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group_leaders=Extremo Argento (until further notice)|
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There must be a great amount of heads chopped and faces axed. The undead menace is a stain on the clean shirt that is Malton, one that shall be eliminated with the bleach of fury and the water of vengeance.
There must be a great amount of heads chopped and faces axed. The undead menace is a stain on the clean shirt that is Malton, one that shall be eliminated with the bleach of fury and the water of vengeance.
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Clanbob has currently made an alliance with the only other public guild of Quarlesbank, [[Clan_Cromar|Clan Cromar]].  This only helps to strengthen the survivors plight against the zombie horde, having a unified front against the zombies.  Hopefully in the future we'll have more aid from groups in the area.
Clanbob has currently made an alliance with the only other public guild of Quarlesbank, [[Clan_Cromar|Clan Cromar]].  This only helps to strengthen the survivors plight against the zombie horde, having a unified front against the zombies.  Hopefully in the future we'll have more aid from groups in the area.

[[Category:Survivor Groups|ClanBOB]]
[[Category:Human Groups|ClanBOB]]
[[Category:Confirmed Groups]]

Latest revision as of 01:46, 30 March 2013

Abbreviation: BOB
Group Numbers: 30+
Leadership: Extremo Argento (until further notice)
Goals: Killing the zombies is the number.
Recruitment Policy: Not recruiting

ClanBOB is currently located in Quarlesbank, doing our darnedest to shoot us up some of them there zombies.


There must be a great amount of heads chopped and faces axed. The undead menace is a stain on the clean shirt that is Malton, one that shall be eliminated with the bleach of fury and the water of vengeance.

Ours is a 3 pronged attack.

  1. Killing. We find zombies, and deal with them: with axe, with bullet or with other assorted weapons. This is a short term solution, yet a highly effective one. Not to mention, one that many enjoy much more than any other.
  2. Medical. Spending countless man hours researching a cure for the zombies of the world, and inflicting this cure zealously and effectively to the zombie menace. This is a long term goal, to rid the world of the common zombie or "necro sapiens", as our scientists call them.
  3. Social. This section deals with the people of Malton, for without the people, is there any point in saving the world? We "aid" people where we can, and "help" those who'd see us turn to chaos.

ClanBOB also supports the Uniform Barricading Policy.


Ours is one of killing zombies. That is all. We just love to kill them. We love everything about it. We love the crunch that the axe makes in their skull. We love the thud as their temporarily lifeless body hits the ground. We derive a sense of satisfaction of a former zombie's unconscious, body slumping to the ground, alive again. We just love to kill zombies. We harbor no particular discontent toward them; it is rumored that one of the members even keeps a pet zombie. The killing of a zombie is only a minor setback from the zombie's viewpoint, anyway. The reviving of one is quite a bigger setback, but as will be expanded upon below, we will save our revive needles for unwitting survivors who have not been able to survive. So the zombie hoard needn't worry, as we will not revive arbitrary zombies, but only those wishing for a revive.

Towards survivors, we are kind. Other survivors are not zombies, so we have no need to kill them. If we happen upon any who are hurt, we will attempt to heal them, and if we are resting in a safehouse with any, we will help hold the fort. We will also be glad to revive any zombified survivors who wish to live again. If you would like to coordinate a revive, contact us and we will see what we can do. Alternatively, you may just hang around outside one of the two necrotech buildings on the eastern side of Quarlesbank, and we or someone else in the area will try to get around to it.

The only survivors we do not tolerate are those who kill other survivors, because other survivors are not zombies, so they should not be killed. Unless it is by a zombie. Zombies can kill survivors. But only because they do not know better. It is also a fair tradeoff for our love of killing zombies. As long as they are good natured about it.

The above "Disposition" is the disposition of the Killing side. I like to call them Killy McKillers. It must be noted here that this is not necessarily the view that all members of ClanBOB hold. There are those among us who would kill anything that moves, if they felt they could get away with it. They tone it down, and instead go on axe murdering frenzies that reach far and wide. A little known fact: A secret group of Clanbobians are performing black ops against the... forget that. I've said too much.

Anyway, the important thing is that not everyone here wants to kill. In fact, there is a vocal minority who believe that Humans and Zombies can co exist, at least in a small part. Remember, not all zombie movies end in total destruction: Shawn of the dead shows how Zombies can become productive members of society, if only they can curb their insatiable lust for human flesh. Many of us aggressively revive zombies, for the good of mankind. Not to mention, others among our ranks believe that the only way to be alive is to live as a zombie. Many are vocal supporters of human/zombie alliances, of some form or another. The important thing to note is that our disposition is not as uniform as some would have you believe.

Revivification Point

We are currently striving to revive zombies who come to the Boait Monument. If you would like to be revived, please stand by the monument and a NecroTech employee will tend to you as soon as he can.


  • Febuary 3rd: ClanBOB has officially declared it's support for the defence of Caiger Mall in the upcomming siege. Our attempts to slow Mall Tour '06 failed miserably, as most of Calvert Mall left to start the defence of Caiger. So, in an attempt to make clanBOB slightly less hated by all, and to enjoy the destruction of the zombie horde, we're sending anyone willing and able to Caiger.
  • January 13th: It has come to the attention of ClanBOB that there is a smear campaign leveled at us. We seem to have a few enemies in Malton, though we're not sure who they are. Officially, we do not dislike the Battle Furries. We didn't join the defence of Caiger Mall for various reasons, specifically because we were busy trying to deal with the problems in Quarlesbank, not to mention a host of other problems. We're happy with the decision to stay out of the Mall defense. Whoever is spray painting things in our name should cease and desist. Hopefully in the future we can repair some of the damage created when we didn't join in the great defence.
  • January 3rd: Increased Zombie activity in Quarlesbank has caused the operation to be posponed. More information as it comes.
  • Early December: At the begining of December, the PK group ALF started to show up in the suburb of Quarlesbank. Soon they were causing quite a problem for ClanBOB. But as silently as they came, they left us again. No one knows why.
  • Nov 25th: Members of ClanBOB have been slowly appearing in the suburb of Quarlesbank. Many were killed in a slightly coordinated zombie raid of our safehouses. Some members believe that zombie spies were used against us. This assumption has annoyed many of us, and may lead to more overt action against the threat of zombies in the future. Construction and coordinating of the survivors in the area is going slowly, as most survivors are not taking the coordination ClanBOB is providing seriously. We hope to change this soon enough.

Important people

  • Kai - Grand high commander.
  • Agent - Word and Law.
  • Rev - Winner. AXER OF FACES?!
  • EnforcerBOB - High scientist.
  • Inferno - Superhero.
  • Tendonin - Knight of BOB, beater of ass.
  • Guido - That guy nobody really likes.
  • Darlid - Medic extraordinaire

Names changed to protect the not so innocent. More to be added and removed as people gain and lose importance

If you're not recruiting...

How can I help out?
If you wish to help out, e-mail us. Or just show up and listen to our rants and ravings. We'll find a place for you soon enough. Especially if you're looking for a suicide mission... we have lots of those.

Currently clanBOB is looking for people, both inside clanBOB and outside clanBOB to do a few things.

  1. Publicists. This is important. Publicists need to spread the word of ClanBOB outside of Quarlesbank, and to tag buildings with their appropriate barricade level. Also, tagging a link to ClanBOB wiki would be nice. Outside the buildings, publicists can make a few directions to the rev point.
  2. Science Teams. Anyone with the Lab Experience skill really, though we also need medical people. If you want to help revive zombies, pass by the revive point, and revive the zeds there. If you want to heal, check into the hospital, and see what people there want. Also, if you're healing, I'm sure some safehouses could use a dedicated healer. Talk to the people around the burb, and see what sort of science they need.
  3. Kill teams. If you want to be a member of a clanbob Kill Team, e-mail us. We'll soon be putting together Kill Teams of all sizes and types to take on the Zombies. Hopefully if we get enough teams together, we can make coordinated strikes against the zombies not just in this suburb, but in neighbouring suburbs as well. Furthermore, kill teams will also help the enforcers to deal with PKers.
  4. Scouts. We need brave and adventurous survivors (and turned zombies) to scout out zombie movement, and concetrations. is a great tool to use. Enter the values you get into there, and everyone will see them (well everyone who uses it). If we keep it up to date, we'll have a good idea where the zombies are. If you don't like using that, you can just report your findings to other survivors around you. For example telling people "There is a huge zombie horde to the north of us, 2n2w". This sort of thing is invaluble to furthuring the goal of "Killing zombies is the number."
  5. Barricaders. Currently, we are attempting to impliment the UBP in Quarlesbank. But, not everyone has barricade yet, and there are 62 buildings that need to be barricaded to different levels. We need people with construction to go out and start barricading random buildings to their assigned values.
  6. Enforcers. This is a strange category. Well, not really. Essentially we need the whip to go with the carrot. We need people to destroy barricades of the survivors who aren't following the UBP. We also need people who'll help the publicists in spreading the word. While the Publicists will be spreading the word with spray paint, and a kind word, enforcers will be spreading it with action and example. Not to mention, the odd screamming in areas. If you don't mind spending some AP breaking barricades, and telling people not to over barricade for the safety of the burb, this is the job for you. Also, it will be the enforcer's job (along with future kill teams) to deal with PKers in the area. If they're not really a problem, Enforcers can handle dealing out justice at the end of an axe or pistol. If there are lots, we'll send out teams.

If you can think of something else you can do to help out, e-mail us. We really need people who'll go out and try and convince more guilds to help us out. We may not recruit but we do try and keep friendly relations.

Also, if you complete one of the above tasks, we'll mark your name on the wiki, so that all of clanbob (and subsequently anyone who views this page) will know of your exploits. Isn't that an incentive? I know I want to have my name on this wiki... yeah it's an awesome price.

Uniform Barricade Policy

Clanbob Uniform Barricade Policy for Quarlesbank

ClanBOB is looking for taggers to indicate inside of these buildings how much they should be barricaded. Also, the outside of the buildings should be tagged to give directions to the Revivification Point.

Building types (EH, VS) are marked inside the buildings. As a courtesy, when tagging buildings please keep the barricade level in the tagged message. The outsides of buildings are fair game for tagging.

The Quarlesbank Optimal Defense Diagram was prepared by ClanBOB and is shown on the left.


Clanbob has currently made an alliance with the only other public guild of Quarlesbank, Clan Cromar. This only helps to strengthen the survivors plight against the zombie horde, having a unified front against the zombies. Hopefully in the future we'll have more aid from groups in the area.