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*[[Final Resistance]]
*[[Final Resistance]]
[[Category:Groups]] [[Category:PKer Groups]]
[[Category:PKer Groups]]

Latest revision as of 05:03, 21 April 2013

This data is compiled from groups who have encountered the secretive PKer group known as Heathers or The Heathers.
This is not their group page, as they have none.

This page is a public forum for any group to post information they learn about Heathers.
If we put our heads together, perhaps we can solve the mystery of who these people are and why they attack specific survivors at random.

General Information

Little is known about the group that calls themselves "Heathers"...

We do know that they are definitely PKers. They slip in, PK someone, and then vanish.

We also theorize that they may be using zerging scouts to locate their targets. This is supported by the speed of their ability to accurately located a specific target, and kill that player. Their record for identifing a selected victim and PKing him stands at about 2 hours after revivification. For such a small group to be so quick and accurate suggests either some sort of game exploit, or a vast number of scouts gathering intel. Coordinating such scouts would be extremely difficult for a larger group, so zergs of one or two people are better employed. As we all know, zergs employed as extra sets of eyes do not need to fight or search, and may then suffer from none of the zerging countermeasures in the game.

We also know that they hire independent bounty hunters to prosecute their "bounty list" (see below for more data on this list).

Heathers is suspected of being a group of primarily female players, although why they are being so cruel to everyone else is uncertain...

A more in depth look at the Heathers is provided by Dr. Schwan [[1]]

Heathers' PKing Records

Retaliation / Bounties

A Secretive Bunch

Most of Heathers appears to operate in secret. They have no known Wiki page, and their method of coordination is uncertain.

Many members do not place their group name in their profiles, making them difficult to find.

If everyone could spread the word about The Heathers it would be much appreciated.


Could Heathers be alts of the Feral Undead? The fact that the FU have little respect for FedCom, and the timeline of their activity raises the question. The fact that every known member of Heathers with the group name in their profile has a low number of skills, supports the theory that they may be new alts of more experienced players. They could even be alts of one or two players, and since to find their targets, they must spend a lot of time scouting about, which zergs can do with no penalty; of course, that raises a whole new line of questions about Heathers...
Within a week of increased FedCom agressiveness against the FU, and within a month of Operation Revival, which took away their former post-Bash playground, Heathers appeared and deliberately targeted the FU's least respected foe, the leader of FedCom. It is well known that the FU have alts as close as Pennville, and while they continually claim that these alts are not collecting data on survivor activity, some coincidences and precisely timed attacks by the FU have raised some doubts about such claims.
With the validity of anything the FU says regarding the matter unverifiable, we survivors need to keep on our toes and stick together. Pennville: unite and stand firm against the FU and Heathers!
As the leader of the leader of the Feral Undead i can tell you that without a shadow of a doubt our members are in no way related to the Heathers. Only a few FU members indulge in PKing, and those that do PK like to take the credit for it, being sneaky just isn't our groups style. FedCom accusing the Feral Undead of being involved with the Heathers makes no more sense than the Feral Undead accusing FedCom of being involved with the Heathers. -Bullgod 02:47, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
While Witnessing one of their PKs I saw that their Ransom note mentions Red Rum. What's that about?--Rogue 05:00, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Red Rum? Odd, they PK, but from what I know, they aren't at all secretive about it. Who was getting PK'd? --Zap 15:07, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
Actually, a friend of mine found a spraypaint tag in Fryerbank of a tinyurl to [2]. My best guess is that either the Heathers are trying to get Red Rum into trouble like they did by claiming to be allied with the Feral Undead, or Red Rum just has some explaining to do here. It's also quite clear that they do check the wiki. --Zap 19:53, 14 December 2006 (UTC)
I tell you this right now, they are not alts of zombies. I can't tell you how I found out but I have confirmed that they aren't

The Heathers Bounty List

Qualifications for getting on this list are unknown.

Some of these claimed "bounties" have referenced PKing, but these claims are false. No evidence of any PKing has ever been presented.
It is also suspected that just being the leader of a survivor group is enough to warrent being placed on this list. This is disturbing and incredibly unfair, to say the least...

Innocent people have appeared on this list and have been ruthlessly PKed over and over again for no logical reason whatsoever.
Beyond saying that they are claiming a bounty on you, Heathers members never say what your crime was or allow you any chance to challenge the bounty or review their list.

If you find yourself suddenly being killed mercilessly by people who refer to a "bounty by Heathers", you may be a victim of this list.

Heathers employs independent bounty hunters and hitmen as mercenaries to murder people on its list. They receive instructions about the target via a Yahoo! Mail address, but no further information is known at this time.

This list is totally unsanctioned and unrecognized by the Urban Dead community.
You may very well be placed on this list simply because you have done nothing wrong.
Some people could be added just because Heathers does not like the name or nature of that person, such as group leaders. The inclusion of members of the Feral Undead on this list can be considered evidence that Heathers and the FU are not related entities.

Victims of this "bounty list"

  1. dr cox
  2. FedCom President
  3. Micro Miner
  4. Alan Dekalb
  5. Gunjax
  6. Hempress
  7. Anomanus
  8. Captain Kiryuu
  9. D for D
  10. Rick McBride
  11. fagboy
  12. fritz07
  13. Grimm Warpath
  14. Super holt 2

Heathers Membership

The total Heathers group membership is unknown.

Past numbers on the stats page point toward at least 15 members who have had the group in their profile, but we suspect most of their members remain annonymous.
This count has been dropping steadily over the past week, and has now dropped below 10...

This list is meant to locate and track Heathers' wherabouts and criminal activity:

Name Last known location Last sighting Rogues Gallery bounties Member of Heathers?
Dr Munoz the Whatmore Building [45,16] 20:12, 23 October 2006 (BST) 6 Bounty Hunter
Johnny Lawrence Colglough Building [85,95] 8:30, 06 May 2010 (GMT-7) Bounty Hunter
Heather Lovecraft Colglough Building [85,95] 8:30, 06 May 2010 (GMT-7) CONFIRMED
Fizbit Lumbar Mall [99,78] 09:06, 29 October 2006 (GMT-6) Bounty Hunter
Heather Graham the Garniss Building [73,86] 04:45, 10 October 2006 (BST) NOT a member
Heather Heather Lavington Crescent Police Dept [10,79] 16:24, 8 November 2006 (UTC) CONFIRMED
Heather In Leather a cemetery [85,86] 00:36, 18 October 2006 (GMT-5) CONFIRMED
Heather Locklear Lavington Crescent Police Dept [10,79] 17:02, 8 November 2006 (UTC) CONFIRMED
Heather Quinn Lumbar Mall [99,78] 09:22, 29 October 2006 (GMT-6) CONFIRMED
Mark Brandon Read a cemetery [87,90] 18:24, 23 October 2006 (BST) Bounty Hunter
Rikki Tikki Tavi a junkyard [79,82] 20:18, 1 November 2006 (UTC) 1 Bounty Hunter
some dirtbag the Sevier Building. [97,70] 06:00 , 17 December 2006 (GMT-5) Bounty Hunter
Wasp Biter Lumbar Mall [99,78] 09:25, 29 October 2006 (GMT-6) Bounty Hunter
Big Daddy Bambi1 The Luff Building [86, 88] 1:20, 14 December 2006 (GMT-5) CONFIRMED
Heather Hunter Solomon Cinema [69,76] 13:48, 20 December 2006 CONFIRMED
Heather Gratuitous Pole Mall [53,80] 8:55, 26 August 2007 (GMT-5) CONFIRMED

Could all sightings be recorded as soon as possible to try and stomp out these bastards?

Heathers Propaganda

The following graffiti has been attributed to Heathers:

this building belongs to the Heathers
Light as a Heather, stiff as a board!
Shoe Shopping and Global Domination! - Heathers
Fizbit pee'd on FedCom President, again
Vote Heather for Homecoming Queen!
Heather pee'd on Fedcom President
FedCom - KIA daily by the Heathers
KIA daily by the Heathers
Beware the Four Heathers of the Apocalypse
The Heathers are watching you, Micro Miner
FedCom Pres begs for MORE bodyguards! Apply within
Heathers and the Feral Undead, cleaning up Pennville!
The Heathers are watching you, Brain.

Enemies of Heathers

Heathers has pissed off the following groups: