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==The Experts List ==
==The Experts List ==

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===3 Lab Monkeys===
They are test subjects from the NecroTech laboratories, and were part of the early experiments with the NT virus. The sight of a lab coat drives them crazy and they will ALWAYS attack NecroTech scientists first.
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===Ashnak da Goff===
===Ashnak da Goff===
Having lived a meaningless existence as a municipal employee, Ashnak spent his days working at a desk and desperately wishing for something new and exciting. The zombie outbreak in Malton provided exactly what he had been hoping for. Having been attacked and infected early on, Ashnak wandered the streets with a mob of other like-minded zombies, eating and groaning at every opportunity and helping newer zomblings along the way. These days, he takes great joy in breaking down barricades and dragging the living screaming out into the street where they soon join the De-vivication Movement.
Having lived a meaningless existence as a municipal employee, Ashnak spent his days working at a desk and desperately wishing for something new and exciting. The zombie outbreak in Malton provided exactly what he had been hoping for. Having been attacked and infected early on, Ashnak wandered the streets with a mob of other like-minded zombies, eating and groaning at every opportunity and helping newer zomblings along the way. These days, he takes great joy in breaking down barricades and dragging the living screaming out into the street where they soon join the De-vivication Movement.

Revision as of 02:04, 12 November 2008

This is a list of all the current DvEM members; it is updated as needed. --ZuluDeacon 00:46, 27 August 2007 (BST)

The Experts List


3 Lab Monkeys

They are test subjects from the NecroTech laboratories, and were part of the early experiments with the NT virus. The sight of a lab coat drives them crazy and they will ALWAYS attack NecroTech scientists first.


Ashnak da Goff

Having lived a meaningless existence as a municipal employee, Ashnak spent his days working at a desk and desperately wishing for something new and exciting. The zombie outbreak in Malton provided exactly what he had been hoping for. Having been attacked and infected early on, Ashnak wandered the streets with a mob of other like-minded zombies, eating and groaning at every opportunity and helping newer zomblings along the way. These days, he takes great joy in breaking down barricades and dragging the living screaming out into the street where they soon join the De-vivication Movement.



Burgerbitz was earning some easy money doing legwork advertising the latest opening of the burger joint Boigerz Boigerz Boigerz. During the outbreak he got up as usual, slipped into his giant Boiger costume and worked the streets. The locals seemed busier than usual, screaming and running around town. When Burgerbitz grabbed one to find out what was going on, a singular thought jumped into his mind: why waste your time with beef when the perfect Boiger meat is Brainz?


Cerebral Silence

A former amateur inventor turned med school cadaver after his first invention, an electric shampoo dispenser, failed miserably. His next interaction with world came at the medical students final exam, when a female student mistakenly thought she was hallucinating when she saw his eyes opening and and limbs moving; chalked it up to, "A bad batch of tofu" she'd eaten earlier that morning. He promptly ate her brains. Which later did cause mild indigestion.



A professional clown, Chuckles contracted the mysterious virus from a sick child at a birthday party he was hired to entertain for. Roaming Malton as a lonely Feral after the little Disease Monger infected him...along with a case of mumps, which strangely persisted even in his Undead state....Chuckles was about give up. Even the other zombies weren't interested with his antics of twisting corpses into Balloon Giraffes, and he was sad. One day, Taelus invited him to join the Experts, and Zombie Mr. T also pitied him as well. Chuckles is now a Happy Clown again, and is known to guffaw with a cheerful HAR HAR HAR in a good killing. He still has the Mumps, though. Careful if he infects you.



In his unfortunate stint of breatherism, DammedFour was an expert accountant. He had a broad interest, covering aspects like tax evasion, stock options, accounting code systems and much more. Unfortunately he also had an strong belief in his own abilities as a teacher, which meant he valiantly attempted to introduce everyone everywhere to the wonderful world of economics. At parties, on dates, in the shop. You name it. When zombified, this was one the passions he brought with him. Today he can be seen on the streets of Malton, groaning his interests to all he meets. And sometimes he get's a bit too involved in imparting his wisdom on others...



He has a scar down his face and one of his eyes is a milky white. He carries dual Glock 19 pistols, a Remington shotgun, and an authentic katana, of course, Zombies can't use katanas, or pistols, or even shotguns. Our antihero doesn't know this. He is just trying to copy his favourite heroes from his favourite movies, and live out his life amid this horrific survivor outbreak.


Ellen O'Rigby

A sweet, lonely old lady from Whitlock Road in Rolt Heights, near St. Romuald's Church where she used to be the organist. Her hobbies include picking up rice at the Church after weddings, and wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door. Who is it for (and whose is it)? Not even Ellen knows for sure anymore. During the early outbreaks, Ellen died in the Church and was buried along with her name. Nobody came, as most of her family was already undead and occupied elsewhere at the time. Her first de-vivification was poor Father MacKenzie himself, from St. Romuald's. She jumped the poor priest just after the final prayer at her sparsely attended funeral; he was wiping the dirt from his hands as he walked from her grave.


Estelle Getty

Estelle Getty is a Golden Globe and Emmy award-winning actress. She is best known for her portrayal of fiesty Sicilian grandma Sophia Petrillo in the hit TV sitcom The Golden Girls. It is a little known fact that Estelle was heavily made-up to look older for The Golden Girls. In reality, she is two months younger than Bea Arthur, the show's main star. At the beginning of the zombie outbreak in Malton, Estelle was spending her twilight years in a Kempsterbank nursing home. Mistakenly believing she was dead, Estelle immediately joined a zombie horde and got brain rot. She is now a full-time cannibal, roving Malton, eating brains and making sassy comments. Retirement was never so much fun!


The Gangrene Kid

The only daughter of "Half an Arm" Albert, The Gangrene Kid enjoyed a happy childhood, even after the outbreak, in West Grayside. When her Pa died at the hands of the PH, and her Ma went mad with grief, The Kid found herself on her own. Tugging a little red wagon filled with her favorite toys, and her favoritest toy, her daddy's 45, strapped to her side, she walked the streets of Malton alone. No harmanz were willing to take in The Kid, reasoning someone her age was dead weight. But the DvEM doesn't mind dead weight and saw something more in The Kid, so they took her into their fold. She's found solace in her new family: now she's looked after, cared for, and goes to bed everynight with a tummy full o' brainz.


Glarin Ayergroin

He smells horrible, doesn't bathe, and eats meat of questionable quality. Not too much different from when this midget concertgoer was alive, really! For him, undeath is simply another concert tour. GRAAGH ON!



Calling himself a "Crusader Knight", he cut a swath of death across Europe, North Africa and the Holy Land, reveling in the blood of unbelievers. Men, women, children- he slaughtered them all for the sin of not believing as he did. In England he was finally brought down by the survivors of a village he had massacred and was unceremoniously dumped into an unmarked grave. Imagine his surprise when he found himself not in the heaven he expected, but in the hell he so richly deserved, where the Devil tormented him for centuries. Then came Malton. When the dead began to rise, that mean ol' Devil gleefully rose our knight, baptized him "godshand" as a cosmic joke, and unleashed him with nothing but the memory of his hunger for slaughter.



GoreCraze was at one time an American human. Always the scholarly type, he became a high school biology teacher. Certain circumstances had arisen and he traveled to Malton. Gore had clambered over the barricades surrounding the city and became fascinated with the world of the undead at once. He allowed several zombies to rip at him... to turn him into one of them. After being a body in the street for days, the man had stood up as a corpse and discovered he had finally found happiness. GoreCraze is quite a clumsy zombie (he trips over things) and has a strange obsession for carnage and gore, and always prefers beating his victims to a pulp before eating their brains...



Ed Jones was a remarkable boy. He excelled in his studies and was a keen gymnast. As he entered his teenage years, however, he became more relaxed and no longer cared for working hard. One stormy November night while wandering home from his local drug-den, he was bitten in the ass by a psychotic rampaging hobo. The result was catastrophic. His beard grew long, his throat became dry and coarse. That night Ed Jones did not become a zombie, but a superhero. As a superhero, however, he was awful. He couldn't save lives, and he couldn't get kitties out of trees. He only used his power get more high. Ed Jones, or Graaaghman as he is now known, remains the only zombie in Malton to naturally contract the virus.



GrimTimTim was a happy person who enjoyed his job as an overnight board op at a local talk radio station. His life revolved around work, collecting/playing video games, collecting/watching dvds, and collecting/ listening to obscure music. GrimTimTim was at work when the outbreak happened. People came to the station, and he let them in. The condition worsened in one of his guests, who then attacked them. At first GrimTimTim was unsure of his new existence. Then while watching and participating in tearing at barricades, he realized that zombies were perfect beings. No competition, no backstabbing - just a group instinctually helping each other. GrimTimTim being a kind and helpful sort, has decided to share this truth with the world.


Harbinger of Death

Harbinger of Death was first de-vived on March 29, 2006 in rural Malton. He leapt into the spotlight in the smash hit Army of Darkness, playing the role of Deadite Scout. But the young Harbinger was dissatisfied with the critical accolades, and made a decision that led him to become one of the most financially successful - if not critically acclaimed – zombie stars in history… "I have no interest in making art," Harbinger announced in a landmark Pole Mall devival. “I don't care what I have to do. Sure, I could produce devivals that are more personal and have more integrity. But why bother? I want broads, bucks and brainz..." Since that bold statement Harbinger of Death has won 11 Harman'z Choice Awards for various works.


I kveld

I kveld had been dead years before the outbreak, but her body was given to Science and revived with a Necro Tech prototype syringe. But she felt alone, so she ran from the labs as they exploded. She had hope to start all over again, and that is when she met Paul Rever. They fell deeply in love. They were married and shared brains by moon light. Tragically they got thrown apart from one another. She will aways keep looking for her lost love. But until that day comes she will travel with her new found friends.


Kaelis Ra

Originally from Australia, Kaelis Ra made one hell of a zombie after being infected by a rampaging kangaroo at the Malton Zoo. His heavy Australian accent is still blatently audible in his groaning and moaning. He wanders the streets of Malton with his Akubra hat. At first Kaelis Ra was displeased with his zombified life. But in time he realised it was quite similar to what he had done in life: wandering around in search of food. Unfortunately some ungrateful survivor decided to steal Kaelis Ra's Akubra, so he joined the Experts in hope of reclaiming his lost hat.


Lady Ragnarok

Long a world ruled by the sun...there was born a Goddess of the Night. She coveted the darkness, and the light that shone upon the world pained her so...Goddess Nott attempted to bring forth Ragnarok (Nordic apocalypse) by invoking the Fimbulvetr (Great Winter). She would try to seize the world in the name of eternal night, where she and her dark bretheren could exist in their hedonistic bliss...but it was not meant to be. This betrayal infuriated the other gods, who then killed her. Many years later, Nott was reborn...she took the name Ragnarok as her own, and easily passed as just another gothic girl writing apoctalyptic poetry and cutting her wrists, writing ancient incantations in the blood...Now, Ragnarok has finally begun...and as the dead rise up and claim the world for the night, she consumes all in her path alongside the incarnations of her ancient friends...the De-vivification Experts of Malton.


Le Petit Morte

Like all babies, Morte was just a bundle of curious, playful, and restless energy that just loved to crawl away and stick things in his mouth. Not much has changed since Morte joined the horde of the walking dead, except now he chews on fingers instead of pacifiers. A carefree little baby, Morte loves to tag along with the experts and gnaw some harman flesh with his adorable baby teeth. Among Morte's favored activities are cooing, sleeping, smiling, drooling, and rending flesh.



A plagued sufferer of leprosy in life, Marrgle welcomes the wave of undeath that swept over Malton more than a year ago. Movement without pain and a strong desire to strike back at those who ridiculed him in life fuel his somnabulent hatred. He found solace with the DvEM, a group that understands his driving need for revenge and has the skill to follow through. Now he fancies himself the Leper King, encouraging those with the disease to follow him into unlife. Those without the disease aren't a problem either, he is willing to spend the time tearing at them until they contract it.


Mr. Roarke

Each of the three weekly visitors to the tropical Fantasy Island paid $10,000 to make a lifelong dream come true. Mr Roarke managed the visitor's fantasies, directing his retinue to smile as the seaplane landed to Tattoo's call of "The Plane! The Plane!" The fantasies varied: one visitor was an ugly duckling who longed to be a sex symbol, another was a frustrated salesman looking for the business coup of a lifetime, yet another was a video game addict who wanted a zombie hunting game to end all others. The visitors had one thing in common: they all imagined a life more glamorous or exciting than the one they left behind. Now After some time in this fantasy world Mr. Roarke Continues to make peoples lives much more exciting by killing them.



Mia was a medic in the military. When she went to the battle of Malton, she set her goal as being to heal and revive as many as she could. But she got tired all the fighting...not from the zeds, but from the sides and rear. Then, one day, she journied into Ridleybank and died. As a zombie, she had fun. Her old life forgotten thanks to her steadily rotting brain, she happily munched survivors while following the RRF around. Once, for awhile, she got revived, thanked the gods for her luck, and resumed her original mission...and then she died again. Now she wanders about, following the scent of a new horde, named DvEM. Even still, she does so half heartedly, as if she's grown bored.

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Mr. T

Some know him from The A-Team, some know him from Rocky 3, and even still some know him from his brief string of collect call commercials. Everyone who knows him knows that he loves one thing, Pitying Fools. So when Mr T heard about the Zombie outbreaks in Malton he jumped in the signature A-Team Van, fired up the A-Team soundtrack and drove straight through the barricades into the heart of Malton, hoping to pity the zombie fools. However inspired by the foolish practices of those in the suburb of Kempsterbank he realized the true fools were the harmanz themselves. He has since devoted his "life" to pitying as many harman fools as he can. In conclusion, "He pities the fool who gets in his way."



Nemhain was once a shy and retiring entomologist; she luvzzz her maggots. Becoming somewhat of a social recluse due to all the worms she picked up, it came as no surprise that she was unaware of the Zombie Outbreak. Infected while out collecting specimens, she has found her true calling by following in the footsteps of her namesake, the Celtic Goddess Nemhain. In particular she inspires frenzy, bloodlust and panic. She can make a man die of fright, or become a slavering animal that seeks to drink his fellow's blood - normally after de-vivification. Nemhain's gifts add a new terror to the Bloody Field of Battle known as Malton.


Our Lady of Broken Souls

Our Lady was, in life, an uber goth chick who went to all the right Vampire Clubs and Vampire LARPs in hopes of meeting a Real Vampire who would induct her into Undeath. She studied White Wolf religiously in order to prepare for that day. She left her window open at night in case a vampire bat fluttered in. One day, a zombie crawled in and gave her the initition she was always dreaming for. It's not vampirism, but hey! Close enough. Currently wanders Malton in a knock-off Anne Rice vampire outfit, feasting on human brains and posing dramatically before every attack.



Set on down, whipper snappers, and I'll tell you the tale of what happened to the southwest corner of Pole Mall. It was way back in ought five, I believe. Times were rough back then, let me tell you. 'Tweren't easy like it is now. Buildings hadn't been torn down and built up a million times. Those barricades the harmanz put up then were tough! Anyway, me and my 400 mates hammered on that corner for nigh on three months straight. When we finally broke in, the whole corner collapsed. Just one guy in there, too, sitting on a monster pile of spent duct tape rolls and plastic trees. You all don't know how good you've got it. No siree. Uh uh. Spoilt rotten. And no respect for your elders. Don't rightly know why I put up with you at all.


Pins and needles

Rick Rickers was a generous man in life, and often gave change to Hobos. This usually got him a "thank you" or "god bless you sir." But then, one day, to his great surprise, one of the bums to whom he usually tossed change slumped right forward and bit his good hand. Shocked, Rick jogged (he would've run, but he was a smoker) unsteadily to the nearest emergency room. The doctor, examining the wound, poked and prodded and asked rick what he felt. "Pins and needles" replied Rick. Unfortunately, the doctor didn't hear him over his own screaming, and even if he could have Rick was speaking with a full mouth, and would likely have been difficult to understand. Disappointed with the quality of the medical service he received, Rick's been wandering Malton ever since- looking for a second opinion, and administering "first aid" to survivors everywhere (he is easily confused, however- after this photograph was taken, Rick, now known as "pins and needles," spent fully three hours looking for "the birdie" before becoming frustrated and eating the photographer- and usually does more harm than good when treating injured survivors).



RedNovember was an insurance salesman once upon a time, albeit not a very good one. Desperate for any customers, he knocked on the door of a dilapidated looking house on the outskirts of Shackleville. He was met by a festering reanimated corpse. Unfortunately, it was not interested in the latest life insurance planning advice. RedNovember left with a bite on his neck and a new appetite for life. Wandering around as a feral, RedNovember found some members of the De-vivification Experts, and soon found he liked the camaraderie - almost like the Cadet Corps had been. He likes tearing down barricades and ogling zombie chicks with a full stomach of harmanz.


Ricta Mortis

Dude. A skate punk from the southeast suburbs of Malton, Ricta led a pretty quite life. One day he was violently shredding down his granddude's driveway, popping ollies, and catching some major air. Unbeknownst to him, his granddude, Phlax, had recently gone through a serious life change. Awaking to the noise, he came outside, gnawed off Ricta's head, then went back to bed. Bummer. The next day Ricta woke up dead and learned to enjoy zombie life. Nothing but kick flips over park benches, tic tacs around the city square, and grinding on the heads of innocent survivors.



SMZ seeks same for wild nights of degustation. I love romantic candlelight feedings, lurches through the park, and hot passionate grappling in clubs. Drug free, and newly infectious. You: all zombah, gainfully employed; no ferals or harmanz “questioning their vivification�? please. (Although I guess I have been known to engage in a bit of casual one-night de-vivification on the side… *wink*.)

P.S. Have you found a gym in Malton? I can’t find a single one, and I’ve simply died for a good workout!



Taelus was his stage name when he DJ'd at Club Meatyard in Rhodenbank. He was actually doing this job to pay his way through medical school. You got to see all strange types at the clubs so he didn't think much of it when he went in for his last fateful shift in Malton. Unfortunately he wasn't quick enough to make his way out of the club and got snagged on the ankle by a zombie that was just standing up. This caused him to stumble and slam his forehead into the safety glass - thus explaining the x-shaped scar on his forehead. When he came to he discovered his new unlife and soon came to revel in the glory that is zombie-hood.

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For the longest time Teia was a dangerous member of The Dark Order of Armageddon. After she broke free from the Dark Pope's hold, she fled to Caiger Mall. She hid in Caiger, afraid and confused up until she was killed by the zombies who got in. Returned to her undead state, Teia was no longer afraid. Everything was perfectly clear; she was happy again. When revived, she is not dangerous... Just, really, really creepy. Many people have seen her staring at them holding her shotgun with a bloodlust in her eyes... Waiting... Just waiting for an order to kill that will never come.



Tekkassu was a simple person, with a simple life and a boring job in NecroTech. He had a wife and two kids. A nice house. Everything he had always wished for. He really enjoyed this simple life. But then, all Hell broke loose and everything changed: he was bitten by a zombie during the early outbreaks and got infected with that deadly virus that was killing so many people in the city. He died shortly after. Not too long after that, his family followed. Then his friends, and everyone he knew. He was just another dead in an almost-dead world. But he didn’t go forever. He got back up, driven only by two things: instinct and the will to feed... Now he shambles trough the streets of Malton, feasting on the flesh of the living every time he can...


Urban Dread

"Mama?... Mama?" a little girl calls over and over as she shuffles from one building to the next. Some gentle-hearted survivors have even opened the door to her after hearing her heartbreaking cries. You know better though, don't you? This round-faced little three-year-old has long since lost her human name, and if she does have family still alive in Malton, they aren't showing their faces. She may sound like your missing child, she may look like a sad lost little girl, but this is no girl, this is Urban Dread.



One of the literati in life, Worder always had a book to hand. He invariably found himself drawn to the greatest minds around him, and before the outbreak was highly active in debates and philosophical and literary discussions in coffee shops, lecture halls, and pretentious hang outs across the city. After the outbreak he discovered he was still drawn to brains of quality, though for slightly different reasons.


xXAnother ZombieXx

xXAnother ZombieXx is basically just another zombie. He was born into this world as a zombie and has known nothing other then eating brainz. The only thing that's really special about him is that he helped take over the White House in his zombie teen years... and he personally ate Dead President Bush's brain. He looks to be about 29 years old in human years.


Zombie Emu

Oh yes, citizens, that's right. A zombified, undead, 100% natural (and about 70% preserved) emu! Originally brought to Malton in a shipment of various animals slated for slaughter and consumption by average Maltonians, zombie emu (unbeknownst to his handlers) was infected with a bad case of what world governments have dubbed "avian flu." Don't mind the news stories. H5N1? Yeah, right. Go right on believing, you vegetative, couch potato survivors, you. Just wait. Why do you think everyone's so stirred about a few dead birds? Because said birds took multiple buckshot blasts to their heads to put down, that's why. Now you citizens know why it's so important to thoroughly wash and cook your poultry before eating. Bon appetit!



No background story yet; we're still trying to piece together what's left of his bra!nz... --ZuluDeacon 18:15, 7 December 2006 (UTC)


Zombie Liu Kang

The Soulless Body of Earthrealm Champion Liu Kang. His Body was resurrected by the Dark Reincarnation of Raiden, to wreak havoic on the populace of Malton.



Zombie Migg

This young kid's story started about a year ago when he accidentaly got bitten by a drunk hobo while he was buying groceries. When he was bitten he screamed so loud that his jaw stretched to enormous lengths. Shortly after that incident, he had become so sick that his dad couldn't see him suffer any longer. So that night his father put him to sleep, for good. After the funeral, the kid rose up from the dead, with new life, to find his father. Unfortunately, this new life required a need for something. A need that could only be described in one word. Brains. Now ZombieMigg, or Migg the Zombie, walks along his fellow zombies looking to fullfill his body's needs.

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Zombie Stripper

Since the outbreak, rumors have circulated among the survivors of a zombie stripper. These claims might well stem from this specimen of undead femininity. Her name, lost in the ashes of Malton. Still wearing her 'outfit', Zombie Stripper was turned in the initial outbreak during one of her shows. Scantily clad and gyrating out of reflex, Zombie Stripper brings a sensual side to what is the foul death machine that is the De-vivification Experts of Malton. A rotter to the very core, Zombie stripper dines on more than just brains... so beware, gentlemen, and remember - no touching!



One of the few surviving animals of the Malton Zoo, ZuluDeacon gained his intelligence after countless experiments done at the hands of NecroTech scientists. However one experiment went awry, and ZuluDeacon was killed. Unceremoniously dumped outside one of the many NecroTech buildings in Malton, the outbreak gave ZuluDeacon a new lease on life... as a zombie. He now roams the streets of Malton, dragging a sawed-off shotgun; it's a memento from the first harman he killed. He hopes to kill many more.