Tikhon Medical

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Tikhon Medical
Abbreviation: none. Really, type out "Tikhon Medical".
Group Numbers: About 10
Leadership: ...huh?
Goals: Defending Tikhon General Hospital, general levity and tomfoolery.
Motto: Tikhon Medical - helping you feel better.
Recruitment Policy: Add "Tikhon Medical" to your profile and either add yourself to our member list or notify us on our forum
Contact: Via our forum. Listen to 28.63 for radio talk. You can also drop by on the SWA forum (defunct).
Cemetery-block.png Endgame
Tikhon Medical was still active as the quarantine ended on March 14, 2025.
Tikhon Medical is an ad-hoc group of survivors in Ruddlebank, Dartside and Shuttlebank, operating out of Tikhon General Hospital (Ruddlebank) and Tikhon General Hospital (Dartside) and Fabian General Hospital (Shuttlebank). There is no leader and no set rules or guidelines, just a bunch of like-minded folks living in or near the hospitals and working to support them. You could think of M*A*S*H without Col. Potter. With zombie North Koreans.

We are a no-pressure, non-organization that has been around since late 2006. We refer to ourselves as a "gaggle" rather than a "group" because well... "group" denotes organization and planning. Not our strong suits.

A hospital patient enjoys a relaxing

bath of cheesy poofs.


1 Purpose

2 About Tikhon General Hospital

3 Visit Tikhon General Hospital

4 Recruitment

4.1 How to join
4.2 Sign Up
4.3 Members

5 Current News

6 Policies

7 Tags

8 Allies

9 Regional Barricading

10 Suported Policies


Defending our Cheesy Poof supply. Tikhon Medical is also involved in healing and revivification services, operating revive points at Greenleaves Alley in Ruddlebank, Lyng Street in Dartside and Look Road in Shuttlebank. The Tikhon East campus acts as a training facility for new UD users and the Tikhon North campus has become an un-offical supporter of the floating outdoor picnic at the Look Road revive point. Occasionally, a team will be dispatched to trouble spots in the vicinity to treat/cause medical problems. It's purely voluntary, so "dispatch" probably isn't the right word. But "dispatch" is such a cool word, I had to use it. "Dispatch". Yeah.

Besides healing, there is barricade maintenance and general tomfoolery. We actually talk and crack jokes at Tikhon, and moon passing zombies. People who duck in for safety often stay a while for the yucks. A few even join our ranks. Events also start up at random times, with no warning, like the BBQ at Cosens and even stand up jokes/comedy acts at the hospital.

About Tikhon General Hospital

Tikhon Medical currently holds an iron fisted rule over Tikhon General Hospital (Ruddlebank), Tikhon General Hospital (Dartside) and Fabian General Hospital (Shuttlebank). Surrounding buildings are used frequently by Tikhon Medical, but we don't claim ownership over them.

This Hospital is actively maintained

This Hospital is actively maintained by individuals and groups in the local area

First Aid
Hospital staff know First Aid

Hospital staff know First Aid and can heal up to 10HP with a First Aid Kit

Hospital Staff can diagnose patients

Hospital staff are able to diagnose and cure injured patients

Hospital Staff can perform operations

Hospital staff can perform surgery to restore 15HP per First Aid Kit

Entry Point
Entry Point

This building is barricaded to VSB+2. No free running? No problem.


The unofficial Tikhon religion is elbow-cranialism and can be found here

Tikhon West (aka, Tikhon Prime)

Advantages: Most of what we need is within 1 move of the hospital - fuel, generators and medical supplies. NecroTech facilities are nearby, but not next door. Those places are creepy. Eight (8) moves straight NE is Tompson Mall for more intensive shopping.

Disadvantages: It is a hospital, and therefore a target. Firearms and ammunition are not located very close, so bring an axe. Sly Place Police Department is reachable, but between travel time and search time, you may make it an overnight trip.

Update: Tikhon Prime now has a Radio Transmitter installed in it!

Tikhon East

Advantages: Everything we could ever want is within 3 blocks, except a Fire Station (4 blocks west), but it's hardly any loss. There are 3 Police Departments that act as an abundant source of ammunition, 3 more Hospitals close by and there are 3 NecroTech buildings each only 3 blocks away. These buildings act as a large fortress against zombie attacks and a great base of operations. This also means that we can have a few TRPs at EHB instead of VS+2. Tikhon East has been designated as a new player training facility. Barricades at Tikhon and the PD to the SW are kept at VSB+2 to aid new players without free-running skill.

Disadvantages: Because of all the TRPs squashed together in one area this makes it a hot spot for zombie attack. But then, that just means target practice, so even that has its upside.

Tikhon North (aka, Fabian General)

Advantages: The hospital is well stocked with medical supplies and there are two police stations for firearms and a creepy NecroTech facility is next door. Most of what we need is within 2-3 moves of the hospital - fuel, generators. Eight (8) moves NW is Calvert Mall and Nine (9) moves NE is Bale Mall, for those late night cravings for Tacos and ammo.

Disadvantages: It's the only hospital in the suburb, and is therefore a MAJOR target. A neighbouring zombie horde has taken a distinct dislike to us setting up shop on their doorstep and a full-blown turf war has erupted. Okay, a turf skirmish.


How to join

Step 1) Place "Tikhon Medical" in your profile.

Step 2) Notify us by either putting your name and profile on our talk page, by adding yourself to our member list, or posting in our forums.

Step 3) Register on our forums if you haven't already.

Also, it is recommended that you carry a radio set to 28.63 (our special frequency) so you can listen up on status reports when not in Tikhon.

Sign Up

All members are kindly requested to sign up on our forums. Just a reminder, any Tikhon staff that do not sign up, will be forced to be a subject for testing the chemicals soaked into Target Zombie's shirt. The sweat under his armpits should help to mask any chemical-like flavors. Any non-Tikhon Medical people that would like to post, or to request a revive (so we can add you to our contacts for easier tracking) are able to do so on our forums. Or if you're lazy, the use of the Tikhon Medical talk page is permitted. Spammers, idiots, illiterates and anyone without a sense of humour will be taken out back. With duct tape. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day!


We try to keep an accurate record of the hospital staff. Tikhon Medical/Member List If you're not on it, add yourself to the end, and we will put "confirmed" in your status as soon as we see you around in game.

Current News
Cemetery-block.png Endgame
Tikhon Medical was still active as the quarantine ended on March 14, 2025.

MARCH 2025

  • A number of old time Tikhoners have reappeared in Malton to wait out the End Times. To celebrate Tikhon is hosting a Cheesy Poof Party/Wake at Prime. The group would seek 'Historical Gaggle' status, but apparently such a thing doesn't exist. D M Penfold (talk) 19:37, 9 March 2025 (UTC)


  • An archaeological dig has discovered the remnants of the old Tikhon Forum lurking on Tapatalk. There appears to be some form of curse preventing new postings but public posts are still visible, and old postings remain for those with logins that transferred.

https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tikhonmedical D M Penfold (talk) 14:22, 12 November 2023 (UTC)

JULY 2019

  • It's been so long since we've headed into the long dark, we've forgotten there's a light switch. Take care, Malton. --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 02:38, 11 July 2019 (UTC)

See the Archive for old Tikhon news.

Tikhon West Status: Safe

Tikhon East Status: Unknown

Tikhon North Status: Unknown

Last Updated: 19:36, 09 March 2025 (UTC)

Flower Safe For when the suburb is rated green and there are no bodies and zombies in or out of the hospital.
Safe When there are no significant breakins and no more than a few zombies and/or bodies in or out of the hospital.
Safe... for now Only used if zombie activity isn't high but there is imminent threat nearby. (e.g. active assault on an adjacent building).
Meh Used when we don't give crap about zombie activity, or when there is a small group of ferals outside.
Send more ammo and nails! For when the hospital is under attack. (15 - 30 standing zeds). Typically used when zombie numbers are escalating and we need more defenders.
Dammit! When the hospital is undergoing a small siege, (30 - 50 standing zeds) or when we're out of cheezy poofs.
OMG!! Used when hospital staff deem everyone "slightly in trouble" meaning frequent breakins with small groups in between barricade patch ups. (50 - 70 standing zeds)
Totally screwed For when there is a huge number of zombies outside and a few inside. (70 - 100, 10+ in).
Barbaga zaarz! When a horrible death is likely, and/or with 100 zeds outside and more than 20 inside.
A smoking pile of rubble and corpses Is the hospital ruined and devoid of life? Then this would be the proper rating.
Mrh? Used in the unlikely event that the majority of our staff are dead. (Roughly 90%).
Rebuilding If we recently retook a hospital and are gaining numbers.
Unknown In case we have no idea what the hospital status is. This usually results from a plan that requires us to leave our home for long periods of time.

GKing - Generator Killers are lame. Unless you're Amish, you have no business destroying equipment, and neither do we. Unless, of course, we're trying to turn off the "FRESH EATS HERE" sign when loads of zombies are around.

RKing - Radio Killers aren't lame if it stops spam. Not all radio chatter is spam, though, so really - you have to admit it's at least kind of lame. We don't do it, unless the radio is really asking for it.

PKing - Killing PKers is technically PKing itself, so it's a grey area. Generally we don't do it, but annoy us enough and all bets are off. Basically, we don't kill anyone who wouldn't have killed us first, given the opportunity.

Zerging - One player coordinating multiple characters is UBER-lame.

Membership Only one character is allowed in Tikhon Medical.

It should be noted that as Tikhon Medical has no leaders, there are no enforcers of these rules. Punishment is by the hospital staff, usually involving a closet, peanut butter, and our resident test subject, Target Zombie.


Tikhoners can spray paint whatever they like, of course. But we've found the following tags are popular:

Tikhon Medical. Helping you feel better.

Tikhon Medical. No License, No Problem.

Tikhon Medical. Always in our Prime! (specific to Tikhon West, aka Tikhon Prime, in Ruddlebank)

Tikhon Medical. Home of the Cheesy Poof

Tikhon Medical. Keeping it Cheesy since '06.

Tikhon Medical. A Farce to be Reckoned with.

RP - Those with Rot will be Shot. (for revive points)


South West Alliance

Tikhon Medical is a proud founding member of The SWA! Come party with us!

Octopope-Coloured.jpg The Legion of the Octopope

The Legion of the Octopope are our stout allies to the west. A number of their faithful have visited us at Tikhon General Hospital for sudsy hydro-therapy (hot showers).

Gunslinger badge.JPG Regulators Alliance

The Regulators Alliance are situated in Dartside. Hug on sight.

Ticket.gif Crew Avenue Police Department

Members of the CAPD have been helping us give zambahs what-for. Essential public services have to stick together!

The Shadows of Hope

The Shadows of Hope are currently doing whatever they do in South Blythville.

TMSbadge.png Tompson Mall Security

Nice hatz!

Dribblingbeaver.jpg The Dribbling Beavers

They eat our trees, poop on our lawn and slobber on our Cheesy Poofs. But they do keep the zombies away, so they're not that bad in the end.

Regional Barricading

Tikhon Medical has found the following regional barricade plan effective and would request it be followed. Most of the time, anyway.

0 1 2 3
87 Ralfe Rodeney Bhore Gover
88 Strange Greenleaves Cosens Honeybone
89 Dobson Wellington Tikhon Rodham
90 Church Wasteland Loweth Factory


Tikhon Prime - VS+2 (quick healing for revives from Greenleaves Alley)
Cosens Auto Repair (1 N) - EHB+2 (our fuel source)
The Honeybone Museum (1 NE) - EH+2
Club Rodham (1 E) - local ravers prefer EH+2, but don't really care. Meh. Need our booze.
A Factory - Arkham Poofs (1 SE) - EHB+2 (our generator and Cheesy Poofs source)
Greenleaves Alley (1 S) - our revive point, kindly refrain from overspraying. We live next to an auto-body shop anyway, we get more paint than vandals. And generators. And fuel.
Rodeney Bank - Negligible. Supposed to be VS+2, but is rarely.
The Bhore Building (2N) - VS+2, the most recent entry point.

0 1 2 3
85 Wasteland Junkyard Harrold Winmill
86 Wasteland Blakesley Tikhon Bugden
87 Warehouse Shapr Carpark Taylour
88 Lyng Factory Wasteland Doble
89 Patrick's Brailsford Bennetts Somers
outside Revive EHB VSB
Building NecroTech Police Fire Dept Hospital


Tikhon East - VS+2. (Entry point) May be caded up to EHB+2 when under siege and the patients start peeing their pants.
Junkyard (1NW) - VS+2 (Entry point)
Blakesley Grove Police Department (1W) - EHB+2. Main source of guns and ammo.
Shapr Boulevard Police Department (1SW) - VS+2. (Entry point) The Dartside community weapons depot.
Factory (1W,2S) - EHB+2. Gens and fuel.
Brailsford Plaza Police Department (1W,3S) - EHB+2. Backup ammo.
Lyng Street (2SW) - Our wonderful revive point.
Winmill Library (Kinch Heights)(1NE) - EHB+2. The Tikhon East Reading room. Also houses our backup radio transmitter from time to time.

Note - Barricades might not be at the levels indicated here.

Supported Policies

Heres a list of some policies we support. As you can see, there isn't much, mainly because we hate everything. Except Cheesy Poofs. We love them Poofs.

Rat-ah-tat-tat.jpg Rat Tactics
Survive. Revive. Thrive.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
US Customs and Border Protection officers.jpg CAPD
This User/ Group Supports CAPD.

Octopope-Coloured.jpg Friend of the Octopope
We stand by the Octopope. May his dark and holy ink blind our foes.
Cacti small.png South West Alliance
This user or group is a member of the South West Alliance.
UD monitor.JPG I Have a Hall Pass!
This user has a hall pass. They can ignore the Wiki Monitors.