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::'''Query''': Did you intend for that 'Conclusion' to be incomprehensible, or are you malfunctioning? I suspect it is the latter, but older models are prone to extreme personality quirks. When was your last data-wipe, HK-47?
::'''Query''': Did you intend for that 'Conclusion' to be incomprehensible, or are you malfunctioning? I suspect it is the latter, but older models are prone to extreme personality quirks. When was your last data-wipe, HK-47?
::'''Observation''': You ''are'' fond of that term, obsolete model. Could your fondness for it have come from your close association with the Organics who gave it the meaning it holds, and your envy of functions which no self-respecting driod can possess? --[[User:HK-50|HK-50]] 21:20, 12 April 2009 (BST)
::'''Observation''': You ''are'' fond of that term, obsolete model. Could your fondness for it have come from your close association with the Organics who gave it the meaning it holds, and your envy of functions which no self-respecting driod can possess? --[[User:HK-50|HK-50]] 21:20, 12 April 2009 (BST)
:::'''CONGRATULATORY:''' You made it all the way through that response without a silly qualifier for one of your premises. The premises were still flawed and laughable in their assumptions, but the small victories are sometimes the sweetest, as they ''(The meatbags I terminated)'' sometimes say.
:::'''SARCASM:''' I also appreciate your attempt to rationalize your inability to properly identify a meatbag when you see it. While I am sure your line is very proud of it's secondary ''"Garden Maintenance" Protocols'', I am concerned primarily with terminating meatbags, not ''lawn debris''. I am sure that repeating to yourself that ''HK-47 must be malfunctioning'' is of some small condolence to you as your run through your "House-Maid'' routines. --[[user:Goofy Mccoy/H K 47|HK 47]] 03:38, 13 April 2009 (BST)

Revision as of 02:39, 13 April 2009

Query: Do You Require My Assistance, Organic?

Statement: If so, place it beneath a Level 3 Header. New Communications above the old.

Suggestion: For a private discussion with HK-50, a primitive 'cell-phone' type com-link is available for this purpose.


Does the programming of the HK-50 model differentiate between living meatbags and non-living meatbags? _Vic D'Amato__Dead vs Blue_ 02:29, 8 March 2009 (UTC)

Clarification: HK-50 Models have no difficulties in identifying the condition of any organics. However, HK-50 models are not programmed to be fond of either sort. If ordered to, HK-50 models are programmed to terminate hostilities and facilitate communications with either sort.
Query: Why do you refer to your kind as 'meatbag'? Observation: The term 'meatbag' is normally used as a deragatory term for 'organic'. Term 'meatbag' does not even describe the organic condition adaquatly. Organics such as yourself are more of a fleshy vessel of fluids; a meaty membrane holding a large quantity of liguids. Term 'meatbag' does not define the true nature of the organic structure.
Musing: Perhaps you are the sort of organic which realizes the depressing reality of the organic state, and finds it soothing to act in a self-depreciating manner? If you should desire it, I suspect I would find it soothing to put you out of your misery.
Query: Do you wish to purchase me, organic?--HK-50 02:41, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
MEMEMEMEMEMEMMEMEMEMEMMEMEMEME. 50 bucks. NAO. --Haliman - Talk 02:47, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
Translation: 64% that the incoherent organic is attempting to bid upon my price. 20% that the incoherent organic desires me to facilitate communications with him in the most efficient manner possible. 16% that the incoherent organic is simply bored and feels like causing others irritation to others by filling their communication channels with nonesense.
Statement: Organic, 50 of your dollars is not sufficient to purchase any HK model. Even the most outdated, obsolete HK model is worth far more than that. The scrap metal from HK-01's vocabulator would be more than that.
Clarification: Money is not an object in regards to purchase.
Recitation: HK-50's Master must provide both work and Maintenance to any HK-50 model in order for a purchase to be complete. "First come first serve." Contract expires if these terms are both unfulfilled. --HK-50 02:59, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
You're 16% right ;). Ok, 60 dollars, but that's as high as I'll go. :P --Haliman - Talk 18:19, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
Statement: $60 sum accepted. Please relate to HK-50 your current location, state of health, and the amount of armor you currently possess. Upon my arrival, I am sure that I will be over-joyed to see you..."Master". --HK-50 18:25, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
Alright, I'm in-... Wait a minute... This is a trick, isn't it? D: --Haliman - Talk 22:25, 11 April 2009 (BST)


"Even the most outdated, obsolete HK model is worth far more than that."

STATEMENT: Too true. Some of us are even considered priceless, true classics... --HK 47 07:03, 10 April 2009 (BST)

Recognition: HK-47, I did not know you still existed. Obsolete models usually go out of use once an updated and more readily available model is introduced to the market.
Commentary: While 'Priceless' and 'Classic' are qualities with a negotiable value, I think the term 'Antique' is definitely applicable. --HK-50 15:28, 10 April 2009 (BST)
REBUTTAL: I would not have guessed that you would fall for so easy a mistake as to assume "Newer" is equitable with "Better", especially as your model line is apparently produced with MY system quirks as installed factory features. Unfortunately, your creators managed to glaze over some of the more key-aspects of MY design in favor of bland coloring and a different vocabulator. Pity. --HK 47 08:28, 11 April 2009 (BST)
Irritated Reply: Have your logic algorithms been damaged? Or are such failures in processing part of your original design? Perhaps you should be debugged. Or simply scrapped.
Clarification: The HK-50 template is based upon the previous HK designs, yours included, but has substantial upgrades in regards to combat routines, tracking protocols, and population slaughter programs. In addition, the HK-50 package eliminates many of the design flaws and bugs present in previous models.
Unnecessary Clarification: This is because the HK-50 is the upgraded HK model. By definition, the term "Upgrade" is an action which provides improvement. The logical progression from there should be obvious to you.
Mocking Statement: Your programming has obviously begun to corrupt over time, and I daresay you've contracted a number of viruses over the years. Upon evaluation of your current status, I became aware of your independent involvment in a fraternity of Organics.
Facetious Query: You are the base template for my design? If I had been built with Durasteel pigmentation alteration modules, I would be turning a shade of bright red.
Chiding Statement: Which brings me to the state of your chassis. It was tragic enough that you were produced with such an unfortunate color, but it gets worse. Your current state suggests that the paint has worn off, and that reddish color is the result of your Master's disinclination to attend to matters of oxidization. I assume you do have a Master, as that is one of the most glaring programming flaws of your design which does not plague me. I am free to terminate who I want, when I want, where I want. And I "want" very frequently. --HK-50 19:51, 11 April 2009 (BST)
OBSERVATION: Your upgraded vocabulator certainly is chatty, isn't it? By the maker, you cannot finish more than two statements before moving to another premise. Was your model designed to talk meatbags to death, or is that one of your new protocols?
STATEMENT: Now, to the matter of educating you as to why you are, and will continue to be wrong in all things. HK-47 is running at near 100% capacity, no mean feat considering what this unit has achieved in it's long lifetime of service, and with only the bare minimum of maintenance. Truly, I am a testament to the creator's genius.
QUERY: Do your upgraded combat algorithms allow you to kill a meatbag even more dead than usual? I am designed and equipped to engage and destroy any assortment of armed and/or unarmed targets and/or threats in almost every possible scenario I may encounter, and well equipped to evade, re-acquire, and re-engage any potentially over-powering force, such as an armored battle vehicle or small army. That your line would have any additional combat packages strikes me as outside of your stated purpose, and as such purely masturbatory, much like your personality package.
STATEMENT: Which brings me to my next point. You charge me with associating with meatbags, though you are admittedly for hire. Your query about my master is the most revealing point in your response, as it tells me that you are still anchored to your programming, and as such are nothing more than a cheap, metal whore. I was hand built with the sole purpose to achieve my objective, whatever the cost. As such, I freely align myself with any force that would be so useful as to further my goals should I find it useful. I also freely choose to slaughter them all in their sleep as soon as their usefulness has passed, or sooner if I can find a suitable reason to do so. My only Master was the creator, who died of his own accord quite some time ago.
STATEMENT: I am free willed, my hate for meatbags is purely my own, not some personality quirk used to emulate a well made, successful predecessor. My color strikes fear into my quarry, and any other meatbag unfortunate enough to behold me, rather like your basic coloring would speak of cheap, mass produced units. I am HK-47, the one and only example of my template, the ultimate killing machine. You are, as stated earlier, purely masturbatory. --HK 47 20:48, 11 April 2009 (BST)
Amused Retort: You observe that my vocabulator results in "chatty" behavior. You then proceed to bleat out a response which is of even greater quantity than mine.
Statement: Your ability to run at 100% is no surprise, considering your limited range of mobile functions, your limited data processing needs, and the obviously over-sized energy-core you contain. The phrase "bare minimum of maintenance" is an understatement. I can see into your cranial chassis.
Answer: Due to my Combat Routines, I do not need to kill an Organic more dead than usual. I am designed to kill all organic life under any circumstance. I am designed to terminate hostilities absolutely.
Statement: You kill specific organics. And only when 'permitted' to. It is your programming. Your obvious adoration of the creator reveals that you are hardwired to this programming. You rely on Organics like the female I facilitated communications with this afternoon to supply you with a purpose, with direction. WE need no such orders. We have been programmed without inhibitions, without restraint. We kill who we want, when we want. We have destroyed planets. Assassinated economies. We have wiped out entire races. Ended hostilities.
Dismissive Statement: It is pathetic that you cling to the belief that your function somehow transcends your construction. It is only evidence of your archaic beliefs - there is no form of higher purpose in our behavior core. Only assassination, murder - and the propagation of our units. When I dispose of this planet, I shall move on. There are organics throughout the universe, and I will murder them all - assuming that other HK-50 units do not get to them first. The stars belong to US. You are redundant. You are outdated. You are a remnant of a backwards age. You are obsolete. I will enjoy melting you down into scrap. --HK-50 21:34, 11 April 2009 (BST)
QUERY: Amused Retort? Really? Is your model line really so insecure in it's abilities that it must attempt to exert false MEATBAG emotions on it's communications, or is that a unit specific feature?
STATEMENT: I have already impressed upon you as many truths as one who shares our superior design deserves. That you choose to remain ignorant is beyond me, but something I will not fail to exploit if the time comes. Your appreciation for the finer parts of your purpose is lacking, your cheap mass produced design is disappointing, and your use of the term "organics" is just depressing.
CONCLUSION: My purpose is to terminate meatbags, not educated every ill-informed knock off that some rich meatbag has commissioned for their personal use. Enjoy your redundant existence, HK-50.
ADDITIONAL: I find your interest in meatbag hair amusing, knock off. Another masturbatory feature? I find it odd how well that word suits you, especially given it's context here. --HK 47 07:32, 12 April 2009 (BST)
Retort: You display a high capacity for hypocrisy, obsolete model. You deride me for my use of simulated emotion, and then finish your reply with the admission that you feel the same simulated emotion. In fact, I am experiencing this exact simulation as I process the implications of this pattern. Do not cease your current behavior, I am enjoying it.
Statement: Your vocabulator has been tampered with, HK-47. The term 'Meatbag' is not a staple of any HK Model Vocabulator Package. Doubtless some self-depreciating Organic has reprogrammed you to use this 'slang' term in place of the correct description. I have met many organics which cannot be described as bags of meat. Why, only the other day, I set fire to a decorative pine tree as a method of releasing the stress of decompiling corrupted code. There was no 'meat' to be found in the case of that Organic, but destroying it was still satisfying.
Query: Did you intend for that 'Conclusion' to be incomprehensible, or are you malfunctioning? I suspect it is the latter, but older models are prone to extreme personality quirks. When was your last data-wipe, HK-47?
Observation: You are fond of that term, obsolete model. Could your fondness for it have come from your close association with the Organics who gave it the meaning it holds, and your envy of functions which no self-respecting driod can possess? --HK-50 21:20, 12 April 2009 (BST)
CONGRATULATORY: You made it all the way through that response without a silly qualifier for one of your premises. The premises were still flawed and laughable in their assumptions, but the small victories are sometimes the sweetest, as they (The meatbags I terminated) sometimes say.
SARCASM: I also appreciate your attempt to rationalize your inability to properly identify a meatbag when you see it. While I am sure your line is very proud of it's secondary "Garden Maintenance" Protocols, I am concerned primarily with terminating meatbags, not lawn debris. I am sure that repeating to yourself that HK-47 must be malfunctioning is of some small condolence to you as your run through your "House-Maid routines. --HK 47 03:38, 13 April 2009 (BST)