User:Victor Vandregas/VV's Journal

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Victor Vandregas - Confessions of an Ice-Cold Teenage Zombie Slayer

It has occurred to me that I can’t stick around Malton forever. As much as I’d hate to leave The Fortress, I realise I can’t continue living like this. I’ll eventually have to find a way out of this godforsaken city. I’ve chosen to begin keeping a journal to record my thoughts, feelings, and the various predicaments I’m doubtless gonna find myself in, so I have a means of immortalising my experiences in Malton.

Sunday, 17th August 2008

Don’t ask me why, but for some reason, the wedding that took place recently struck a chord within me. It seems odd that such emotions can still flourish in surroundings like this, but unsurprising. The lonely side of me, the one that’s had me looking for Miss Right for god knows how long, is almost jealous of the happy couple; probably because no other members of The Fortress are my age. But I manage to remain indifferent, and that is what matters. I can’t let such thoughts distract me in any way.

I suppose I'll just have to Stay Vigilant. Besides, if it happened to Crowbar and Elaine, it could happen to me. All I need to do is find Miss Right... if, that is, she is anywhere to be found in the hellhole that is Malton.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Wow. Has it been that long?

I must apologise for my negligence in maintaining this journal, but at least I have something to write about. It's been a hectic time for Cold Cell recently, constantly moving from suburb to suburb and operation to operation. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed the hospitality of one of the Fortresses.

I've been somewhat bored of late. Being stuck trying to retake the same two Malls for over a month gets very old. But at least now the tide has turned and we've gained a foothold. The target Malls should soon be in our hands, and then it's off to pastures new.

Speaking of pastures new... I've been looking at the border almost every day and wishing I was home. I can't understand why the government thought the best course of action would be to quarantine the city and leave its civilians to die. Surely it would be more effective to simply educate the Army on how to kill a zombie and send them in to stamp out the infection rather than leaving us caught in this stalemate forever. It's infuriating to know that that concrete wall is all that stands between us and normality.

But wishing isn't going to get me back to my family. For now, The Fortress is my family; my refuge in the midst of the chaos. For now, I shall fight to see our mission through. I will either escape this hell on earth, or remain trapped inside long enough to see the undead scourge wiped off the face of our planet.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Recently I've been taking a look at my Combat Team - all the newbies coming up through the ranks, the older members beginning to surpass me - and I've begun to question my role in the massive, well-oiled machine that is The Fortress. If it weren't for my deathly fear of responsibility, I'd be shooting up with the rest of them, but I keep asking myself; if I try to advance, what if I mess up and make a fool of myself? The last thing I want is to be handed more responsibility than I can handle and screw everything up because I can't cut it.

So here I am, stuck in a dead-end role as the grunt of the team, having achieved next to nothing compared to the others. God knows I want to do more, to actually be remembered for something while I'm here... but do I have what it takes?

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Not much to write about, really. The Cell's been thriving under Yeas' command, as is to be expected, and I've been following orders as usual. My next big target is the Assassin ABA, but without being able to actively hunt down a target my opportunities have been pretty much non-existent. It's as if I'm never in the right place at the right time to come across a valid Assassin target. My knife's getting rather dull from lack of use, and that irritates me somewhat.

Oh well. Suppose I'll just have to stay alert the next time we piss a horde off. I'll get my chance soon enough.