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Lincoln Rhyme:[1]

Tik.jpg Tikhon Medical
This user is a member of Tikhon Medical.
Fabian Medical
To add your own image, follow these instructions.
Abbreviation: FM/TMP
Group Numbers: <5
Leadership: None really. Each does what is right in their own sight
Goals: Generally have a good time, heal and revive in Shuttlebank, Dartside and Ruddlebank
Recruitment Policy: All survivors welcome
Contact: radio frequency 28.63

After a group of former Tikhon medical member alt characters found themselves jobless in recent staff reduction they struck off to form their own firm dedicated to bring Malton more healing, zombie reviving, comedy and general mayhem. The group named themselves after the third of the Tikhon hospital complexes and the only one not named Tikhon.

Fabian Medical was a small regional hospital that had already fallen on hard times even before the zombie apocalypse came down on all of us. Fabian's earlier decline served to make the fall to zombie driven anarchy look like just another bad day in a long stream of bad days. Now managed by Tikhon Medical, Fabian is on the rise again.

Members can be found anywhere on any of the Tikhon Medical campuses or on medical missions throughout Malton.


All are welcome. Simply add Fabian Medical in your group field.

Group Policies

GKing - Generator Killers are lame. Unless you're Amish, you have no business destroying equipment, and neither do we. Unless, of course, we're trying to turn off the "FRESH EATS HERE" sign when loads of zombies are around.

RKing - Radio Killers aren't lame if it stops spam. Not all radio chatter is spam, though, so really - you have to admit it's at least kind of lame. We don't do it, unless the radio is really asking for it.

PKing - Killing PKers is technically PKing itself, so it's a grey area. Generally we don't do it, but annoy us enough and all bets are off. Basically, we don't kill anyone who wouldn't have killed us first, given the opportunity.

Zerging - Fabian Medical forbids zerging or multiple-character abuse. If you run multiple characters: "your characters should not collaborate, nor share (or stand outside) the same building. ... If you're running a few characters, it's best to make sure that they stay in separate suburbs."



Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Current Tactical Objectives
know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Radio: 28.63 MHz

Support the recovery of sites affected by the Mall Tour

{{Fabian Medical}} Template:Fabian Medical