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~ Santlerville ~
~ Heytown ~

70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
25 St Spyridon's Hospital Grene Boulevard Steel Crescent Fliney Avenue Yandle Plaza the Hall Building Novell Walk Heckworthy Towers (MPM) Waddon Towers Braker Cinema 25
26 Peden Drive Burrough Row Fire Station Tewkesbury Square Pinchin Avenue a junkyard The Goodridge Building the Sweatman Motel St Emelia's Church a cemetery Franks Grove 26
27 St Matthew's Hospital Club Shelley a warehouse the Binning Monument wasteland a carpark Chivers Avenue the Anthony Building2 the Pace Monument Ayling Road School 27
28 Paice Street Dennis Row Fire Station Bowyer Auto Repair0 Syme Avenue the Dewes Building1 Dowdney Mall0 Dowdney Mall Marston Walk St Boniface's Hospital St. Wilfrid's Church 28
29 Pincoffs Boulevard Gable Crescent Railway Station Dwelly Alley Fortune Street Austwick Square Dowdney Mall Dowdney Mall wasteland Popham Auto Repair wasteland 29
30 The Wrigley Building Oakley Crescent The Haynes Monument Satchell Place Sixtus General Hospital Surridge Place Club Hesse wasteland Horwill Park Swale Grove 30
31 French Avenue Saddington Alley The Ryan Building Taylour Street Harry Row The Syms Museum wasteland Warren Bank wasteland Hayte Row 31
32 The Ashment Building Chavasse Bank Fitzmaurice Park St. Onuphrius's Church Chaffey Alley Police Department Rawkins Plaza Burchall Cinema The Morris Building The Dymond Monument Windham Street Railway Station 32
33 wasteland Outram Drive wasteland Keyford Grove School Maishman Crescent a warehouse Woollcombe Way The Bowles Museum Coomb Park St. Swithun's Church 33
34 The Dyett Arms Cull Boulevard Railway Station The Bustin Building Gwilliam Boulevard Railway Station McMullen Crescent Hussey Lane The Self Hotel Demack Way Inder Library Jarnell Walk 34
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Repaired Ruined Lit Repaired No update in last 24h Lit Status unknown Status Unknown
Acourt Library EHB Acourt Library VHB Acourt Library HB Acourt Library VSB
Acourt Library QSB Acourt Library Lightly 'caded Acourt Library Loosely 'caded Acourt Library Doors