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Life Story

Snakeyes is the name, Slaughter's the game! Countless of zombies have fallen at my feet in a pools of there own blood with a only a crater where there brain used to be but the same goes to all of you reading this so there's no real point of bragging about this... Well anyway, where does my story begain.... AH now i remember! My first and only character's name is "Jake the Engineer". Of course the begaining of the game was horrible! Dieing over and over, trying to get into buildings because I didn't have "Free run", and my Accuracy was 5% because apparently My character was too much of a Dumbass to know that your supposed to aim the gun first THEN shoot them. After a 2-3 week of walking around like a idiot, I looked for a group to join. The list of course was filled with Random zombie groups, Bloodthirsty Pkers, and The average Pro-Survivor Groups, There where only two that caught my eye, The UBCS and the UC. Now, I have been a fan of the Resident Evil series sense I was a kid and it kind of whent with the game. It all whent down to a coin toss and i ended up in the UBCS. I signed up, walked over half of the game trying to get to home base..., Got threw boot- camp, and was started with the lowest rank of private and started my job in alpha team. I've been allways trying desperately to climb up the ranks and i got some friends in Real life into urbandead as well (Treb and Ryan). While i was here i made many friends, enemys and have seen my fair share of drama and betrayal. I am still in the UBCS today and for 7 months i only ranked up once...sad isn't it? And Thats Pretty much it...

54315.jpg Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service
This User is a member of the U.B.C.S.

131363-77563-alucard super.jpg


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Requester: Snakeyes130 04:03, 25 August 2009 (BST)
Reason: I need to change Snakeyes130/Snakeyes to Snakeyes130/Jake the Engineer because Jake the engineer is my character's name, not snakeyes.
Destination: As said in the Reason i need it changed to Snakeyes130/Jake the Engineer.