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Earl "Scratch" Jackson
Joined: I didn't know the date then and I still don't now.
Character class: Civilian, Monk
Favorite equipment: 6-shooters
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Alive
Character group: BOJCC
Character stats: whole lotta days clean and drunk as hell
Journal: No journal for Earl "Scratch" Jackson

My Story

I guess every 'vivor's got a story. I don't have much of one. I was passed out in my apartment, riding the brown horse through my dreams, and I came around and the building was on fire. I grabbed my gear and got out of there. Spent some time raiding drug stores and hospitals, trying to keep it up, but that was just plain stupid. Can't just ferment up a bunch of golden brown, you know. So off I went and here I am, a brewer and a holy man. Seems like a joke, but I guess the outbreak changes everyone.

About Me

I was a cute kid.
Ah, you can tell I got into drugs here. How else can you explain that fro?
I was clean in jail. Musta been the meatiest I ever was.