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''(29, June 2009)'' [ Operation Pigeon Punch] commences.
''(13, August 2009)'' [ Operation Body Slam] commences.<br>
''(04, March 2009)'' [ Operation Drunken Duck] commences. <br>
''(29, June 2009)'' [ Operation Pigeon Punch] commences.<br>

Revision as of 14:33, 13 September 2009



Request A Revive

Siege FAQ

IRC Channel


• Security
• Malakim



Public Relations

Allies and Enemies


Numbers: 60+
Recruitment: Open.
UD Group Rank: 9
UD Average Lvl: 32
UD Rating: 1995

Active Leadership

El Satanno
Jeremy Daniels


Frequency: 26.70


(13, August 2009) Operation Body Slam commences.
(29, June 2009) Operation Pigeon Punch commences.


The Creedy Defense Force is a hardened, veteran, pro-survivor group based out of Fort Creedy and the surrounding areas. The group itself is ranked in the official Urban Dead group listing as ninth. The Creedy Defense Force was founded in late 2006 by several survivors who found it essential that a group be formed to accommodate the needs of civilians living in the area around the Fort. They have since been an integral part of Urban Dead history and has made an everlasting impression on survivors and undead alike.

The group is spearheaded by several members of the CDF who have shown dedication and maturity. These members have made the group what it is today. The Creedy Defense Force has now expanded its reach from the Fort to the surrounding suburbs of Pitneybank, Pimbank, Pegton, Edgecombe and Spracklingback. Several sub-groups who operate under the banner of the Creedy Defense Force has also sprang loose from under the forces loins - including the Malakim squad and a player killer response unit (PKRU).

The group continues to aid survivors across the Creedy area and Malton.

Recent Operational History

OPERATION: Pigeon Punch - [Started June 29, 2009]
OPERATION: Drunken Duck - [Started March 04, 2009]
OPERATION: Rubber Trowel/Needle - [Started Jan 21 2009]
OPERATION: Melon Scissors - [Started Jan 5 2009]
OPERATION: FANGZ - [Started Dec 3 2008]
OPERATION: Dragon's Maw - [Started Oct 30 2008 ]
OPERATION: Pool Day - [Started Nov 7 2008]
OPERATION: Hydra Drop - [Started Mar 22 2008]
OPERATION: Red Lemon - [Started Feb 1 2008]
OPERATION: Red Blizzard - [Started Jan 10 2008]
OPERATION: Patchwork - [Classified]
OPERATION: Ninja Monkey - [January, 2007]
OPERATION: Sleeping Dog [September, 2007]
OPERATION: Twinkie - [July, 2006]
OPERATION: Exploding Fox - [May, 2006]
OPERATION: Pimpslap - [May, 2006]
OPERATION: Living Death - [May, 2006]
OPERATION: Party in the Fort - [Classified]

Creedy Defense Force Structure



The Anti-Zombie Tactical Assault Unit. These guys and girls specialize in clearing buildings, repairing barricades and keeping locations running as viable survivor safe houses. The guts 'first strike' team of the CDF, AZTAU soldiers work hard to put down zombies and return areas back to human hands. The group itself is quite responsible for the defense or retaking of lost parts of suburbs around the Creedy area and elsewhere. The group is comparatively different than the Malakim, as they are the 'special forces' of the CDF per se.


The Creedy Logistics: Emergency Revive and Infirmary Corps is the medical and NecroTech arm of the CDF. Brandishing first aid kits and needles, they heal and revive survivors in the Creedy area, getting them back to full health to fight the zombie menace.

It almost goes without saying, but all CLERICs should maintain high numbers of first aid kits and revivification syringes at all times. A crowbar and/or fire axe is recommended to help maintain barricades at resource points at VS level. Generators and fuel cans are important to keep priority buildings powered. Since medics make tempting targets for PKers, a flak vest is a good idea. Spray cans are also handy to make sure the people of Malton are aware of the CIT. Team CLERIC is open to all members of the CDF, regardless of security clearance. Our only requirement is that members make revivification and healing their priorities.

The Creedy Intelligence Tool (CIT) (i.e. our revive request list) is back up and running. To request a revive, use the CIT here, or drop us a line on our forums, here.

Creedy Engineering Corps

The brave engineers of Creedy are dedicated to barricading and maintaining the power of numerous buildings. Wielding few weapons, they keep our power and radios powered up and running. The group provides pieces of equipment to buildings like radios, generators and fuel. They also are able to take whole suburbs and work toward stability among the buildings by barricading according to the UBP. CEC is a group not solely focused on killing other things and as such is focused mainly on reconstruction. This group is available to the Unranked. Visit the forum for further detail.

As a member of the CEC you are part of a small specialized group, equipped with the tools to single-handedly tackle some of the toughest challenges any survivor will face in Malton. Our line of duty is the reconstruction of buildings, defending of said buildings, and supplying anywhere and everywhere with generators, fuel, and transmitters.



These survivors have proven their worth and are given access to a secure area of the CDF forums and can use a number of tools available to CDF Security members.These hardened survivors are some of the toughest in the CDF and remain in the Unranked squads to provide direction and support to the Unranked members.

What they say has significantly more weight than the words of an unranked member. With this privilege also comes an entirely different part of the forums in which you can access and discuss more secure topics like timed attacks, safe-houses, as well as security only operations.

Wondering how to get Security Status? Well, there is no set way. Some unranked have been known to gain Security status in a matter of days, while it took others months. It all depends on the intel you give us, fights you engage in, friends you make and the impression you leave on the Staff. With determination, you will get your rank quick enough. Asking for it directly does not assist you in any way. If anything it throws suspicion down as to why you want it so badly, which is never a good thing. The best way to get promoted is to remain active, posting useful helpful information. At any rate, I'm sure you're an upstanding survivor citizen who will fly through the unranked and one day be leading a crew of your own. Good luck!

The Player Killer Response Unit

These grizzled veterans of the CDF, and Malton, fight those who would rob the hard-pressed survivors of their lives. They hunt killers of the innocent and protect others by laying their lives on the line. They are an elite group of CDFers; access to their ranks is a privilege in the CDF. Player Killers in any form are handled by our PKRU. The penalty for PKing innocents is death. The PKer may put in an appeal if he has proof of being wronged first. The CDF strongly believes in the "eye for an eye" method. If any player gets PKed, he may submit his proof to the PKRU for vengeance, and they will handle it. We don't wipe our list of PKers by a point system. We hunt them until they leave the area, call for a truce through the boards, or stop playing.

It should be known that we do NOT recognize the UD Resensitized Forums PK list or the Brainstock list.

The Malakim Squad

These tough warriors have been through the worst that the city can throw at them. Having survived Mall sieges, slugging battles over buildings, these CDF-ers have been assembled together and put in an elite unit which journeys across the city, providing aid for survivors in areas that have been ravaged by zombies.

The Malakim Squad is an elite group of survivors that get sent out all over Malton to aid in the efforts of our allies. They do any kind of work and are highly experienced, battle-tested machines. If you need something done in Malton, this is who you call on. To apply for Malakim, security members should watch for invitation threads to be posted in the secure boards. Any openings needing to be filled will be mentioned in a thread there, and should only be applied for when that occurs



Long standing CDF veterans. They are given access to the staff area to aid discussion and influence the direction the group goes. Generally drawn from retired Global Moderators and Administrators. Advisers help with the current Staff discussions and policies. Old legends never die so naturally most advisers stay around for sometime after they have given their rank up, although this is not always the case. Staff have the ability to expel members, ban forum users and start operations and end them. The CDF Staff team is made up of around three top members and then a foray of smaller members who aid the higher ones. The staff are subject to change at will.

The Hand Book

When you first become a CDF team member you are required to read the Creedy Defense Force Handbook (3rd Edition). The Handbook is a tell all guide to the inner workings and policies of the force. Reading this material will enable you to have a better understanding of the group and reference point for future questions. The handbook is regularly checked and edited from time to time. The Handbook also details the individual groups inside the force itself and provides exact analysis of our policies. For sake of brevity the handbook can be found here.

Fort Creedy Status

Mall-in zombie hands-small.jpg

[78,47] - [80,49] (bic) (statuses) (update)
Fort Creedy
Permanently ruined, efforts to reclaim are immediately repelled
Dislycan (talk) 18:32, 16 August 2024 (UTC)

Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

CDFNEWBANNER.jpg Creedy Defense Force
This user is a member of the
Creedy Defense Force.
