Humans Operating in Punitive Extremes
Humans Operating in Punitive Extremes
Group Numbers:
Role Play, Safe House maintenance, and Lockettside Suburb Patrol
Recruitment Policy:
Open - See 'Recruiting'
See 'Recruiting'
HOPE is a loose organization of Players with common interests:
- Role Playing their characters
- Maintaining a secured area as sanctuary to HOPE members and fellow survivors
- Patrolling the Lockettside suburb, and keeping suburb information current
Base of Operations
HOPE utilizes the Stowell Towers as its current headquarters. Having set up a portable generator for power, fueled it, and connected it to a radio transmitter, HOPE has the means to keep its members informed of any given situation as it arises.
Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 28.30 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Stowell Towers
Players interested in joining HOPE should make their way to the Stowell Towers in Lockettside. From there they can RP their way into the organization.
User Page
William Holtz
Killin', Barricadin', and Shoppin'
William Holtz
Lilian Bode
Killin', and Taggin'
R.I.P. Couldn't take the heat, got out of the kitchen.
Phillip Challis
Killin', and Shoppin'
R.I.P. Died while attempting to defend himself.
Wendy Spitz
Killin', and Recon
Wendy Spitz
Jordan Jennings
Killin', and Healin'
R.I.P. Attempted free-run over vat of acid.
Erich Wambach
Killin', and Taggin'
R.I.P. Died of self inflicted wounds while opening canned goods.
Raul 'Sparky' Garcia
Killin', Barricadin', and Recon
Raul 'Sparky' Garcia
Abigail Harrison
Killin', and Recon
Herod Young
Killin', and Shoppin'
Will McLean
Killin', and Recon
Brian Eetar
Killin', Revivin', and 'Cadein'
Brian Eetar
Sarah Stevens
Killin', Barricadin', and Shoppin'
Killin', Barricadin', and Recon
Alex Isler
Killin', Barricadin', and Shoppin'
Killin', Barricadin', and Taggin'
Recent Events
William Holtz sets out across Malton
Having been, once again, murdered by Trever W, Holtz find himself awakening from his amnesic haze. Figuring Trever had only left him and HOPE alone with Holtz's earlier disappearance, the founder of HOPE sets out across Malton in hope of finding another area in need of help. Perhaps it was the fact Lockettside had become a far more stable area within Malton that prompted Holtz to move on, or perhaps it was an attempt to escape the murders within the Stowell Towers. Whatever the case, the journey throughout the city will be a long and dangerous one for the man seeking to lend a hand to the survivors of the infested city.
Trever W returns to Stowell Towers
Perhaps to no surprise, Trever W returned to Stowell Towers to continue with his murder of HOPE. Targeting his efforts upon one of the founding members of HOPE, William Holtz. Holtz had recently suffered from a bout of amnesia, and as such had no idea what was in store for him with Trever's return. Now the cycle begins again, but for how long?
William Holtz returns to HOPE
After having gone missing in action, founder William Holtz makes his way back to the Stowell Towers and to HOPE. It seems that Holtz has suffered from a severe case of amnesia as the fireman has no recollection of who he is, or where he belongs. Having followed the broadcasts of the HOPE organization Holtz simple sought out food and shelter, but to his amazement, those who received him quickly recognized him. Currently, the members of HOPE strive to attempt to revive his memories in the desire to see their former leader returned to his former glory.
HOPE survives Trever W
In spite of endless violence, carnage, and killing, HOPE survives the murderer Trever W. Seeming to have moved on, or otherwise left the better part of Lockettside. No hide nor hare of Trever W has been seen by any of the members of HOPE, and fingers remain crosses as this chapter in HOPE's history is forever closed.
xk1llxk1llx joins HOPE
Having offered 'his' services to the organization on numerous occasions, helped fight the good fight, and looked out for the fellow survivors scattered across the city a cybernetic sentry known only as xk1llxk1llx has been added to the ranks of the Hope organization. With any luck, this will add a certain offensive capability to the group, the likes of which has never been seen before.
Alex Isler joins HOPE
As has been the pattern for many before, Alex had offered countless services to the group of HOPE before ever thinking of becoming part of the organization. However, good deeds do not go unnoticed within HOPE, and Alex's efforts were both welcomed and needed. Having added this former police officer to the team, HOPE again grows stronger.
HOPE is undying
Having made their rounds of wanton destruction the zombie hordes have all but moved on, and with it came the return of HOPE. Resecuring, and rebarricading the Stowell Towers, the members of HOPE once again return home. Having set up a new generator and radio transmitter, HOPE's back in action and looking to the numerous wounded in the area.
The Stowell Towers falls to The Zombie Invasion
With the endless dead pushing past the destruction of the Thompson Mall, the Towers were not far behind. In spite of great efforts to maintain local communications and keep up barricades, the vast numbers of the undead were eventually too much. Though it took a group of over 35 zombies, the HQ of HOPE had fallen.
Lockettside vs. The Zombie Invasion
Continuing with their wanton destruction, the Zombie hordes have returned to Lockettside. This time they're focused on the malls. HOPE hunkers down for the worst as part of their numbers move to the mall for its defense while the rest stick to HQ for continued communications and aiding those wounded in the fighting.
Trever W vs. HOPE
Appearing out of the blue, and attacking numerous members of HOPE, Trever W been a tremendous thorn in the side of the organization. Seeking to keep an vigilant eye out for Trever, HOPE endeavors to hunt down this murderer for acts conducted against HOPE, its members, and likely - its friends.
Ojive joins HOPE
Though Ojive had been helping HOPE out for some time now, official welcomes were made to HOPE's newest member. Ojive's military prowess will be an incredible asset to HOPE and their ability to deal with the zombie threat. However, Ojive has already displayed the compassion and interests in helping fellow survivors necessary to both help HOPE and to see that we all survive this nightmare.
Sarah Stevens joins HOPE
Standing by and offering help where she could, Sarah had been amidst HOPE for months. However, her timid nature seemed to prevent her from outright asking to join the ranks. Perhaps it was the Zombie Hordes that brought the realization that having a group to look out for you had value, or recent events of HOPE planning contingencies for another horde that she wanted to be part of. Whatever the reason, Sarah joins and is welcomed with open arms.
Brian Eetar joins HOPE
With things a bit more calm within the Stowell Towers several new faces have made their way to HOPE seeking aid, company, or simply a place to rest. One such individual was Brian Eetar. However, Brian wasn't simply taking HOPE's kind offers without contributions of his own, and it was only a matter of time before Brian felt the truly accepted within the organization.
Will McLean joins HOPE
Finding himself separated from his unit, Will McLean makes his way to the Stowell Towers. Finding aid and assistance Will quickly offers to help out where he can, and without even knowing it had already worked his way into the HOPE organization. With the fanfare of a 'welcome' and a pat on the back, Will McLean joins HOPE.
Herod Young joins HOPE
Having survived the zombie siege, yet another survivor reaches out to HOPE. Herod Young steps up to offer his time and ability to the HOPE cause. His cautious eye and survivability should prove valued assets as HOPE continues to reach out to those survivors in need.
Stowell Towers back up and running
Seeming to have survived for the moment the members of HOPE, and several surrounding groups, have resecured the Stowell Towers. With a little tender loving care the building is back up to EHB, with a fueled generator, a radio transmitter, and even a Christmas tree has appeared. Perhaps this is proof enough that you can never get rid of HOPE.
Stowell Towers overrun by zombie hordes
As with so many of the structures of Lockettside, Stowell Towers came under siege by the endless zombie hordes. Along with the Stowell Towers Bridgewater Crescent Police Dept, Grandon Place Police Department (Lockettside), and The Jolliffe Building all suffered from the zombie onslaught. Though HOPE made all attempts to re-secure their headquarters, the zombie numbers were too vast. Now HOPE looks for another means to continue it's work, or perhaps, to see if the zombie numbers move on.
Abigail Harrison joins HOPE
It would seem that the broadcasts of HOPE are not falling on deaf ears. Abigail made her way to the Stowell Towers looking for the voices behind the broadcasts. Quick introductions and fast conversations had everyone in HOPE excited at the idea of adding this policewoman to the team.
Raul 'Sparky' Garcia joins HOPE
Having heard the broadcasts of HOPE, Sparky made his way to the Stowell Towers. Being a fellow Fireman, Sparky and Holtz were made fast friends. Now with both of their trained axes, perhaps they can further ensure HOPE's future.
Erich Wambach joins HOPE
After a long journey filled with arduous travels and countless Zombie encounters, Erich Wambach arrives at the Stowell Towers. However, something's clearly disturbing Erich, reflections on deeds done, and accounting's of loathsome acts leaves everyone in HOPE realizing that Erich had spent the better part of his recent days as a member of the walking dead.
HOPE makes its first broadcast.
Broadcasting on 28.30, HOPE reaches out to their fellow members in an effort to keep the means of communication open.
HOPE begins settling into the Stowell Towers and setting up their base of operations. Jordan Jennings joins HOPE.
Stumbling upon Jordan in the nearby Coe Bank, William asks Jordan if he has an interest in joining HOPE. With Jordan's military training and medical know-how, Jordan makes an excellent addition to the team.
HOPE located to the Stowell Towers. Wendy Spitz joins HOPE.
Meeting up with Phillip and William, Wendy soon joins the ranks of HOPE. With their growing numbers, they soon realize they're going to need a place to settle down into and barricade. Stowell Towers, an otherwise quiet and unused building becomes home to the HOPE group.
HOPE founded (William Holtz, Lilian Bode, and Phillip Challis).
Having survived the chaos of the city for long enough on their own, three survivors come together with an understanding that their odds of survival are far greater together than alone.
HOPE Supports:
Role Playing
This user or group supports Role Playing. It's called a "character" for a reason.
PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Programmable Cybernetic Primates
This user or group supports the use of programmable cybernetic primates when human lives are just too risky to lose. We use PCP, do you?