User talk:Rushdie
November 4, 2005
I finally found old editions of my lost medical text books off a devoured corpse. Finally I am able to diagnos the ailments of my fellow survivors.
October 30, 2005
Barely made it out of Judgewood alive. My desire to explore has proven too dangerous to be feasible. I must settle in a single suburb to hone my skills before continuing forth.
October 27, 2005
Fuck, fuck, FUCK! I can't believe I left Calcutta for this. Go to America they said; see the world they said; die by the hands of an impenetrable decaying wall of an undead scourge was not what they said. I barely finished medical school at Malton University and now I'm wandering day to day like a dirty untouchable.
To make things worse, there is an extreme shortage of medical supplies. The zombies I had enough courage to face, I only scratched before running screaming into the shadows. I also miss curry.