User talk:Zc321: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 08:19, 5 October 2005

Whoa.. I suppose that if the Middlemoor here is the real Middlemoor, then you must be the real zc. Amazing-like. --Daranz-Talk 04:06, 29 Sep 2005 (BST)

Zc321=Stupid ass vandalizer.-EdFanMH

if you type --~~~~ you can sign all your posts like us cool kids. --Radoteur 04:32, 29 Sep 2005 (BST)

This is why I wish you could send electric shocks to said morons. I'd just love to see that happen.--Phalanix 05:08, 29 Sep 2005 (BST)

I'd like to object to the phrase "gay german" as used in your edits. Not so much because Kevan is English, but because it's useage in a manner clearly meant to offend is insulting to gay germans in that it suggests that there is anything wrong with being gay or german. Which simply is not the case. --Markus 06:12, 29 Sep 2005 (BST)

Can I flip off Zc321 now for vandalizing again? Can you also ban him for 50 years from the wiki?--EdFanMH

Is there any page this guy didn't vandalise? I think he hit nearly every page in the wiki. That was quite a spree. --Raelin 10:21, 1 Oct 2005 (BST)

You DO realize that Zc321 will just go back to MASS VANDALIZING everything in sight after his ban is over.--EdFanMH

yea, I can't wait either. --Radoteur 06:03, 2 Oct 2005 (BST)

Next time it's permanent. --LibrarianBrent 06:51, 2 Oct 2005 (BST)
Bout damn time. Lil bastard should have been IP banned from the start of hist little "life of crime". Because hitting that many pages in one sitting (repeatedly) then starting the spree over again after his banning should be enough of a hint that he won't learn. Other than that Glad to see the mods at work. --Phalanix 07:00, 2 Oct 2005 (BST)
He only does it to get a rise out of you. And it's clearly working. --Radoteur 07:18, 2 Oct 2005 (BST)
No not realy getting one out of me. It may seem that way but I'm just used to seeing far strickter punishments delt out to people like him. --Phalanix 08:23, 2 Oct 2005 (BST)

This should be on a new page under "Vandalism" on the wiki: -EdFanMH

ZOMG, oh NOES! If I make people sad I could get IP BANNED over the INTARWEB!!!1!111one1eleven!
WHAT EVA WOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Cpp 06:42, 4 Oct 2005 (BST)

Get the IP ban stick. And the "REPORT IP TO ISP" rocket launcher. Zc321 has returned under a new name.--EdFanMH 03:55, 5 Oct 2005 (BST)

Which is? --LibrarianBrent 05:12, 5 Oct 2005 (BST)
Ha. Good luck getting an ISP to do anything about someone vandalizing an obscure wiki. --Radoteur 09:19, 5 Oct 2005 (BST)