User:Raul 'Sparky' Garcia

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Raul 'Sparky' Garcia - Level 23 Civilian


Occupation: Fireman
Age: 51
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120

A short wiry man with a tight smile clench a short stogy. Sparky appears to spend as much time in fires as out. His singed eyebrows, lack of hand hair and tight haircut. His confidence and insanity scream that he's seen too much fire and death.

Over the nights in Stowell Tower, it seems that 'Sparky' has taken a liking to Wendy Spitz. Her zeal with guns seems to match his revelry with flame.

Wearing: a gas mask, a blood-smeared fireman's helmet, a bloodstained white T-shirt, a ripped and bloodstained firefighter's jacket, a blood-flecked high-visibility jacket, a bloodstained pair of blue jeans and a blood-flecked pair of black boots

Raul 'Sparky' Garcia is a member of HOPE
