User:Ragnar Wolfblood
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File:Ragnar Wolfblood
Space Wolf:X6-975-826-109
Commander:Logan Grimnar
Recent History:On route to terra with a small squad of scouts to +++++++++information missing++++++++++++The transport was caught in a warp storm and lost with all hands. Last transmission as follows: It's pulling us in. Emperor protect.......++++++transmission ends++++++++
Thought of the day: Be vigilant for the enemy never tires
Ragnar's log:
I have had a vision of a kraken, it has told me to seek out it's legion if I wanted to survive the upcoming war, I asked it what it meant but it merely vanished. I woke to find myself lying next to the ruined drop pod we had used to escape the warp storm. The storm managed to glance us as we left and samaged the pod. It had opened before we hit ground and I had fallen the last bit. The fall had destroyed my armour and weapons, but upon looking at the crashed pod I realised how lucky I had been half my pack were dead, the other half I couldn't account for. I dumped my armour and weapons and started scavenging for replacements. I heard a moan and turned to see Aroth shuffling towards me, but he was obviously dead with his two hearts impaled by shrapnel. THe rest of the pack started to rise beside him and they were all obviously dead. I ran towards the nearest road. I met up with a band of soldiers, but their gear was definately outdated. I asked them the year and was surprised when they replied 2007. Their leader, Nuabreed told me of their glorious leader the octopope, when I was shown the image I was surprised to see it's resemblence to the kraken in my vision. He explained their mission to slay the undead menace and I have agreed to help. I have managed to scavenge some crude armour andweapons from different buildings.
I have become seperated from the rest of the legion and am now conducting geurilla raids on nearby police departments to clear them of the undead and barricade them from further infestation. By Russ I swear I will find the rest of my pack and stop this menace. Hopefully I will also find a way home.
I have been re-united with the legion and am currently conducting a refreshed attack on these vile undead.
Basic Firearms Training
Pistol Training
Advanced Pistol Training
Shotgun Training
Advanced Shotgun Training
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Free Running
NecroTech Employment
Lab Experience
First Aid
Body Building