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Revision as of 07:06, 26 July 2009

Trenchcoater is a derogatory term used to refer to survivor characters of a common mindset, particularly those who model themselves and their actions in game after the stereotypical action hero that is seen in movies, though there are other common memes.

History of the term

The term "trenchcoater" has been around for almost as long as the game itself. No one knows how the term came about, but it has universally been a term of derision towards those deemed to be "trenchies" by both zombie players and the more sensible survivor players of the game.

Trenchcoater mindset

There are a number of common memes that most trenchcoaters share, though they are not all present in each individual. Below is a listing of many of these concepts.

Belief in the possibility of total victory

Many trenchcoaters believe in the possibility of finally ridding the game of the zombie menace, usually through some form of unprecedented revive strike. They believe that this is, in fact, a good thing for the game, rather than a bad thing because they seem to think that the game exists to be won, rather than to have a steady state conflict with neither side winning.

Tendancy to complain when losing

Many trenchcoaters fail to see the ways the game balance is weighted. Instead of believing that they lost because the other side just plain outfought them, they instead complain that the game is unbalanced in the favour of the other side. This is not always untrue, however. That said, in most cases, it is merely the fact that the trenchcoater refuses to accept that he lost because of his own deeds, or because he set himself a task beyond his means. Such individuals often claim zombies are overpowered, especially when hordes have knocked over large portions of the map in thier infrequent massive rampages.

Failure to understand the concepts behind game mechanics

This is most obvious in the Suggestions pages, where trenchcoaters propose one sided human buffs with some regularity. Examples of suggestions by Trenchcoaters include numerous Rifle suggestions, suggestions to give people the ability to shoot out windows, and very rarely, suggestions to make NPC zombies for them to shoot at.

Hand in hand with this is the fact that Trenchcoaters often do not understand that by killing a zombie on the streets, they waste, at most, 15 of its ap standing back up again, trading off for that 15ap the ap you spent loading the weapons, finding the zombie, killing the zombie, and headed back to a safe haven.

Do not see the other side as players

Believe shooting zombies outside is effective

"Action Hero"

Desire to lead (Military themed)

Many trenchcoaters found groups with them as the only person. These groups are usually seen having a complex system of organization (seen as several squads or subgroups,) despite the fact that the trenchcoater is the only member of the group. These groups usually fail quickly and go inactive, or are abandoned by the trenchcoater for a newer group.

It's clear that trenchcoaters have a desire to lead groups, but don't seem to have a desire to learn off older, more experienced players. For this reason, groups founded by trenchcoaters usually fail.



Trench coat.jpg Trenchcoater
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.