/07

Today I crossed the Quarantine Border and entered Malton. And man, the devastation is everywhere. The zombies have overrun entire sections of town. Extinction holds the northwest, the RRF holds the center... and we survivors are stuck in the south and southeast.

Still, I'm lucky to be alive. Thankfully, I brought my pistol and 2 clips to reload with, so I should be okay for a day or two. (I do have basic training with firearms - I can actually hit them.) There are only a couple of zombies around here. I reached Dartside with no trouble, but then I ran into a couple of zombies. Still, they're not doing much to me. Maybe they're out of energy? Who knows...

But I'm still alive, and that's what's important.

Day 2 - 9/2/07

I spent most of today finding more pistol ammunition. Exciting. Still only a couple of zombies roaming the streets. But I did find a flak jacket and a radio, so I'll last longer against the murders that roam this area.

The fact that I have to wander the streets is bad. I need to learn how to run from building to building before the zombies get me as well.

Day 5 - 9/5/07

I finally killed one of them! I killed a zombie! I shot at it a few times with my pistol, then finished it off with a flare gun.

And I've figured out how to jump from building to building - no more sprinting through the streets! The locals call this "Free Running." Makes sense - you can run anywhere.

Finding pistol ammo is difficult... I need a melee weapon of some sort.

Day 8 - 9/8/07

Yesterday I found a fire axe - now I don't have to search for ammo just to gain skill fighting these abominations. Excellent.

With my newfound fighting prowess (I've trained with my axe and my fists!), I won't have any trouble killing off zombies.

Day 9 - 9/9/07

Rumor has it that survivors have reclaimed Reganbank! That would be good news. Since Extinction's zombies have wiped out all of the NecroTech buildings in their territory, they've been headed our way. Hopefully the now human-ruled Reganbank will attract their attention.

Still, things have been getting dangerous around here. PKers (that's what the locals call human murderers) have been sighted throughout Dartside and Spicer Hills. Thankfully, I've been exploring the suburbs around Dartside, so I haven't held still long enough for them to hit me.

Of course, I'm now closer to the zombies than the murderous humans. Hmm... if I die, I'd rather be killed by zombies than by my own kind.

Day 10 - 9/10/07

Hallelujah! Extinction's forces have crumbled! We've retaken nearly half of Northwestern Malton! Apparently, large numbers of survivors have been fighting to retake the NTs. And they succeeded in not only rebuilding the revival facilities (that's right, we can come back from death!) but also taking the entire suburb!

Unfortunately, the enraged zombies are heading both southeast, where the safest survivor suburbs are. Man, am I happy I'm still here in the southern areas. The zombies don't bother me here.

Anyway, I stopped by Marven Mall today. Survivors have turned it into a fortress against zombie attacks. It was amazing to see the huge barricades surrounding this place - they've really locked themselves up. (Though I doubt the zombies will attack us - they're busy trying to wrench back the northwest.)

Day 11 - 9/11/07

This afternoon, I explored South Blythville, shooting and hacking away at the zombies in the area. We outnumbered them about 100 to 1. If I had been alone, of course, I would have run. In fact, when I felt myself running low on energy, I ran off (the others probably finished them for me).

I've stocked up on weaponry - I'm now holding 5 pistols, 3 shotguns, my axe, and 4 radios. It's a lot of gear to carry, but having to lug around 60 pounds of equipment beats getting torn apart by zombies any day.

Day 17 - 9/17/07

Survivors have retaken (to some degree) most of the suburbs that Extinction controlled. Maybe Extinction has finally crumbled? I hope so - it'd make resource gathering much easier.

I killed another zombie today. I also set up a generator at the Foreman Building and fueled it. So now we survivors have another place to look when we need those beautiful little things known as rev syringes.

Ah, the glory of the rev syringe... it can bring back anyone who's got an intact brain. I don't have one (in fact, I don't even know how they work) so I can't help anyone that way. Of course, my real job is shooting zombies, so I can't complain.

I've been exploring western Malton for the past few days. spraying over Extinction propaganda and sleeping in empty safe houses. Even though we've retaken the suburbs (mostly), there's still a lot of clean up to be done.

Anyway, I'm tired. I've found a nice spot to rest where I can take a nap. Hmm, there's another guy sleeping in the corner. Probably another panicking survivor.

My gut's telling me that this guy is bad news. But then I had a bunch of gut-burning buffalo wings for lunch. I'll be fine.

Day 18 - 9/18/07

I knew I should have gone one more building to the left.

The guy who was in the safehouse shot me while I was sleeping. My flak jacket didn't save me - he just kept shooting and shooting, so now I've got about fifteen bullet holes that I can see. Wait, make that sixteen - I just found another one where my ID badge used to be.

Great. Now I'm alone and dead. Correction - I'm a zombie. A zombie. Oh, great. Now I'm really dead.

These claws really suck for killing. My hand-to-hand experience isn't helping me much here, but I've adjusted my fighting style to use my newfound zombie power.

Sadly, I don't have the motor skills to use my guns. And my fire axe is currently lodged in my shoulder. So I have to shamble around, hoping that someone will get the hint and bring me back to life.

BARHAH isn't what it's supposed to be. I'm dead and I haven't touched a single piece of harman flesh yet. Oh, yeah, and I can't talk either - the guy tore out my vocal cords.

Might as well wander around, since I can't get inside any buildings.

Day 19 - 9/19/07

Some nice guy brought me back to life. So here I am, with fully intact flesh. (Mostly, anyway. I still haven't found my appendix.)

So I went around and killed more zombies, gathered ammo, and trained my aim. Nothing more to say.

Day 22 - 9/22/07

I've been staying in Hazeldine NT for the past couple of days. The survivors here are active and well-organized, but they're still limited to the NT building itself. We need to use more buildings as bases - right now, the zombies know exactly where to find brains - in the glowing buildings.

Day 25 - 9/25/07

I went to sleep in an NT two days ago - now I'm paying the price. You guessed it - the zombies ate me. Again, no less. At least I managed to improve my pistol aim... but that won't help me right now.

Better shamble to the nearest cemetery and wait for someone to jab me with a needle again.

Day 26 - 9/26/07

Once again, someone stabbed me with a rev syringe. They're miraculous devices, really. Too bad I can't use one, since I don't work for NecroTech.

Killed another zombie today, for practice. I'm trying to learn how to check other survivors' vital signs, but it takes much more practice than my firearm and axe talents do.

Oh, and I wasn't even killed in an attack - just an overnight raid. And the survivors still have the building I was sleeping in.

Thanks for looking out for me, guys. Thanks a lot.

Day 27 - 9/27/07

Good news! After killing some undead wandering the streets, I've learned how to check other survivors' vital signs! Alright, now I can help heal the wounded!

Now the bad news: I used up most of my ammo doing so. Now I'm down to two fully loaded pistols, a single loaded shotgun, and my ever-useful fire axe. Looks like I'll be spending the next couple of days searching for ammo.

Now, the really bad news: To gain this expertise in checking other survivors' health, I had to end my day in the street, right next to a zombie that I had shot many, many times. He's probably angry.

Looks like I'm meat. Better limp over to the nearest cemetery again and wait for a revive again...