User talk:Schnurzo

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What incident?

No need to comment on anything. I was just being my grumpy self, as usual, after an unexpected attack. You see, the reason I try to hide in a dark building whenever possible is because it's much harder to attack, or be attacked there. So when I wake up to see myself clawed repeatedly by the same zombie who also attacked me in another dark building the day before, I'm a bit very annoyed.

And no, I wouldn't kill you in that dark building, for the same reason. In your own words, it's a useless burning of APs. And being human, I need to be much more efficient in APs management. Unlike zombies which are destructive in nature, humans have many things to do, requiring lots of APs. Killing you won't serve any purpose except for petty revenge; it wouldn't help survivors' cause as a whole. I'm experienced enough not to do that anymore. In fact, I rarely kill any zombie these days, for I find revival much more useful.

Dual Nature is all well and good. Although I find it strange for you to have more zombie skills than human. To me and many others, that's the sign of a zombie spy. Also, I have my own personal rule not to revive any zombie that are hostile to me. But if you enjoy being undead, that won't be a problem. -- Kittithaj 15:48, 2 November 2010 (UTC)