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==November ==
==November ==
'''November 14th'''
Three Dog is back baby! As close to 5pm as he could be
Three Dog is in a fine mood tonight, let the music flow!
Take a step back in time, a tune when having flares
big enough to knock bins and small children flying, a time
when Huggy Bear was cool and the bowl cut was in.
I'm sure we can all say with the benifit of hindsight
how utterly stupid we most have looked, hey! Maybe god
was a little behind and he's only just seen the 70's
and he's really pissed off with us, maybe it's him
who sends the zombies against us for our fashion sense?
On the topic of zombies, reports from the Big Brother house
are sketchy at best, if anyone has some exact info on the BBh
Three dog would love to hear ya, leave it on our talk page
Now let's hit a freaky, freaky tune!
Lovin' the classics here today, The Beatles, now excellent!
Reminds Three Dog of his days experimenting with Jet.
Local news! All's well in the area of Parkhouse PD,
the area seems clear but Three Dog is seeing more and more
zombies out and around, keep aleart and safe people!
Music you want to hear? lets us know on our talk page
Some back to back for the good people out there!
Ok guys, Three Dog and G.N.R are out of here, back on
tomorrow at 5pm!
Galaxy News Radio.
Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts.
Three Dog out!

'''November 13th'''
'''November 13th'''

Revision as of 18:05, 14 November 2008

Galaxy News Radio
Fallout3 standby.jpg
Abbreviation: G.N.R
Group Numbers: Still being sorted
Leadership: Three Dog
Goals: Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts
Recruitment Policy: Ask on the Discussion page
Contact: Come talk in our personal studios


This is our little place where every radio show we put on will be placed for your viewing leisure



November 14th

Three Dog is back baby! As close to 5pm as he could be Three Dog is in a fine mood tonight, let the music flow! Take a step back in time, a tune when having flares big enough to knock bins and small children flying, a time when Huggy Bear was cool and the bowl cut was in. I'm sure we can all say with the benifit of hindsight how utterly stupid we most have looked, hey! Maybe god was a little behind and he's only just seen the 70's and he's really pissed off with us, maybe it's him who sends the zombies against us for our fashion sense? On the topic of zombies, reports from the Big Brother house are sketchy at best, if anyone has some exact info on the BBh Three dog would love to hear ya, leave it on our talk page Now let's hit a freaky, freaky tune! Lovin' the classics here today, The Beatles, now excellent! Reminds Three Dog of his days experimenting with Jet. Local news! All's well in the area of Parkhouse PD, the area seems clear but Three Dog is seeing more and more zombies out and around, keep aleart and safe people! Music you want to hear? lets us know on our talk page Some back to back for the good people out there! Ok guys, Three Dog and G.N.R are out of here, back on tomorrow at 5pm! Galaxy News Radio. Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts. Three Dog out!

November 13th

Three Dog here! One extra late broadcast for you folks! Three Dog appologizes for the late broadcasts, Starting ASAP we'll be online at 5 everynight! ok some music! Alright let's hear it for the clasics! Ok guys, The BB house has fallen! Not much of a battle Three Dog hopes survivors are able to re-claim it soon, else the zombies will get bored and start out for everyone else! Everyone stay alert and lookout for your fellow people, fight the good fight and keep 'cades high It could be the beginning of the end for Borehamwood. on a lighter note, let's have some tunes! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah! Some great music tonight! Ok now a local report Parkhouse Walk Police Station and Preller Grove Police Station are both VSB and powered. The Pesky zed at the club is down and survivors are still relativly safe here, HOWEVER check your 'cades and the area near you everynight let others know of possible dangers and check in regularly! Any music you want to hear? let us know on our talk page! Three Dog has to leave you now, so stay safe people, be back tomorrow at 5pm we hope! Galaxy News Radio. Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts. Three Dog out!

November 12th

Good evening Northwest Borehamwood! Three Dog is on! Another late show, Three Dog apologizes, again Alllllllllllllllllrighty then let's have some music! Ok guys, some bad news, The BB house is seeing break-ins Someone let us all know with a distress message The battle for the Big Brother house has begun. Those of you feeling the need for some glory or fame get down there and help the survivors! Now some local news. Our police departments are seeing more zed activity, everyone! make sure your 'cades are high and no zeds are outside when you goto sleep, if there are, let people know! A fitting song for our current situation. We also have news of a PKer He's definatly not fighting the good fight, Three Dog would like to see him go down for killing one of us, KOS! Ok, Three Dog also wants the local PD's to give Three Dog a report of what's going down with them, the people need to communicate now it's all going to hell! let us know on our talk page local PD's, please. Another song time, we'll do a back to back! Three Dog's back! Rememeber people, any songs you want? Ok people, Three Dog and G.N.R is signing out Galaxy News Radio! Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts. Goodnight!

November 11th

Three Dog here! an extra special show for being so late! Three Dog is sorry to admit this is his first late show He's been a little busy lately and wants to thank The Nervous Guy for stepping in while Three Dog was busy. Alrighty then, let's start with some tunes! Another funny tune to start the night off with! ok people, got a request here from our long time listener Rosslessness, he wants you all to know there is a forum for his group, our good friends... Big Survivors Little Survivor! you can find the forum here! You can also get onto their wiki from our main page! Ok a song now, request by none other than Rosslessness! Reminds Three Dog of his days experimenting with Jet... Still good tune there! Thanks Ross! If you have any music choices drop Three Dog a line! Time for some music let's see what we got! Alright! local news! Well Parkhouse Walk was attacked Zombies never got in, it's full re-caded, also Preller Grove was taken down to Quite Strongly Barricaded G.N.R's personal 'caded, A Lucky Guy took them back up to VSB, everyone keep an eye on your 'cades! Altho gald there was no loss of life, it means we're no longer as safe as we may want to hope, stay vigilant! Alright, let's hear it for an Oldies hit! Those lyrics are something special, is Three Dog right? Ok people, another song then Three Dog has to go Alright, This is G.N.R and Three Dog signing out Keep fighting the good fight!

November 10th

Greetings Children! This is The Nervous Guy taking over for Three Dog for the Night. Sorry about how late this edition is. Anyways here's a damn funny tune for all of ya! God I love that song! Bit of news for all you Survivors out there! Factory at [538,23] (Due north of Massey Terrace FD) is now powered. Zombies hiding in Scadding Avenue School [539,23]. Not sure whats happening around the city. Have to Wait for Three Dog to tell you all about that. But I can still Entertain you with music! A bit of Lazlow Bane for you! Well we're still looking for reporters to tell us whats happening in all of the other suburbs. So, If you're venturing out into the world please let us know what you see! Last songs of the night! Three Dog will be back tomorrow for all of you! Here are two songs for you all.

Keep on Fighting the good fight!

November 9th

Hellooooo children! Three Dog here! 5pm and time for some fun! We'll start with a weather report! 100% deadly showers with a chance of dismemberment! Time for some music. Great tune, let's hear it for the Flight of the Conchords! More news! The battle of the Big Brother House has seen some of it's first break in's, casulties but survivors recovered and continue to hold the big brother house, for those of you who don't know where it is, the all powerful Three Dog, can tell you it's in South Borehamwood. Get down there and leave a message in the diary room for your chance to enter the competition! Time for another song! A classic, remeber, if there's a song you wanna hear let Three Dog know on our talk page! We're still looking for reporters and writers too! Let's play another song while we're here, this should have some of you laughing, it certainly did Three Dog Hahaha, yep, that's funny. Ok then, time for some local news There is almost no zed within the area of Parkhouse walk PD Infact, there are none! 0 zac in the immidiate area! BUT! that does not mean let your guard down, keep an eye on your barricades, keep people healthy, get xp and always be ready! Ok people, more songs! we'll play two now, tonight is music night! Couldn't find the MJ one, that's a little more rock for you! Alright people, another slow news day for us here i'm afraid. Visit our talk pages, for song requests, advert requests, Story requests or just wanna leave Three Dog a message! Galaxy News Radio! Brining you the news, no matter how much it hurts! Keep fighting the good fight people! Three Dog OUT!

November 8th

It's 5 pm! Guess who's here? Tt's Three Dog AROOOOOOOOOOOOO! Comming to you live from Northwest Borehamwood! Strap yourselfs down for an Explosive radio show! ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHTY then, let's start with some news! Well children, Three Dog is saddend to hear of NWBW's first break in, it happened in A Petrol Station Zombies clawed in and killed it's three sleepers. None of them saw it comming, that's three more zeds out there now, everyone keep an eye on your barricades at all times, let's not have a repeat of this. Our hearts go out to those most recently turned green. A sad, sad song... Time for some advice for any new players out there! Want good xp? get some FAKS (first aid kits), find a friend hit him with something, pistol, fire axe, get xp then heal him for 5 more xp! Don't risk it with the Ghouls find a "beating buddy" today! (make sure you don't kill him!) Another song! Some Phill Collins for Rosslessness! You got any requests? let us know on our talk page! We need YOU! Join the GNR team! We need reporters and writers! Let us know on our talk page! If you're ever in any need of help, Three Dog recommends Big Survivors Little Survivor & the PArkhouse PD crew! Find them all on the wiki, links on our main page! They're out there fighting the good fight! Look out for them! and they may look out for you! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG TIME! What a classic! Tune from... the guy who don't leave a name! Ok people, this is GNR and Three Dog signing off! Galaxy News Radio! Brining you the news, no matter how bad it hurts! Goodnight all!

Three Dog's back!Got some more bad news St Birgitta's Hospital suffered a break in and cades were down, casulties reported. Anyone near by the hospital, get up there and lend a hand! ok, before Three Dog heads off, we'll play a request! Next time, leave it on our request page please, haha! Alright, Three Dog OUT!

November 7th

Hey Hey Hey Northwest Borehamwood! Three Dog here! It's 5pm and time for G.N.R to go live! Today we've got some newsrequests and some music to play Strap yourselfs in! Your Master of the Mic is ready to serenade the city! That's for user Rosslessness from the wiki Nice choice, reminds Three Dog of the gorilla in the Cadburys advert! Anyone know of it? Leave us a message on our talk page if you do! Also let us know if you have any requests! Ok guys, bit of news here, a short barricading message. St Birgitta's Hospital and St Aloysius's Hospital region must be vsb at all times! Also Budmead Way Police Station just over the border, coords:[544,19] needs a genny! Any and all help apprechiated! keep fighting the good fight! Song time! Another request here, followed by my choice! Shame Three Dog couldn't find the real song video. Right then guys more news! A factory [533,16] is powered but needs barricades. A good source of gennies and fuel! Hope on it people! Alright, more music choice... perhaps the weirdest one yet! This one is for a friend of Three Dog's Who we keep can anonymous haha! On second thoughts, seen her body? Three Dog gets it now! ... Opps, mind was else where, sorry people! Alrighty people, we're still looking for reporters! Get in touch with us on our talk page! Ok people, Slow news day so we'll once again thank Big Survivors Little Survivor and Parkhouse walk PD for fighting the good fight! Nice job guys Stay safe out there and keep fighting the good fight! So this is Three Dog signing out!

November 6th

Wakey Wakey Northwest Borehamwood! It's... Guess who?! That's right! Three dog! Here to give you one hell of a radio show. Tonight we've got some special requests to play to you and a great news line up too! So strap yourself in for Three Dog's crazy sounds! What a legendary tune! nice one to whoever requested it leave a name next time please man! OK time for some freaky deeky news! from the area of Parkhouse PD there is 0 zed activity! that is right, no zeds anywhere near Parkhouse! a tiny number of bodies litter the streets buildings are powered and barricaded, nice job to all helping fight the good fight! Ok! another request, this one from Geom you name it! we play it! alright then! next up we have to mention that we have some job openings, we need journalists! people to go out there and get us some great stories if you're interested leave a message on our talk page we're looking for those dedicated to getting you the news no matter how bad it hurts. Also if you're not interested in being a full time member of GNR then you can always visit our "your stories" page and leave us one on there! /Report ok song time! this one is for shits and giggles! That makes me laugh every time! ok so Three Dog got a story for you people! Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers it's true, really, i mean, if you put a bunch of stupids in a room togther there is almost no limit to what they can do! here's the story i'm one of the last remaning characters monroeville some of you on there may know me as The Last Unlucky Guy My good friend, Lastmanin threatend to kill a guy in our group because the guy didn't obey orders and the guy in charge there "put him on trial" then set an "AP ban" so he can't use his OWN character! He made the character! He should be allowed to play him am i right? please, let me know if i am! You see we all have "password buddies" someone to move us if we're not online when something bad is going down. That totally abuses the trust of that! and then when i complain lastmanin stands up for them!? am i the only left with sense!? are they too busy survivng to know this is only a game!? Where'd the fun go guys? where did it go? But it goes to show, 50 survivors and 49 of them are stupids and they made it to the monroeville 100 With that said, song time! this one is from Joe at Parkhouse walk PD and time for another song i think, let's play some back to back quality tunage there from Joe! Alrighty then people! Keep fighting the good fight people! This is Galaxy News radio! Bringing you the news, no matter how bad it hurts Three Dog OUT!

November 5th

Borehamwood! This is Three Dog from Galaxy News Radio! Comming to you live from our shiney new station. We'd like to welcome you all to our first live in game show! We're on 28.06 MHz to save you all needing to change to hear our special show! Ok, Dun da da daaaaaan! time for a bit of news! Zombies are starting to rear their ugly mugs on our streets and it's not getting any better i'm afraid scouts show more zeds and more dead, with zed starting to get memories of life barricades are more important than ever. The guys at Parkhouse PD and Big Survivors little Survivors are helping build up the local area, cades and power nice work you guys, keep fighting the good fight!

Now time for some music! a great tune, special request from The Nervous Guy

Ok guys, due to low ap after our move this will be a lil' shorter than i'd hoped so i'll leave you these messages Any song requests leave on our talk page on the wiki special thanks to parkhouse PD for helping re-home us keep fighting the good fight people! Three Dog OUT!

November 4th

Galaxy News Radio's first broadcast

Drum roll please! O.K so this is G.N.R's first offical broadcast!

This is Three Dog here! Your master of the mic, Disk jockey extrodinaire! Coming to you live from our station is Northwest Borehamwood! we're sorry it has to be over the wiki and not in game, our current lack of radio transmitter puts us in an awkard situation. Due to the lack of radio transmitter Three Dog won't be able to play you some great tunes but you all can live untill we make it live. We'd also like to ask any survivors out there to let us know if they have a spare radio transmitter we could use? leave a message on our talk page if you do!

Well here goes! As you all should know, our scouts around the place report barricades popping up all over the place, looks like the good fight is winning, for the time being... Running through the streets there are very few Zeds and just as few dead bodies! it's looking good out there for humankind, then again it always does in the first days, as the days turn to weeks and the weeks turn into months and as the borders lock you can sleep well knowing we'll be with you every step of the way... hopefully in game soon!

Also sending out our luck to the boys from Big Survivors Little Survivor and to Parkhouse Walk PD, these guys are fighting the good fight, look out from them out there!

let us know what you thought of our first show on our talk page

this is Three Dog signing out! keep fighting the good fight people!