Zombie Squirrels/dialect

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This is a reference for someone who wishes to get up to speed with the group; it does not define any vocabulary which has not been used in-game.

Nouns in kiZombie are made plural simply by adding a 'z' to the end of the word.

English kiZombie

(Zombie Squirrels)

again agan
barricade barragah
block bagg
eat barg
English mangrh (general)
harm harm
hit bang
human harman
injure harm
kiZombie zamgrh
obstruct bagg
say grh
speak grh
speech grh
squirrel zgarrah
survivor harman
zed zam
zombie zambah

(Zambah Zgarrahz)

agan again
bagg block, obstruct
barragah barricade
bang hit
barg eat
grh speak, speech
harm harm, injure
man human, survivor
mangrh human speech
harman human, survivor
zam zed
zambah zombie
zamgrh kiZombie
zgarrah squirrel