User:Richard Shears

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  • Written as it was found, never proofread.*

The Second Kingston TheSecondSurvivor TheTrueSurvivor TheOriginalSurvivor


Born on October 21, 1974. Lived in Malton his whole life, but didn't make it through the quarantine zone in time and was stuck in this city of death. Since 2005, has been wandering around. While rummaging through the remains of a collapsed house, he found an empty journal, and began sharing his thoughts, experiences, fears, and hopes.

This is his story.


November 1, 2008

I have no idea what just happened. I'm sitting here, writing. But I died. I remember as I went outside during that night, October 23, I was attacked by a zombie. It killed me, I think... How am I supposed to know? Maybe I got knocked out. No, it would have killed me if I got knocked out. All I know is that today, I woke up on the street, paralysed. It took all my strength to stand up. There was a loud, almost deafining buzzing in my ears, that slowly faded away. I felt wild as adrenaline rushed through my body. Was I...a zombie? And if I was, how am I human. Did I kill anyone? All these questions, no answers. i need to research this, but it's a comforting idea death isn't permanent in this town.

Anyways, after I got up, I walked south. It was all ruined where I was, Pennville I believe. Then Fryerbank. No idea where I am. I found a fort, like i was talking about. Only problem is, it's ruined. Zombies everywhere. No safe spots. I found some barricaded buildings, but they were empty. I'd be defenseless if they got in. I walked into a factory, I'm gonna go look around now. If I'm still alive tomorrow, you'll hear from me...If not, well...Nevermind.

October 23, 2008

I never knew I was so close to the edge of the quarintine zone. Upon leaving the junkyard for the first time in a few days, I decided I would go south and see where it took me. However, as I traveled south just a block or two, I saw a giant wall, barbed wire, and miniguns all facing me. I turned around... I ended up heading out northeast, and encountered many more zombies than usual. by the time I had reached the sign that said "Thank you for visting Hollomstown, and "Welcome to Danversbank", I had encountered many ruined buildings, blood flecked on their walls, and at least 15 zombies.

As I sat down, a zombie attacked me. Luckily, I was not bit. I was, however, bleeding pretty badly. As I went into Penny Heights, I discovered a refreshing sight...non-ruined buildings. I also found Joachim Mall, about half of it ruined and it was completely empty. Only 2 zombies. I was able to rummage through a drug store, and I found a first aid kit. I was able to heal my wounds up ok (thank good for that first aid class I took in high school), but I discovered I couldn't enter most of the buildings I entered. I ended up staying a ruined building, doors open. I hope they don't find me.

October 22, 2008

Well, today I stayed in the junkyard again. I found fuel can, a knife, another pipe (wierd) amongst other things. I also starting reading a do it yourself book, but it seemed dull. Not sure why I need to know about Microsoft Word in a city without computers anyways. I read a newpaper I found too. It was starting to rot, after three years in the open. Still, it said not to barricade buildings too greatly, or other survivors can't get in. Kind of bitter sweet, I guess. Keeps zombies and humans out...I don't know.

Also, there was another building I was going to spend the night in. It was called Huggins Avenue Fire Station, according to the sign outside. There were lots of survivors inside, and the lights were on, so I thought it was a good idea. Instead, I ended up staying in the junkyard. Lucky for me. It turns out, as I went inside that building today, that it was broken into and destroyed by zombies as I slept. The floor was covered in blood. There were a lot of sleeping people in there. I doubt many made it out.

October 21, 2008

So, I just found a journal, figured I'd do some writing. I'm not gonna explain how this happened, who I am, or why I'm here. I'm just Richard Shears, average joe. Come to think of it, if your reading this, you probably know more than I do about this "event".

Today, I found myself in a bank. No money, unfortunatly. Too bad, I really need it in this town... Didn't run into any zombies, which was suprising. Maybe the situation isn't so deir...Yeah, right. I found a cell phone too, not much good, as all my friends are-- Doesn't matter. wasn't that a song? I don't know, don't remember. Anyways, I also found a junkyard. Maybe they aren't just smelly and useless. I ended up finding a pistol clip with three bullets, a pipe, and a crowbar. Now if I find a gun, I'll be all set... Please, I've never fired a gun in my life.

Well, my plans are to head for a fort. I think there's two in Malton. Without a map, I'll just have to use my insticts to guide me. And some street signs, hopefully.

I'll write again when something interesting comes up. this is so stupid, it's like talking to a book. Whatever, better than your self.