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My Story

Mental420x, or Mental as he is known to his friends and others, was admited to the 6th floor of St Hilarion's Hospital about a year before the outbreaks occured. Not much is known as to why he was placed in the Asylum Ward but upon meeting him you will notice how realy insane he is.

One day he woke up and noticed that the doctors had not come to bring him his meds and decided to take a peek through the small wire lined window of his rubber room. There was no sign of life anywhere that he could see aside from a dripping blood spatter on the wall accross the hall.

A strange limping man creeped past the door and gleamed at him with dark vacant eyes. The man walked up to the door and screamed with a howl, showing his bloody teeth. The crazed man pounded heavily on the door trying to get in with no luck.

After a few minutes of this a shot range out and the strange bloodthirsty creature fell to the floor with coagulated blood dripping from a huge hole in his skull. A lone doctor ran up and unlocked the door to Mental's chamber.

"If you want to live, get the FUCK out of here." said the man just before he ran off. He ran toward the stairway door and slipped in a pool of blood. Crashing to the ground his firearm flew out of his hand and slid accross the floor. Just then another crazed monster crashed through the stairway door and tacked him. With a loud scream the man was torn apart and half eaten by the strange creature.

Mental ran to the gun and jumped ontop of it. He was still wearing his straigt jacket yet managed to pull the gun under his arm and fire off a shot with his hands still in his sleeves. The bloody rotting thing fell ontop of the doctor in a slump.

Mental came to his feet and managed to get his arms free as if he had done so a million times. He ran to the dieing doctor as he gurgled and spit up blood.

"The dead have come back to life" he said as his head fell to the floor.

That was all Mental needed to hear. He grabbed the mans keys and took off down the stairs. He met up with Spyke_Balogh on the ground floor and began his journey through the land of the undead.

Malton Journal

September 18.2008

Saving my energy and helping to heal a few random survivors at St Hilarion's Hospital in Wray Heights I took the advice of Spyke_Balogh and headed to a nearby mall. I jumped from biulding to biulding using his directions and made my way inside.

The Woodroffe Mall in Tollyton had a few people in need so I searched the drugstore for some first aid supplies and healed who I could. I also picked up a pair of mirrored sunglasses, a grey baseball cap, a black short-sleeved shirt, a pair of black jeans and a pair of black leather boots. I needed some clean clothes. I decided to keep my straitjacket as a reminder of where I came from and to remind others as well. I have a feeling I wont be getting rid of it. It is the only thing I have from before the outbreaks.

I plan to hang out here for a while untill I can gain some more experience in Diagnosis. After that I will stock up on supplies and head to a fort with Spyke's help.

September 20.2008

The past couple days have been hectic. The mall was ravaged by zombies and eventualy destroyed. I helped heal a few people but while I was sleeping at St. Joachim's Hospital, the zeds broke in and killed everyone. I was killed by a zombie named Kyle Brody and I am now a walking dead myself.

Its ok I guess. Not too bad being a zombie. It is my first time being dead. I heard that my friend Spyke can revive me later. I still plan to work my way to the fort where Spyke_Balogh and Autumn Rayne are waiting for me.

Since this is my first time as a zed I am not used to the way things are working. The voices in my head have stopped, for one. You would think that is a good thing, but its so quiet I am getting lonely. I move slower and my reflexes are nearly nonexistant. Slow reflexes and paranoia are not a good combination. I hear a strange noise and it takes me a minute or two to even turn toward that direction.

I suppose I will get used to it sooner or later but I dont plan on being dead forever.

September 21.2008

I found myself infront of Fort Creedy only with a huge hole in my head. After standing up Autumn Rayne revivified me with a NecroTech syringe. Now Im back on the ground again. My brain funcions are coming back but I need to rest before I can do anything else.

Novenmber 5.2008

The past month or so have been a blur. I was in a building ransacked by the undead and since then I have been a walking corpse myself. I gained this uncontrolable urge to eat living flesh and have grown stronger by the day. I followed a band of zombies from one lit biulding to another enduring almost as much pain as I have inflicted on others. This entry itself is writen in blood as I was just revivafied by a passing doctor and I fear I will not stay alive for long.

This area Im in is crawling with the undead creatures. Even now I hear them at the door and I see the few survivors scrambling to keep the baricades up. I have no idea where I am nor do I care. This nightmare only slightly distracts me from my condition. The doctors back in St Hilarion's Hospital said I was a lost cause and there was no hope for a normal life or recovery.

Funny, no one has a normal life now.

Borehamwood Journal

Novenmber 5.2008

I Just now have started recording my activities. I am in Northeast Borehamwood. Currently I am in an unlit club with no generator. It has not been long since the town was attacked by the undead but I learned of the news in a hospital that was treating me for my condition.

I scrambled for some medical suplies and carried as much as i could while sneaking outside now and then to heal passing survivors. I even honed my skill a bit by fixing wounds on some incapasitated zombies.

I have become good at biulding baricades and diagnosing survivors. I also biult up my strength so that I am stronger than most as if I were a body biulder or something. The harder skills of firearms are my next objective assuming I survive long enough to do it.

Going back to my current situation, the reason I am in a club is that the hospital was broken int by some zombies and without any offensive skills I decided that running to safer ground was a better idea for now. I will hold up where I am untill I am rested enough to move on.

Hopefully my next entry is writen while I am still alive.