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group_image=[[Image:HOPE2.jpg|365px]] <b>H</b>umans <b>O</b>perating in <b>P</b>unitive <b>E</b>xtremes|
group_image=[[Image:HOPE2.jpg|365px]] <br><b>H</b>umans <b>O</b>perating in <b>P</b>unitive <b>E</b>xtremes|

Revision as of 03:31, 4 November 2008

Humans Operating in Punitive Extremes

Humans Operating in Punitive Extremes
Abbreviation: HOPE
Group Numbers: 6
Leadership: None
Goals: Role Play, Safe House maintenance, and Lockettside Suburb Patrol
Recruitment Policy: Open - See 'Recruiting'
Contact: See 'Recruiting'


HOPE is a loose organization of Players with common interests:

  • Role Playing their characters
  • Maintaining a secured area as sanctuary to HOPE members and fellow survivors
  • Patrolling the Lockettside suburb, and keeping suburb information current

Base of Operations

HOPE utilizes the Stowell Towers as its current base of operations. Having set up a portable generator for power, fueled it, and connected it to a radio transmitter, HOPE has the means to keep its members informed of any given situation as it arises.


Players interested in joining HOPE should make their way to the Stowell Towers in Lockettside. From there they can RP their way into the organization.


Name Pic Role Joined User Page
William Holtz Holtz2.JPG Killin', Barricadin', and Shoppin' 20OCT08 William Holtz
Lilian Bode Lilian1.JPG Killin', and Taggin' 20OCT08 NA
Phillip Challis Phill1.JPG Killin', and Shoppin' 20OCT08 NA
Wendy Spitz Wendy1.JPG Killin', and Recon 21OCT08 NA
Jordan Jennings Jordan.JPG Killin', and Healin' 22OCT08 NA
Erich Wambach Erich1.JPG Killin', and Taggin' 31OCT08 NA

Recent Events


Erich Wambach joins HOPE
After a long journey filled with arduous travels and countless Zombie encounters, Erich Wambach arrives at the Stowell Towers. However, something's clearly disturbing Erich, reflections on deeds done, and accounting's of loathsome acts leaves everyone in HOPE realizing that Erich had spent the better part of his recent days as a member of the walking dead.


HOPE makes its first broadcast.
Broadcasting on 28.30, HOPE reaches out to their fellow members in an effort to keep the means of communication open.


HOPE begins settling into the Stowell Towers and setting up their base of operations. Jordan Jennings joins HOPE.
Stumbling upon Jordan in the nearby Coe Bank, William asks Jordan if he has an interest in joining HOPE. With Jordan's military training and medical know-how, Jordan makes an excellent addition to the team.


HOPE located to the Stowell Towers. Wendy Spitz joins HOPE.
Meeting up with Phillip and William, Wendy soon joins the ranks of HOPE. With their growing numbers, they soon realize they're going to need a place to settle down into and barricade. Stowell Towers, an otherwise quiet and unused building becomes home to the HOPE group.


HOPE founded (William Holtz, Lilian Bode, and Phillip Challis).
Having survived the chaos of the city for long enough on their own, three survivors come together with an understanding that their odds of survival are far greater together than alone.

HOPE Supports:

RP1.JPG Role Playing
This user or group supports Role Playing.
It's called a "character" for a reason.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Mpd.png PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Cyberape.jpg Programmable Cybernetic Primates
This user or group supports the use of programmable cybernetic primates
when human lives are just too risky to lose. We use PCP, do you?