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MMF Snake


Real Name: ????? Age: 50's Background: United States Army, Joined in 62 Airborne qualified in '63 Joined Rangers in '64 Vietnam 1965-75 SnakeinVietnam.jpg Was asked to join Green Berets in '65 just before '66 Fought in many battles in Southern Democratic Republic of South Vietnam against the communists of North Vietnam Before 75 he would have nearly 150 confirmed kills, Two Silver Stars, four Bronze, four Purple Hearts. Distinguished Service Cross and Medal of Honor. He was severly wounded at the end of the war during an evacuation while Saigon was being attacked. He returned to Active duty after the war. He was also apart of Operation Eagle Claw, the Tehran Hostage incident which failed. Then Panama in 1989 When FOXHOUND was created in the 90's he was asked to join. He took part in many missions in many parts of the world. Retired after the Operation in Mogadishu battleing Warlords men. When the NecroTech incident came around in Malton he was called back to duty as a merc and sent in with a team of 12 on a reconaisance mission to check out the situation in Malton. When Maltons boarders closed, he was stuck in Malton for good. You can read more here at the MMF forums