User:Seloth/A journalists tail
This story is part of the Malton Chronicles. This story is fan-made, and is not officially part of any background history for Urban Dead. |
A Journalists Tail
Day 1 of the outbreak-Hour 3
- A image appears on televisions tuned on to Sky new of a man in a large dark cream cot,a blue shirt and black pants with fair hair holding a microphone.Across the bottom of the screen in the red bar jutting out is Infectious outbreak in white bold letters.*
The Camera man holds the camera steady feeling un-eased by what he sees,Standing on a large center street road.500m down the road is a large crowed which are being blocked by by Police in heavy riot gear with riot shields block the crowed.Behind them are large SWAT vans and police cars with two police helicopters hovering above.The camera focus in on the reporter"As you can see behind me the infection has spread quite rapidly."His face looks very nervous and he glances behind himself numerous times."The Police which I note are in full riot gear and are wearing bio-hazard masks have blocked off large crowds of the infected.Police officials have asked me to say that if you are still in a undisturbed area of Malton to either evacuate or if you are unable to leave to barricade your self in. "Small explosions are seen in the crowed.The Journalist bends over as if he was in the danger zone.He speaks in a louder more firm voice"The Military are on their way.When asked Prime Minister Tony Blair stated at a news conference that it was a minor incident and that no more than 3oo extra military units shall be sent in.The two local forts have supplied troops in more effected areas bu at present only 50 troops each at present as a majority of them have gone on "war games" against each other" The two forts have a full population of 340 for other of them"
9 large helicopters fly in from over one of the Victorian front styled building which contained a shopping center on the right.A large thunderous noise was followed and the two police helicopters seemed to move further away.The news camera lifted up to focus in on the helicopters.Two large doors opened on each side of them and four zip lines dangled out.Two of the helicopters at either side of the street on top of the Victorian front buildings had men coming out of the helicopters onto the buildings while four others dropped them behind the police.The remaining 3 dropped men into a small opening behind the crowed.Immediately the back portion of the crowed went for the soldiers.
On the television sets all people can hear is guns going off with the site of the police and the helicopters.It seems the military have arrived
Noise of a car horn is going of in the distant along with an ambulance siren.The gun noises increase as the more of the soldiers are firing.All of a sudden and ambulance top appears in view,It is vering violently side to side in the crowd coming closer to the Wall of riot shields.twenty seconds later the ambulance crashes through the police knocking many in to the air.The crowed seemed to be puring through now with most of the riot police abandoning their position.The Military on the roofs and on the road being to fire and move.
"Shit..Shit...Fred we nwed to get out of here fast"A police officer in normals uniform runs over to hte reporter and yells "Get the fuck out of here,Move to a more secure location"
The camera man starts running backwards keeping the focus on the crowed and police and soldiers fighting.The Ambulance was now a long way down the road behind every one.The Journalists is in front of the cameras view at all times.The Crowed start to spped up and break out of the general are of the soldiers and police.The gun noises have also quietened down.
"Fred...FRED,Look over here man,Get in" the journalist and the camera man followed by 3 police men and a soldier go into a small corner shop a the edge of one of the streets buildings.The owner swiftly pulls down the front night cage and locks the door placing furniture around it.The owner and elderly Asian person turns around and swiftly tells them all to go upstairs.The police man in riot gear in the front opens the door behind the counter and runs up a flight of stairs.
Day 1 of the outbreak-Hour 6
The TV shows images from a helicopter of a large crowds of the infected bellow.Cars a re scattered along the street with a over turned swat car below.In areas where the crowed isn't there lies mutilated corpses."As you can see below the infected are still there,We've been given reports thats the Military have set up blockades around the city to prevent further exposer to the virus and that further amounts of military are being sent in along with international militarizes helping such as other Common Wealth states such as Canada and Australia,nations in NATO including France,The USA and Spain,Troops from the Republic of Ireland and U.N peace keepers. "Takes a deep breath there are also various civilian organizations who are sending in volunteers although from what I am being told" Puts hand to ear over a ear piece radio "The military are going to prevent any on going in other than military personnel in the next few hours"
Puts his hand over his ear again "We are getting reports from a Nero Tech source,One of the worlds leading medical companies that these people are the living dead.I am being told that we are being taken to a Secure Nero Tech lab in this city" The Camera cuts away to a lab full of news reporters and camera men.Strapped to a bed in one of the infected,The are violently try to get out and make rasping noises.A man in a large white coat comes up,He was a medical mask over his mouth.He brandishes gun and beings to shoot the infected in various places except for the head.The infected shudders for a moment but then continues his escape attempt."As you can see" Says the Nero tech scientist"The infected continues to move.We have carried out similar tests and have removed major organs from them.They continue to function with out them.However,If struck enough times or take a direct shot to the head" Fires his pistol once and the infected is hit in the forehead and stops moving "then the infected will be killed.If you are bitten you will die within 5 minuets unless you can find disinfectant.This will stop the spread of infection.But if you do not stop it or you are killed by the infected you will die and then become one of them.We have been told that any one with in the Malton area has already be infected.if you are killed in any way you will become one of these,"
The camera breaks from this and changes over to a military official"Ahem...As already stated the city will be put into quarantine until further notice.Until a permanent cure is found no one will be allowed leave the city. "
The camera breaks and goes back to the journalist in Malton "Well..we...Well as said we can" the transmission cuts."What the hell is going on" says the journalist.
The soldier replies "The military don't want people finding out whats going on in here.They've probably set up this weird shit outside the city to stop transmissions like yours."
Day 2 of the outbreak-Hour 10
- Well as you can see were still in the same area*Camera records but doesn't transmit anything,The Journalist rubs his forehead which is intensely sweaty.*We are planing on moving out soon,Probably head to one of the army's set ups.*The Camera switches off*
Day 2 of the outbreak-Hour 13
- The group of seven are running down a road,The camera bounces up and down as it goes down the street,only scattered groups of the Undead are on the street.They run down the street and turn a corner,Moving around a over turned ford focus.The group stops and the cmaera focus in on 100's of undead*Shit...We need to turn aro...*Around the corner charges horse backed riot police.There are two dozen of them,Sweeping through the crowd knocking over anything in their way and using batons to hit those on the side of them.They cross the street and go off into another going out of view.Screams of terror come from behind the camera,It swoops around and shows the Journalist being attacked by three undead with the 5 others attacking an on coming horde.The camera man Fred drops the camera,It bounces off the ground and then lies motionless.A red haired man,tall and skinny with a beard running down a empty road,in the background there are gunshots and screams with the moans of the undead.Fred is coming to a crossroad,When crossing the road out of nowhere a Military truck comes down the street and hits Fred,Not even noticing it continues to drive and goes out of view into another road.
To be continued.