User talk:21 charlie
21 Charlie Welcome to my page, ive been around awhile,in this fun little old town of Malton. i jioned the DEM as a humble firefighter back on Dec 29 05.i was staioned at Deveral Walk pd in SouthBlythville that was a hoot of a posting way back then, as i slowly aquired the survival arts in the city i fought the hordes and the stange cult called DARK ORDERof ARMAGEDEN these were a goood opponent for the DEM in the SW of the city. After 12 months of fighting to live and helpping the locals form the gee ave revive point and hold it as a place folks could actually get help, i was finally promoted to FIRE MARSHAL OF THE SW. WELL WE (DEM)Helped a lot of folks out in the days since then and to celebrate 2years in the dept a friend of mine held a party on New Years EVE 07.This was a resounding sucess abd attended by over 140 members of the DEM at any one time there was over 100 gus in the Corfield Arms,it was also attended by Maltons OWN radio survivior--uncle zeddie DEM 2 year service