Club Traves: Difference between revisions

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coordinates=38, 40|
coordinates=38, 40|
NW_location=[[Picton Way]]<br /><small>([[Richmond Hills]])</small>|NW_color=Street|
NW_location=[[Picton Way]]<br /><small>([[Richmond Hills]])</small>|NW_color=Street|
N_location=[[Roe Crescent]]<br /><small>([[Richmond Hills]])</small>|N_color=Street|
N_location=[[Roe Crescent (Richmond Hills)|Roe Crescent]]<br /><small>([[Richmond Hills]])</small>|N_color=Street|
NE_location=[[the Froom Building]]<br /><small>([[Richmond Hills]])</small>|NE_color=Building|
NE_location=[[the Froom Building]]<br /><small>([[Richmond Hills]])</small>|NE_color=Building|
W_location=[[Bryan Place Fire Station]]|W_color=Fire Station|
W_location=[[Bryan Place Fire Station]]|W_color=Fire Station|
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===Barricade Policy===
===Barricade Policy===
It varies at all times.
Whatever you are in the mood for.

===Current Status===
===Current Status===
A new multi-cultural center has arisen, come join in the fun and tolerance. Direct all drink orders to lametastic, our barkeep and no killing or dumping of any sort. Enjoy yourself.
So FUN ! Come and see for yourself.
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    *  CyAdora said "yeah, wonderful, Thriller Knight ! *claps wildly and watches everyone's smiling*" (yesterday)
    * Solemn Epekon said "Hrm...Actually, someone kill me. I'd prefer it were a zed, just kill me so that I could try my hand at abit of zombish, won't you?" (yesterday)
    * Solemn Epekon said "I want to join in on this fun!" (yesterday)
    * A zombie killed Solemn Epekon. (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Gharaaamn! Gh!n gh!zz?" (yesterday)
    * Solemn Epekon rose from the dead as a zombie. (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "RANAHAN RAH!AH RA-HAR-H!N HAR HAH-!, HARMANZ" (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Rahn-hah, Ram-az-ah. Ah rah Bah-!n hra zambah nah!" (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Rahz-h!ng, Rahz-h!ng." (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Ah-HAM" (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "BAH ZAH-AH-AR-HAH BAH GARR!" (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Ah. Ah. Hra. Ah. Ah. Rah. Ah. Ah. Gah. Ah. Ah." (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Ah arh-h!-arh!z Harh-h!-bah." (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Ah harh-h!-bah zambah am!, Gah, Zmazh harmanz! Mahz! Hra barh-!-gazz!z nah ga ah-g!n mah hanz!" (yesterday)
    * CyAdora said "yeah zombie, Solemn ! *dances and sings along, spilling her drink on her a bit, she glistens in the lights*" (yesterday)
    * CyAdora said "ok, four is our allowable limit for inside zeds, I cant not get my licence revoked or we are all out of luck here." (yesterday)
    * CyAdora said "anyone else wishing to be a zed, please sign the waiting list on the bar. *points to a clipboard hanging on the wall behind the bar* and remember to play nice and love each other." (yesterday)
    * Simon Amor injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (yesterday)
    * Solemn Epekon stood up. (yesterday)
    * Solemn Epekon said "Thanks Simon, except I didn't want a rez..." (yesterday)
    * Solemn Epekon said "Ach vell! I'll live." (yesterday)
    * CyAdora said "its all good my friends.. its the circle of life... love yourself in every way." (yesterday)
    * A zombie said "Bang bang harmanz, ghz!aaz?" (yesterday)
    * CyAdora said "yes, I need a drink... a round on the house, my good barkeep !" (yesterday)
    * Pvt Vinduska said "Guess i should do something eh." (yesterday)
    * CyAdora said "yes Vind.. go find a hockey stick, pool cue and a newspaper.. and some FAK if you can fit them, and something nice to wear." (22 hours and 56 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Rh am hrngrh" (22 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "oh, did you ask for a hug ? *gives Sgt Granamyr a really big hug and snuggle*" (22 hours and 35 minutes ago)
    * Pvt Vinduska said "wait what do i need more FAKs so for me to leave or something" (19 hours and 30 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "yes Vind, we will be needing FAK, even more so when you say stupid shit. How did that ski pole feel ? QUICK shots everyone. *passes everyone small glass filled with bright green liquid* drink up." (18 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * Solemn Epekon said "Ackland is in trouble. I must be off!" (17 hours and 19 minutes ago)
    * Solemn Epekon said "20 zeds in Ackland. Well, 19 after I was through with them." (17 hours and 16 minutes ago)
    * A flare was fired 12 blocks to the east and 7 blocks to the north. [50-33] (15 hours and 10 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Ghagh mhrn!ng an hra hag!" (14 hours and 44 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Good morning to you too lametasticc, I hope you slept well. Zombie hamocks, you guys were quite cute all lightly swinging, and one of you sure can snore, I think you all might have to drink more tonight." (11 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * A flare was fired 3 blocks to the west and 7 blocks to the south. [35-47] (9 hours and 39 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Harm Zaamnz bra!nz?" (8 hours and 24 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Hrrh rrrbrh" (7 hours and 54 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 52 minutes ago)
    * raghorn said "Still looking for my teddy bear. Have you seen him?" (6 hours and 46 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Hrrh rrrbrh" (6 hours and 44 minutes ago)
    * Fnordo said "uhm, weird, what is this here?" (5 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    * Fnordo said "Are some of you bored or smth?" (5 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    * S0S said "OMG! So many friendly faces! Hi all!" (2 hours and 26 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "Greetings, everyone! I'd like to order a beer, please" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Ganna nam harmanz...." (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Nam harmanz bra!nz!" (1 hour and 47 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Ah ganna nam harmanz bra!nz" (1 hour and 31 minutes ago)
    * S0S said "/me thanks CyAdora for the revive and says hello to the familiar faces in here" (1 hour and 19 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "hHAMNMNHR anGB ZMHAMNZZHRmHA HGHR ZZMNNMb HGMZaBBHAMZRZ" (exactly 1 hour ago)
    * CyAdora said "hello and welcome to Club Travers" (59 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "tonight we will cover the basics of drinking, in zedbonics" (57 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "bHAHAMZ is beer, MZHAGB ZMARnHA is red wine, ZMhARHGHA ZMARnHA is white wine and RZHRGBa is soda." (55 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "if you would like to participate, feel free to have your tabs open to" (54 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "ZMhHAMZHA ARRZ HGhHA baHGhMZHRHRm ? is usefull for finding the Lu or WC." (47 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "before you skip out on your bill please... hHRZM mNMZZh GBHR AR HRZMHA RAHRNM? find out how much you owe." (42 minutes ago)
    * Simon Amor brought down the last of the barricades. (35 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Harra mah ba!zz!" (34 minutes ago)
    * Simon Amor began to rebuild the barricades, using a broken door. (34 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "MZaARRZHA HGhHA ZZaGBHARZ BZMNHAaRZHA raise the cades please" (33 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "and for a job well done, HGhanBG RAHRNM ZRHRMZ ZZaGBARng RZARmHRn thank you for cading Simon" (32 minutes ago)
    * A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (30 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at CyAdora. (30 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "nHRZM ZRHRMZ HGhHA mHRMZHA manHRMZRZ baRZHAGB BZHRMZHGARHRn HRZR HGHRGBaRARZ ZMHRMZBGRZhHRBZ now for the more manors based portion of todays workshop" (30 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at Solemn Epekon. (30 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Rrrrh mrh" (30 minutes ago)
    * Driel began to rebuild the barricades, using some seats. (28 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at Simon Amor. (28 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured to the north. (27 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured to the south. (27 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "you look lovely in your Ackland Mall Staff shirt today" (26 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "and if it arises: AR bHAMNARHABBHA HGhHA zARBZBZHAMZ HRn RAHRNMMZ HGMZHRNMRZHAMZRZ ARRZ GBHRZMn I believe the zipper on your trousers is down" (24 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "for all of you eager men out there, ZMHRNMMNGB RAHRNM ZZaMZHA HGHR GBanZZHA? would you care to dance?" (21 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "ZZan RAHRNM hHAMNBZ mHA HRZRZR ZMARHGh HGhARRZ? means can you help me off with this? in those times that you might want to step upstairs to enjoy each other better." (14 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "thank you all for coming today, and remember its not about winning, its about savoring the bits in between" (8 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "yes...*a smile bursting forth on her flushed face, she walks over to the bar and looks at lametastic hopefully*" (5 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "ZZan AR BZMNHAaRZHA gHAHG a bHAHAMZ, lametastic ?"
    *  Solemn Epekon said "Fuck, the new update includes zed buffs and LESS damn FAK's. I have but one! The WHORES." (20 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    * The lights came on inside Bryan Place Fire Station. (19 hours and 56 minutes ago)
    * OatmealHat said "hey" (13 hours and 9 minutes ago)
    * Driel said " *borrows my Thor and goes to the bathroom" (12 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*follows Driel with a camera*" (12 hours and 38 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at the generator. (12 hours and 11 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Harm ganarazarh?" (12 hours and 11 minutes ago)
    * A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west and 6 blocks to the south. [32-46] (11 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Thriller, dont touch the generator please, I need it for the smoke machine, stage lights and the ice maker." (11 hours and 42 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "*gestures at one of the zombies" (11 hours and 14 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "a barh, braahz" (11 hours and 13 minutes ago)
    * CMDMASTER said "what going on" (8 hours and 42 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Marh gamh nahz barh Zharh-zag!" (8 hours and 3 minutes ago)
    * A flare was fired 11 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the north. [49-37] (5 hours and 22 minutes ago)
    * Vigilis said "Simon! It's a pleasure to meet you." (4 hours and 7 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*as she steps upto the microphone, * now for something we can all do together." (3 hours and 52 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*pointing to the lipstick words written accross her chest...*" (3 hours and 51 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "It's astounding, time is fleeting, Madness takes its toll" (3 hours and 51 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "But listen closely, not for very much longer, I've got to keep control" (3 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "I remember doing the TIme Warp,Drinking those moments when" (3 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling" (3 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Let's do the time warp again..." (3 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Let's do the time warp again!" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "It's just a jump to the left, ARHG'RZ GANMRZHG a GANMmBZ HGHR HGhHA MNHAZRHG" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "And then a step to the right, anGB HGhHAn a RZHGHABZ HGHR HGhHA MZARghHG" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "With your hands on your hips, ZMARHGh RAHRNMMZ hanGBRZ HRn RAHRNMMZ hARBZRZ" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "You bring your knees in tight, RAHRNM bMZARng RAHRNMMZ BGnHAHARZ ARn HGARghHG" (3 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane, bNMHG ARHG'RZ HGhHA BZHAMNBBARZZ HGhMZNMRZHG HGhaHG MZHAaMNMNRA GBMZARBBHARZ RAHRNM ARnRZanHA" (3 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Let's do the Time Warp again! MNHAHG'RZ GBHR HGhHA HGARmHA ZMaMZBZ agaARn!" (3 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me, So you can't see me, no not at all" (3 hours and 48 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention" (3 hours and 47 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Well-secluded, I see all, With a bit of a mind flip" (3 hours and 47 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "You're there in the time slip, And nothing can ever be the same" (3 hours and 47 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "You're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation, Let's do the Time Warp again!" (3 hours and 46 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Well I was walking down the street just a-having a think, When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink" (3 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "He shook me up, he took me by surprise, He had a pickup truck and the devil's eyes." (3 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "He stared at me and I felt a change, Time meant nothing, never would again" (3 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "Let's do the Time Warp again!" (3 hours and 45 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "ARHG'RZ GANMRZHG a GANMmBZ HGHR HGhHA MNHAZRHG" (3 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "anGB HGhHAn a RZHGHABZ HGHR HGhHA MZARghHG" (3 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "ZMARHGh RAHRNMMZ hanGBRZ HRn RAHRNMMZ hARBZRZ" (3 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "RAHRNM bMZARng RAHRNMMZ BGnHAHARZ ARn HGARghHG" (3 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "MNHAHG'RZ GBHR HGhHA HGARmHA ZMaMZBZ agaARn!" (3 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "um... and I need a drink, please ? HRnHA bHAHAMZ BZMNHAaRZHA." (3 hours and 30 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*motions to the left*" (3 hours and 29 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*motions to the right*" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*gestures to her hips*" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*pulls her knees in tight*" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "*does the pelvis thrust*" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "I know that drives you insaine." (3 hours and 27 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "survivors should be able to gesture too" (3 hours and 27 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "lets do the time warp again! * dances and jumps around, then goes over and gives Driel a big, wet beer kiss on the lips, then licks them, smiling*" (3 hours and 27 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "*smiles and enjoys every second of it" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
    * Nanny Ogg said "That was a truly moving performance, dearie." (3 hours and 6 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "BAR FIGHT!" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * Simon Amor said "Umm, hi Vigilis. Do I know you?" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * Nanny Ogg said "Have you ever heard A Wizard's Staff Has A Knob On The End?" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * Simon Amor said "Hi Nanny." (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "*tries to hit a zombie" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * Nanny Ogg said "Hello lad. Does this place stock ale?" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
    * Simon Amor said "I honestly don't know. I think you might have to get lametastic *points at zed* to see what he's got." (3 hours and 2 minutes ago)
    * Driel said "take that!" (3 hours and 1 minute ago)
    * A zombie said "Hrm? Nah harm bahrmanz!" (2 hours and 23 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at S0S. (2 hours and 23 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Zhaazh! Harraah!" (2 hours and 22 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at itself. (exactly 2 hours ago)
    * A zombie gestured at the survivors. (exactly 2 hours ago)
    * A zombie gestured at the barricades. (exactly 2 hours ago)
    * A zombie gestured down at the ground. (exactly 2 hours ago)
    * A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (exactly 2 hours ago)
    * A zombie gestured at the survivors. (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Mah zambah b zahnz!n za Abba!" (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured down at the ground. (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
    * A zombie gestured at itself. (1 hour and 59 minutes ago)
    * An invisible bunny refuelled the generator. (1 hour and 32 minutes ago)
    * CyAdora said "yeah lametastic, way to boogie!"

Latest revision as of 05:24, 8 October 2024


Club Traves
--VVV RPMBG 01:32, 6 August 2024 (UTC)
Club Traves

Havercroft [38, 40]

Picton Way
(Richmond Hills)
Roe Crescent
(Richmond Hills)
the Froom Building
(Richmond Hills)
Bryan Place Fire Station Club Traves wasteland
a warehouse Wine Place Club Swyer

Basic Info:

  • Clubs are Dark buildings.
  • The usual internal description of a Club reads as follows:
    "…in the near-darkness of the main dancefloor."
  • When powered by a portable generator, the internal description changes to the following:
    "Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted music echoes over the speakers."
  • Clubs can be barricaded normally.

Club Traves


Inside: You are inside Club Traves. Coloured spotlights highlight an empty stage, and distorted music echoes over the speakers.

Outside: You are standing outside Club Traves, an imposing concrete building surrounded by railings.


Barricade Policy

Whatever you are in the mood for.

Current Status

So FUN ! Come and see for yourself.

LocationsStub.png This page, Club Traves, is a locations stub. Please help us to improve the wiki by contributing to this page. Be sure the following information is added to the page: coordinates, suburb, 9 block map (or 16 block map for large buildings), description, barricading policy, and history. Please refer to the Location Style Guide.