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Edgecombe Pegton

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
55 Chanter Alley Police Department Coomer Square Chanter Alley Police Department a junkyard The Collinns Building Webber Boulevard St. Birgitta's Church Dinham Alley Police Department Aldhous Drive Whale Road 55
56 Frye Auto Repair Pegg Square Railway Station Sarell Plaza Cape Avenue Police Department Bunt Place School a warehouse Perks Avenue Railway Station Howes Square School The Norvell Arms Dolbridge Street 56
57 Club Somerton St. Ethelbert's Church Southcott Plaza Fire Station a warehouse Stadling Walk Police Department Tilly Row Police Department Bellis Park Herick Bank Jotcham Bank a warehouse 57
58 The Clatworthy Arms The Tredaway Building Pellatt Auto Repair Oldidge Way The Maver Building The Custard Museum The Breay Building Keppel Towers William Grove Bidgway Way 58
59 St. Deusdedit's Hospital The Corp Building Cottrill Square Taverner Towers Pollitt Street School Leaman Grove School Whitlock Way Railway Station Jacquet Walk Pasmore Alley Blobole Park 59
60 Scallon Lane The Leggetter Motel a carpark Dinwoodie Auto Repair Peter General Hospital Club Threadgould Shyar Cinema Chatwin Library Gelasius General Hospital The Dinovan Monument 60
61 Dane Street Police Department Pullinger Auto Repair Morrell Bank Court Street Rillie Cinema wasteland Goddard Way Club Atthill St. John's Cathedral St. John's Cathedral 61
62 Stickling Park Burt Square Police Department The Elsbury Arms The Rishton Building Birkbeck Alley The Godfry Museum The Buckett Building Boulter Way St. John's Cathedral St. John's Cathedral 62
63 Nickols Drive The Mydleham Building Plummer Avenue Bruton Lane Vautier Place School wasteland The Pearson Monument Ling Boulevard Police Department Attrill Bank Lister Alley 63
64 Whitehorn Grove TargetReport/Edgecombe-Pegton-Crowbank-Vinetown Brely Avenue Billings Way The Beville Hotel Bickley Street Stanbury Lane Blabey Drive Bubcar Towers The Pilyer Hotel 64
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

Crowbank Vinetown

Repaired Ruined Lit Repaired No update in last 24h Lit Status unknown Status Unknown
Acourt Library EHB Acourt Library VHB Acourt Library HB Acourt Library VSB
Acourt Library QSB Acourt Library Lightly 'caded Acourt Library Loosely 'caded Acourt Library Doors