User talk:Bender Bending Rodriguez
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Policy Discussion
First, welcome to our wiki. Nice to have a rise in user numbers for a change.
Second, I unfortunately had to strike your vote in the Policy Discussion, since it is improperly signed. You need to link to our own userpage rather than to Example User. You can do that either by adding a handle portion in front of the sig, or by adjusting the link of the 555Manbabies.gif part in your sig to User:Bender Bender Rodriguez instead of User:Example User by substing {{Goonsig|Bender Bender Rodriguez}} in the nickname field (as explained here). If you need help with that, feel free to ask me, or any goon who has already adjusted his sig.
Third, it is Jawohl, meine vielen Führer! -- Spiderzed█ 11:37, 7 May 2011 (BST)