Commonly known on Urban Dead as Shotgami Kayde, who is a female character and based off a fanfic character created in 2001. Supports the kick ass tactics of the New COL. Favorite things are anime, guns, videogames and fanfics. Has writen about 138 fanfic ideas and over.
PS: Metal Gear Online has machine gun abuse and NO ONE FUCKING USES CQC.
Character History
Shotgami Kayde
Born into a family of 2 and the parents of a gunshop in America, she experemented with the different gunpoweder in the guns at age 15. She joined the US National Guard at age 18, and excelled at sharpshooting. But during the flight to Malton, one of her fellow soldiers went rouge and killed the pilot after getting out of the helecopter near a building... she was knocked out and awoke with only her specialized revolver and full-reload clips to save on putting time wasted putting the bullets in individually.