Quarlesbank is a suburb of Malton, located in the northwest corner of the city. It contains the northern half of Calvert Mall and the local landmark Pitman Mansion. It also adjoins River Kevan, which runs along the northern edge of the suburb. Also the first recorded Pinata was here.
Short-wave Radio Info
The Quarlesbank suburb has the following active radio stations.
Freq: 26.01: North-West Malton
Quarlesbank's History
The suburb of Quarlesbank is surrounded in a rich history. During the late 19th Century Pitman mansion was founded within the suburb, however no-one was able to predict how much this structure would change the rest of the suburb forever. Once the owners of the mansion moved in, they immediately set out to reform Quarlesbank's image to a new industrial powerhouse, which would act as a benchmark for the north of Malton to follow. However this idea was met with fierce resistance after the 4 warehouses were found to be dumping harmful waste into Quarlesbank's environment and in River Kevan. This stopped any form of building for over 50 years through the local resident's feelings towards the Pitman family. However, in the early 1960's Lord Pitman was declared rightful heir to the mansion and inherited a huge fortune, which he was going to use to follow his parents dream and turn Quarlesbank into their dream. At this moment in time Pitman was relatively young and hence did not have the experience to understand the complex history which determined what was built in the suburb. His first venture was building a factory in the south of the suburb. Fearing that this would be a repeat of what had happened in the past, Lord Pitman was soon visited by many local residents unwilling to see their homes be polluted like they were before. Sensing a quick defeat, Lord Pitman stated that instead of factories and warehouses he, himself would aid in building structures which would benefit the suburb. Unfortunately due to his parent's past he was restricted from doing any work which involved constructing buildings on empty land blocks, so instead he decided to change his parent's wastelands into paved over areas for further developments.
In November 1966 Lord Pitman's image had reached a state of equilibrium with the local residents, however this was not enough for him to gain permission to build anything. So during a local Mayoral election he visited one of the parties, which suddenly increased its advertising from what can only be described as a 'huge influx of funds from an unknown source'. Eventually this party secured its place as Mayor and then decided to improve Quarlesbank's tarnished public image through a series of new buildings. The first of these was The Elson Building, which was designed by contempory architects, making it one of the most popular buildings in the suburb. This building was largely disliked by Lord Pitman throughout all of its building and subsequent opening period. Local residents believe this popularity is due to the fact that Lord Pitman resented it and hence, given his past, it was seen as a beacon of the local's triumph in defying the wealthiest landowner in the uppermost north of Malton. A rich history can be found when looking on this building, which involves much of the suburb and Lord Pitman. In the past it has given many locals (and non locals alike) an interesting story about the events which led up to the area's current status and it's intertwined history with Lord Pitman. it is hoped that any visitors or local inhabitants will look upon it, and then make an informed judgment from that.
Finally during the last few decades before 'The Malton Incident', Calvert Mall was built to act as a centre of tourism for Quarlesbank and the neighboring suburbs. It was one of the last buildings to be made in Quarlesbank and is seen as a place where survivors can socialise freely and work together for a common cause. This idea has subsequently made its way across the suburb throughout this current 'situation', and is currently accepted and practiced by many of the suburb's pro-survivor groups, including the groups which inhabit Pitman Mansion and The Elson Building, making them safe for survivors to inhabit for as long as they see fit. These local groups as well as many of the local people in Quarlesbank have cleaned up the suburb's tarnished image, as was wanted 4 decades ago.
Resource Buildings
NecroTech Facilities
▋ The Balchin Building (20,3)
▋ The Evett Building (27,1)
▋ The Haslock Building (29,1)
▋ The Milnerr Building (23,3)
▋ St. Benedict's Hospital (27,6)
Police Departments
▋ Augarde Street Police Department (26,2)
▋ Emerson Plaza Police Department (28,7)
▋ A factory (28,9)
Auto Repair Shops
▋ Chilcott Auto Repair (29,7)
▋ Duggan Auto Repair (20,1)
▋ Marshfield Auto Repair (22,7)
▋ Ponder Auto Repair (22,3)
▋ Sowth Auto Repair (26,6)
▋ Toomer Auto Repair (29,6)
▋ Weaver Auto Repair (25,4)
▋ Calvert Mall [25,9] - [26,10]
Bulletin Boards
Revive Points
Building Status Key
▋ Safe ▋ Rebuilding ▋ Under Attack ▋ Under Siege
▋ Ruined ▋ In Zombie Hands ▋ Pinata ▋ Unknown
Quarlesbank Information Resources
The Quarlesbank Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.
View zombie activity and locations in Quarlesbank from External Military Reports and NecroWatch.
Recent News
Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.
Barricading Policy
See Quarlesbank Barricade Plan for full details.
Extremely Heavily Barricaded
Very Strongly Barricaded
No Barricades
Suburb Map