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==Revive Point Markings==
The revive points in Santlerville needs to be more clearly marked, and all survivors should be aware where they are. The Finch Monument's RP tag is sprayed over, and I have witnessed at least 5 non-rotter zombie deaths in St. Emelia's in the past two days. [[User:TehHeyhey|TehHeyhey]] 23:28, 2 October 2008 (BST)
==Santlerville Zerg Hunt==  
==Santlerville Zerg Hunt==  

Revision as of 22:28, 2 October 2008

Revive Point Markings

The revive points in Santlerville needs to be more clearly marked, and all survivors should be aware where they are. The Finch Monument's RP tag is sprayed over, and I have witnessed at least 5 non-rotter zombie deaths in St. Emelia's in the past two days. TehHeyhey 23:28, 2 October 2008 (BST)

Santlerville Zerg Hunt

All Santlerville residents should check out this page: Zerg Hunt I.5: Gamewide Teabag Finis Operation. The number of zergs this bastard has in Santlerville -- which he uses to grief prominent local survivor groups -- is absurd. Use one of the contact lists and you'll see... there's one (at least) in almost every building in the suburb... We're also pretty sure it's Finis who keeps barricading St. Emelia's to EHB. Any any all help would be appreciated. --WanYao 17:20, 21 May 2008 (BST)

Barricade Plan

The Santlerville Barricade Plan has been moved to its own page

This has been awesome

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone associated with the April-May zombie siege of Santlerville. The zombie groups have been consummate guests of Santlerville, and I appreciate their decision to visit us. I am most thankful and humbled by the unaligned survivors who were in Dowdney when the siege started and have fought viciously and valiantly this whole time. I am extremely grateful for the local Santlerville groups who responded immediately and consistently, and to our wonderful visiting survivor groups who responded to our calls for help to better defend the area.

There are over two thousand a thousand folks -- give or take a few naughty zergers, I suppose -- who have been making this battle more epic each day. No matter how this ends up, I'm thankful for all of your real-life time and your in-game AP for making this an event worth participating within. Thank you, each and every one!

Of course, the siege isn't over yet! Let keep making it the kind of experience that has brought all of us together. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 21:09, 11 May 2007 (BST)

Even if you ultimately lose?
Even if I and the survivors ultimately lose. This will be my Caiger, the siege that will be most precious to me when I one day walk away from this game. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 13:02, 12 May 2007 (BST)
Don't forget the love we shared, Sexy Rexy...the love that dared not speak its name...the love that remained steadfast and unwavering despite headshot and infectious bite. One day, one day soon, I'll be able to cry out "Go long, Sexy Rexy! GO LONG!!!" And you will be able to answer my call. Until that day, our siege keeps our love as nothing more than a bittersweet longing in my undead (and occasionally revived) loins. --Goolina Gore Corps 11:37, 12 May 2007 (BST)
First off, you're the one who goes long. I'm the Quarterback of Love, and you're my beautiful receiver of a undead princess. If you want me to hit you with my Sex Cannon, you cry out, "SEXY I'M OPEN, I'M SO WIDE OPEN AND I NEED TO BE DELIVERED A BOMB OF YOUR LOVE!" Secondly, part of my terms of the RRF surrender will involve you, me, a safehouse in a nice green section of the city, an order that RRF cannot get 2 burbs near us (especially that mean StrayZombie guy), and 100AP of in-game pleasure for us, my sweet. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 13:02, 12 May 2007 (BST)
I can arrange for a rendevous, but first we still must dance! And Bagel7 is not invited. --Goolina Gore Corps 20:47, 12 May 2007 (BST)
OMFG, this is so gay.--Bagel7 13:17, 12 May 2007 (BST)
Somebody needs a hug. Can I give you a hug? --Sexy Rexy Grossman 19:10, 12 May 2007 (BST)
Thanks, but no, thanks.--Bagel7 20:06, 12 May 2007 (BST)

I just walked into this siege. I was shambling around looking for some fresh meat, and bam- I find myself outside of the Hall Building with 50 other zombies. We tear down some barricades and run in for a light snack or two and then run back out. The meat Popsicles quickly build up their defenses again. Good god there are over 70 of them in there! Soon there are 86 fellow-corpses out there all clamoring for MEAT. I am quite new to all this, but I must say that I felt that I was onto something special. Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks so. Cannibalisticly yours, Eugene the Zombie 11:56, 21 May 2007 (BST)

I'm going to concur with the awesomeness. My first major battle in Urban Dead has been extremely satisfying. Killed me a couple zed's, healed a lot of survivors, stood in the meat shields, got my bra!nz eaten a few times. Good times, everyone! RRF and others, it was truly an honor to do battle with you. I believe I may have even experienced such a taste of Barhah as to compel me to join you in the future. --Tiamare

This has been truly superb. Best time I have had in Urban Dead. Died once, revived loads, wasted plenty of zeds and tracked down several Gore Corps safe houses. My alt's heart belongs to Santlerville. --The Hierophant 06:11, 27 May 2007 (BST)

We had safe houses? --Goolina Gore Corps 01:33, 31 May 2007 (BST)
You were safe, in my arms. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 15:48, 1 June 2007 (BST)
On several occasions I found three or more Gore Corps members chilling unmolested in a single building. --The Hierophant 11:16, 2 June 2007 (BST)

Motion to...

...Seperate groups on the Santlerville wiki page into categories.

eg) Survivor, Zombie, PKer

Something along those lines. One reason would be to help new players know their local groups and who to join/avoid depending on how they wanna play...

Thoughts? --Nallan 08:24, 21 May 2007 (BST)

That seems like a swell idea. I've actually been thinking about this, since it's getting pretty active group-wise here. I second this motion. Good idea.--Tigerfangred 03:35, 23 May 2007 (BST)
Finally - it's done. If anyone feels something needs changing feel free to do so. I've categorised groups based on group pages, my own personal experiences and those of other BBK members. I think it's been done correctly. If not - sorry.--Nallan 04:52, 14 June 2007 (BST)
I feel pkers/griefers shoudlnt be in the same catogory. Most pk groups are NOT griefers, without starting am argument it could be said humans are mainly griefers as they kill the same zombies (human player) over and over again in say, a mall seige scinario. But excellent job with the group thing, makes it look nice.--Thekooks 20:37, 14 June 2007 (BST)
I totally agree - I just wanted some kind of categorisation for new players. If anyone feels they can improve the system, go right ahead - just maybe post something here with your thoughts on the subject. Thanks for the imput guys.--Nallan 06:45, 15 June 2007 (BST)
Hmm, I don't know about the recent change to the group categories on the Santlerville page. The colours are pretty but the "hostile" groups category is not really suitable, I think. Can we get someone from EN to comment? To me "hostile" depends on who you are...--Nallan 08:07, 14 July 2007 (BST)
Sup, holmes. When I saw the change I was a little irritated, yeah. I mean, EN is hostile toward survivors, sure. But we're not hostile to say, zombies. Or most PK groups. But even changing hostile to "player killers" would be incorrect. Criminal would probably be more apt. We do things that are considered no-nos to the larger population.
I don't mind being grouped with Gennie fraggers, Radio smashers, griefers or death cultists. I think every member of EN is guilty of the first three infractions at one time or another, although they are not our primary goals. In short, whatever floats your boats guys. It's a matter of semantics to me more than anything. --Adrian Jeshua EN | T 16:15, 23 July 2007 (BST)
As it doesn't concern my group, I'm not too worried about it, as long as it's reasonable. After all, criminals are people too. I think it's good. I'll go ahead and change it. Maybe we can get other suburbs to follow the same categorisation template.--Nallan 07:23, 24 July 2007 (BST)
Oh wow - my bad, it's already been adopted. Cool :)--Nallan 09:09, 24 July 2007 (BST)

Appleby Park RP

Somebody has tagged Appleby Park as a revive point. AFAIK, none of the local Santlerville groups (that I know of) are maintaining it. Does anybody have any information about this? --Sexy Rexy Grossman 21:40, 3 July 2007 (BST)

St. Emelia's and LUE

Talk about bad timing. If you guys agree, I would like to make St. Emelia's conversion to an indoor RP be tabled during the possible LUE siege. Santlerville RPs would be Finch and the cemetery. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 03:15, 13 July 2007 (BST)

I agree. Let's go ahead and do it now before it's too late to coordinate. We'll help spread the word - about the RP and about the upcoming siege. Good luck people.--Nallan 06:27, 13 July 2007 (BST)

I also agree, With it being close to the anthony building we can come in revive and get out, without wasting ap to get to finch and getting back alive.--Pisic25 07:09, 13 july 2007 (EST)

Whoops. I think I wasn't clear. I meant to say is that we would NOT use St. E's as an RP right now. If St. E's cades drop, we should raise them if there are folks inside. Once the LUE has moved on, we can go back to transitioning to using St. E's. It will take at least a month, maybe longer, to get the word out and get everybody to use it. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 17:40, 13 July 2007 (BST)

Mmmm.... not sure, I still think having it as an entry point which serves as a revive point would be incredibly usefull, mainly from points that have allready been brought up on the dribbling beavers board such as;

a) saving on AP b) not having to go outside to revive. Not up to me though.... --Psiuk 22:06, 13th July (BST)

I think it could be done, that is, making it an RP ahead of this attack (or maybe the siege has already started I don't even know yet).--Nallan 08:03, 14 July 2007 (BST)

Okay, tell y'all what. We'll try to get St. E's into RP shape before LUE gets here, if the come. We Beavers will monitor Finch and St. E's, and encourage everybody to do likewise. Nallan, get the BBK to focus on St. E's and the cemetery. Once LUE moves on, we'll properly shut down Finch. --Sexy Rexy Grossman 19:44, 16 July 2007 (BST)

This suburb's revive points

After some recent changes, this page contradicts itself so many times in relation to the amount of revive points and which are active. For example: Revive Points

   * Cemetery [78, 26] ACTIVE
   * Cookesley Avenue [74, 23] INACTIVE
   * The Finch Monument [76, 24] ACTIVE 

Then the suburb map lists St. Emelia's as an RP, along with the cemetery.

Later on it says that the cemetery is INactive.

Just for the record, the cemetery revive point IS active - there are 14 bodies and no standing zombies there ATM, which doesn't mean it's inactive. The BBK monitor it regularly.

Everyone, please make sure what you add (or take away from the page) is cross checked with what is already existing on the page. Discuss your ideas with the rest of the community before changing important info on the wiki page.

In general, I think all of Santlerville's RPs need clarification on this page and on their respective wiki pages. I posted on the Finch Monument talk page asking whether the BAR were maintaining the RP still, as the Finch Monument's wiki page also contradicts itself numerous times. I never got a reply.

So please, active wikizens and residents of Santlerville, let's clean up our page and its related RP pages. I'm calling for mass discussion and input on the topic of Santlerville RPs. Groups who are maintaining RPs need to make sure the page for the RP is up to date and clear (this includes my group, don't worry). It's for the good of all players. I would go and make some changes but I wouldn't be confident enough as to whether or not the information I posted would be right. I think it should be up to the groups monitoring the RPs and people who use them regularly, as they would be the most knowledgeable. Which is why we need to discuss this with everyone so people can be informed. Please, someone, give me your thoughts.--Nick 01:54, 1 October 2007 (BST)

Hey Nallan...lets sort this thing out. Due to the large number of well intentioned survivor groups in Santlerville different RP's have sprung up around the neighbourhood. The Current situation, as agreed by The Beatbox Kids and The Dribbling Beavers as well as agreed upon by other notable residents is that St. Emelia's Church is the ONLY 24/7 revive point in Santlerville. This location has been adopted by a number of key groups and residents and any doubters should similar use it. Both as a zombie requiring revivification or a reviver requiring XP or simply assisting the deadites. The cemetery is semi-active, only used in emergencies, generally when greifers have overcaded St E's...
Finch monument, Cookesley Avenue and Pace Monument are almost completely derelict and should be 100% abandoned as they are unnecessary. St Emelia's is in a central location, is indoor to act as a EP/RP as well as near Dewes and Hall NT buildings. Even the cemetery is not needed as in times of overcading the outside of St E's works perfectly. If any groups or residents have a problem with this policy they should say so, as i will take no feedback to mean all RP's excluding St E's should be abandoned and will adjust the wiki's accordingly. --J3D 08:07, 1 October 2007 (BST)
Thank you all for the RP feedback. It is only recently come to my attention how diverse the information about RPs was on this page. I am one of the ones that tried to document the move from the Finch Monument to St Emelia's, but I overlooked this page's info. I've patched up the page a bit today. A member of my group confirmed that the Finch Monument is still used by the BAR.Private Damage 23:42, 1 October 2007 (BST)
On the occasions when i am outside in Santlerville i rarely ever see anyone at Finch, and the with the disbanding of the BBK the cemetery only serves as a backup for St E's in the event of overcading. Surely we could do away with Finch and the cemetery and in case of overcading hopefully candidates for revivification can simply wait outside St E's. It would simplify things for everyone and draw in more revivers at St E's, further increasing turnaround. Of course groups could still use there private RP's if they really wanted to but there's no need to put that info on the Santlerville wiki page. Thoughts?--Jed 06:00, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

"Resource Buildings" info

I've been thinking for a while now that under the "Resource Buildings" template/section there should be a box listing the suburb's entry points. I often come to a new suburb and want to be able to quickly see a list of vsb buildings in accordance with the barricade plan. If revive points and bulletin boards are included then I think EPs should be too. Perhaps a new template could be named (e.g. Points of Interest or something) seeing as revive points aren't exactly resource buildings. I was going to post this here along with another guy's concerns, but figured I'd get a quicker response on this page. What are other people's thoughts?--Nick 06:55, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

I wholeheartedly agree. Although there are ten in the suburb...rather a long list wouldn't you say? mm?--Jed 09:32, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
You'll have to petition to change the template, as there is no room in the current template for EPs. (I think.) --Sexy Rexy Grossman 20:05, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

Crap that was posted as "news"

December 15th

To those who seem to think IAmDarthNihilus is a PK'er or GK'er. He's been in CCPD for a long time, and he's never touched any of us. There is no need to continue the accusations and slander. At one point, long ago, he may have screwed up, but that doesn't matter now. Hell, he even installed CCPD's most recent generator. Yeah, makes a lot of sense for a GK'er to install a generator... --Edward Grengle 22:13, 15 December 2007 (UTC)

I think the main reason for the DarthNihilus persecution is this. I think perhaps he was just a noob who didn't know that was against the rules...but you can see why people were suss. --Jed 00:22, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
Then I would assume he'd be considered a zerger, not a GK'er or PK'er as he's been called. He has also said he didn't know about the zergin' laws when he first started, he no longer keeps the alts in the same suburb. Atleast the accusations have died down. Didn't want to have to go on a manhunt after the ones responsible.--Edward Grengle 22:56, 17 December 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, it all stopped once the BBK and Goolina left Santlerville. Hmm..... DanceDanceRevolution 06:31, 19 December 2007 (UTC)

December 14th

Heads up from Lt Wood of Pashenton. We're attempting to secure a foothold in South-East Pashenton, however we're suffering heavy zombie counter-attacks at Tactical Resource Points such as St Seraphim's Hospital and Rawkins Row PD. People staying in Santlerville looking for some xp, head north and lend a hand. Also, the zombie groups look like they might be heading south to ransack this wonderful Green zone, so be ready for a possible 20-30 zed insurgance. - Lt Wood.

News controversy

Yeah! i totally agree with you Finis! The people of Santlerville have no right to know whether a local player is GKer, PKer, Zerger or anything. I'm sure even you would like to know that sort of information, so you can help them. And just a helpful tip, generally news gets archived not deleted...although if your talk page is anything to go by you're not a big fan of archiving...or other people's opinions for that matter.--Jed 11:12, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
Finis, don't bring your shit here. And whilst you're at it, why don't you stop posting on the wiki altogether? Honestly, information on zombie activity is perfectly acceptable as news. If you have a problem with the way these people have posted news updates, why not take it up with them on their talk page?--Nick 11:34, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
The News section on the Santlerville page is for major news to be reported in an NPOV manner. If you wish to report every PKing, GKing, possible 'zombie spy' etc; either go to forums which keep such lists or put it here. Also speculations on zombie activity cannot be accepted as news.--Finis Valorum 11:52, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
Lt Wood's post wasn't "speculation on zombie activity" as it gives specific information as to where zombie activity is taking place and how it affects those in Santlerville, in form of help to xp harvesters and potential future movements. The news section is the best place to post such information as it is checked by most people in the suburb. I doubt most people check this talk page as its had 1/45 of the page accesses of the Santlerville page. I also believe the dark nililhus (sorry, no idea how to spell your starwars words) information is also important and belongs here as it informs the residents that his past rule breaking was an error and he is in fact pro survivor (whether or not that means that stop/start killing him is their choice, the information was merely presented). And perhaps instead of trying to delete, edit and find flaws in perfectly acceptable wiki posts you add your own information to the wiki and improve it rather then just adding more people to your oh-so-long list of enemies.--Jed 12:20, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
Pashenton news are not Santlerville news. If you're interested about the situation in the surrouding suburbs, you should check those suburbs pages. And I am repeating myself: news section is for MAJOR NEWS regarding THIS SUBURB ONLY and written in an NPOV MANNER.--Finis Valorum 12:27, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

Wait, so the news of a building in Pashenton is completely irrelevant to that of a building 1 block (that's 1 action point) South in Northern Sanlterville? And where exactly does it say that the "news section is for MAJOR NEWS regarding THIS SUBURB ONLY". The closest thing I can find to any sort of guidelines for news posting was this, which doesn't really support your points. As for NPOV, this topic is still under discussion and, as far as I can tell, hasn't been clarified on this wiki. The suburb style guide refers to NPOV simply as an "advisory". Also it should be noted that the Santlerville page makes no reference to NPOV anywhere (which highlights the early stage of NPOV implementation on this wiki). The news posts were fine. Get over it.--Nick 13:15, 20 December 2007 (UTC)
No, they weren't. YOU get over it.--Finis Valorum 13:20, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

And since automatically assuming a person's edit is vandalism, especially when the edits have been justified, is considered to be a poor form, I regard this edit to have been done in bad faith.--Finis Valorum 15:56, 24 December 2007 (UTC)
Haven't really been following this, but I'd like to point out that Finis doesn't get to decide what "major news/NPOV news" is. It's a community decision as a whole, and if more people feel it's acceptable, then it should be left there.-- dǝǝɥs ɯɐds: sʎɐʍ1ɐ! 20:03, 24 December 2007 (UTC)
Actually in this case, from the history link he just provided, it looks like he's very much in the right. The guy goes out of way in the news post to show he is the one reporting it and that it's his POV.--Karekmaps?! 01:55, 25 December 2007 (UTC)
i think this information benefits everyone and don't see why it shouldn't be on the page. On the other hand its more or less the end of the month and i'm away 'til the new year so fuck it, it can stay. However in the future if Finis decides to take what news is of relevance to the suburb as a whole with no other other residents (aside from perhaps the odd zerging alt) then i will continue to restore news if i feel it benefits the suburb the majority.--Jed 07:09, 25 December 2007 (UTC)
It is news and I agree with everyone else, so I undid the edit. Enjoy!-- Johnny Crow 20:26, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

PUMPKIN PEDOPHILES AND CRASH pk GROUPS IN SANTLERVILLE. These two groups, the pedos especially are a disgusting bunch who i consider worse than text rapists, and they have moved into your sleepy little pacifict burb. watch for these beyond sickening fuckers and butcher without prejudice. the PK group CRASH are just as bad for aligning with them. KOS.Cineraryone 23:19, 6 February 2008 (UTC)