Basic Info
If you want the basics on the good doctor, go here!
Extended Info
Edgar Hines was born in New York, New York. His age is not known at this moment seeing as he lost all forms of ID and refuses to share his age. He has a PhD in anatomy, which makes him quite the field medic. He is also quite adept at causing general mayhem which is including, but not limited to, looting, tagging, yelling, destroying, fighting, and being extremly drunk, to the point of near-madness.
Radio Hines
28.41 MHz-Edgar's very own radio frequency! He's quite proud, actually. Well, regardless of how pround he is of his radio station, it is fairly low-key, with only a few broadcasts per day(if that). He doesn't seem to concerned about keeping his station up-to-date, or even providing good news! Most of his broadcasts are related to one of these things: News outside Malton, thoughts on the zombie infestation, and... well, pretty much whatever Edgar wants to broadcast. We know, from listening to his station, that the doctor has a... well, very dark sense of humor.