Tikhon Medical/Archive

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The Archive for Tikhon Medical News!

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More than a year since the last 'more than a year since the last more than a year entry' entry - One universal constant, Target Zombie still smells. D M Penfold 11:00, 26 June 2014 (UTC)

More than a year since the last more than a year entry - Cheesy Poofs still in short supply, Target Zombie still smells. D M Penfold 03:35, 22 June 2013 (BST)

More than a year later from the last entry - Cheesy Poof supplies have gotten desperately low enough to cause us to cannibalize each other. We appear to be overeating. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 22:03, 20 June 2012 (BST)

Sometime in May, 2011 - Today, or maybe yesterday, definitely tomorrow, Target Zombie found a Cheesy Poof. It was trampled, smelly, smeared with feces and generally disgusting, but goodness, it was still a Poof and he was hungry. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 01:11, 19 May 2011 (BST)

February 7, 2011 - Victory operation confirmed. We're committing mass suicide and joining our former (and future) foes, the Feral Undead as they attack Wyke Hills. Are we a still, therefore, a survivor group? Sure. Hey - it's not like we haven't committed mass suicide before, for a good cause. Besides, FU would party with us when we revived them, so the least we can do is party with them on the other side of life. Just for a few weeks. - Uncle Elbert 04:25, 8 February 2011 (UTC)

February 3, 2011 - Heavens to Betsy, the 2+ year long siege appears to have ended. Actually, a few days ago, but I'm just getting around to updating. Rumors are swirling of a possible victory operation, though nothing is yet confirmed. -- Uncle Elbert 00:09, 4 February 2011 (UTC)

December 16, 2010 - The regulars are being regular outside and often inside at Prime, and the mess is getting really disgusting. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 19:20, 16 December 2010 (UTC)

September 20, 2010 - The Southwest is being overrun. Things look grim, but that's when things are fun. Prime is switching hands frequently, but at least we've been putting up a fight. So I'm told, anyway - I ran screaming. North is under attack, but the latest external military reports have the zombies outside Fabian General - not inside. GO TIKHON! East is reported destroyed along with the rest of Dartside. I've spammed all the old-timers to see if we can pump our numbers up and do some good - I'm also trying to convince the 100+ with me at the Fortress' 5th Anniversary Party to come back to the Southwest and help out. Meanwhile, I stock up on syringes and should be back by next week. - Uncle Elbert 02:29, 21 September 2010 (BST)

September 9, 2010 - Overnight, our 20 regulars divided like amoebas and the 40+ horde succeeded in overwhelming our defenses and raiding the cheesy poof cellar. Clever bastards. Hospital staff were seen screaming, followed by much "graagh"-ing and "grahn"-ing. - Uncle Elbert 22:13, 9 September 2010 (BST)

July 5, 2010 - And time for our once-in-a-whenever update. Prime is up, but has been targeted for destruction by the Plague and some friends. They very, very nearly got us yesterday, but we managed to kick them out. The Plague is a determined and respectable foe. They do not leave until their job is done. So... yeah. Let's try to make sure they have to stick around a long time, m'kay? - Uncle Elbert 11:27, 5 July 2010 (BST)

February 28, 2010 - Prime reclaimed... yesterday, I think. Some of our new friends are still around, but we've unlocked the poof cellar again anyway. -- Uncle Elbert 05:45, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

February 24, 2010 - Prime has fallen. The poof vault was locked, but there are still smashed poofs all over the place. Clean up is going to be a pain. -- Uncle Elbert 23:17, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

February 21, 2010 - We haven't really updated in a while, so here goes. Prime is under siege by Feral Undead. It's been a grand couple of weeks under these conditions - we lost Prime for a day or two, but took it back and the zombies are clamoring for the poofs. The horde has grown to just over 30, which outnumbers defenders in the building. But we've got friends nearby, checking on us, so not ALL defenders are actually in the hospital. I don't have any info on the current status of East or North; anyone with info please post. -- Uncle Elbert 20:11, 21 February 2010 (UTC)

December 23, 2009 - All 3 Tikhons are reported secure and still boring. We're headed into the Danger Zone for some fun. Operation: Cheesy Beaver II announced. All Tikhoners and allies are invited to participate; details can be found in the secure part of the SWA forum. -- Uncle Elbert 21:58, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

September 30 2009 - Things have quietened in Dartside, East is caded, powered and we have a small but dedicated force holding the premises. Very little Zed activity in the area, though I fear the noxious fiends may have taken the Vanilla Poof recipe with them as they fled. --Elbowhead 13:11, 30 September 2009 (BST)

September 3 2009 - Tikhon East (Dartside) reports they are under attack by elements of the RRF. The first attack has been repelled, and the secret formula for Vanilla Cheesy Poofs remains secure. -- Uncle Elbert 15:48, 3 September 2009 (BST)

August 27 2009 - All hospitals are safe and sound. Loads of survivors in them getting medical attention right now, particularly Tikhon Prime. Though there was a little problem with overbarricading recently, that has been sorted.

July 13 2009 - Oddly enough, it appears that life is safe and sound at all of our hospitals! Weird! I wonder where the zeds went? Oh well, i guess it's vacation(-from-zeds) time! --Chelsea Dagger 13:46, 13 July 2009 (BST)

June 1 2009 - The MOB has ruined Prime and the whole southwest corner of Ruddlebank, and it looks like they are heading for Tompson Mall!! - Tai Kamiya 20:41, 1 June 2009

May 28 2009 - Shockingly, there are still some zombies in this game. The MOB is coming. Get your party hats on! Oh, and the DEM appears to be trying to take credit for the efficiency of the Greenleaves Alley revive point. Someone with spray paint should change the tinyURL to a Tikhon-friendly tag. Uncle Elbert 23:54, 28 May 2009 (BST)

May 8 2009 - Things have been pretty boring after the Tour passed through, but here's an update: Tikhon's S.T.U.N.T. operation went well, when we intercepted the Tour at Pole Mall and performed a mass-mooning. We ended the operation by being eaten and shuffling back west for a revive. A number of Tikhoners have been hunting PKers in the southwest, just because there were a lot that showed up at once and we were bored. Turns out they weren't trying to steal our cheesy poofs after all. Oops. -- Uncle Elbert 16:27, 8 May 2009 (BST)

March 17 2009 - Tikhoners arrived at East in force after the Tour passed through, making short work of revive point queues. TikEast is anchoring the area's reclamation effort. Rumors swirl of an upcoming S.T.U.N.T. operation (Shotgun-Toting Uber-Ninjas of Tikhon) Tikhoners are advised to wear dark clothing and creep around a lot in preparation. - Uncle Elbert 23:01, 17 March 2009 (UTC)

March 13 2009 - Prime and North are Safe with No Breakins, but the Status of East remains unknown due to the Mall Tour '09. --TaiKamiya2 22:31, 13 March 2009 (UTC)

February 9th 2009 - West and East remain safe, though North is unknown to me at least. Forays into New Arkham have been a success. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 01:14, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

January 6th 2009 - No zombies outside of Prime or any adjacent blocks, and only a few bodies on the doorstep. Seems pretty safe. How are East and North doing?--ChocoholicBec 10:35, 6 January 2009 (UST)

January 1st 2009 - A few zombies and bodies outside of Prime, nothing much. Staff and patients celebrate the new year with Cheesy Poofs and other.--  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 10:55, 1 January 2009 (UTC)

December 18th 2008 - Tikhon is evacuated on the 5-month anniversary of the siege officially beginning. The number of zombies exceeded 60, and the threat of an all-out PK war rather than the normal riff-raff meant we would be sitting ducks. We've evacuated to re-arm and go PK hunting, though Greenleaves will still be maintained. - Uncle Elbert 23:39, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

December 10th 2008 - The number of zombies assaulting Prime has doubled, and they've let off some groans. With the RRF nearby, security level downgraded to "Dammit!". Poofs remain crispy and oh-so-cheesy. - Uncle Elbert 20:42, 10 December 2008 (UTC)

December 6th 2008 - There's a bunch of zombies outside Prime, nothing new really. Lalala... Cheesy Poof supplies remain intact. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 00:04, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

September 30th 2008 - Following the retirement of the Eastonwood Ferals, a few die-hard Tikhoners who refused to evacuate Tikhon North reclaimed the facility in Shuttlebank. It appears Tikhon North is back in action! - Uncle Elbert 20:02, 30 September 2008 (BST)

September 3rd 2008 - Significant wiki fixes made. References to Tikhon North removed, old news archived. Blame me if there's something wrong - I kinda blew the page out for a few minutes, but I think it's fixed. - Uncle Elbert 22:46, 3 September 2008 (BST)

August 21st 2008 - It looks as though Prime is back in operation, anchoring the rebuild effort in our immediate area. The dozen or so zombies camped on the doorstep must be in shock - Tikhoners re-gaggling has made the hospital a much more difficult target than it was with a skeleton crew. - Uncle Elbert 16:28, 21 August 2008 (BST)

August 15th 2008 - Tikhon begins the process of re-gaggling at Prime, abandoning its efforts in Shuttlebank and dramatically scaling back operatons at Tikhon East, which seems to have developed a quality indigenous population in Dartside. - Uncle Elbert 21:56, 15 August 2008 (BST)

July 28th 2008 - Tikhon West and many of the surrounding buildings are ruined, thanks to the Militant Order of Barhar. Those jerks! No word on Tikhon East and North; hopefully you guys are OK. - ChocoholicBec 5:38 am, 28th July 2008 (UST)

North has 7 zombies swaying inside. The EF really doesn't seem to want us there, and my feelings are hurt. We need an organized response to toss them out, Fabian has been ruined for too long! - Uncle Elbert 16:24, 28 July 2008 (BST)

June 6th 2008 - Cheesy Poof divination is not an exact science; it appears Red Rum and the Flat Earth Society are not responsible for the recent spate of killing. We are dealing with nightly raids from the Dead and their PK alts, the Malton Globetrotters. While the Globetrotters score points for love of snacks, their choice of Doritos over Cheesy Poofs is proof of the dangers of inbreeding. While they carry impressive amount of ammo, Tikhon scores points for reviving as fast/faster than the Globetrotters can kill, making more creative use of rolled-up newspapers, and of course, having a better snack food. Advantage: Tikhon. Take that you Dorito-loving tools! - Uncle Elbert 17:30, 6 June 2008 (BST)

May 30th 2008 - Tikhon West is beginning to see problems cropping up in the form of PK activity. The culprits are tagging themselves as members of the Legion of the Octopope. Tikhoners are reminded that the Octopope and his legion are our allies - do not strike out for revenge on the basis of the group tag. Know who you are killing, and that they are the right target. Cheesy poof divination rituals indicate the culprits are Red Rum and/or the Flat Earth Society. Both have been spotted in the southwest and both are known troublemakers. In other news, Tikhon East remains kinda boring, and Tikhon North is still battling Eastonwood Ferals and others. Fabian General itself has changed hands/claws at least 4 times in the last 24 hours. It's a lot of fun in Shuttlebank right now! - Uncle Elbert 23:45, 30 May 2008 (BST)

May 12th 2008 - Prime and East remain bastions of humanity, serving as major bases of operations for reclamation efforts not only for Tikhons, but for allies and neighbors. North, on the other hand, understaffed and besieged by our accursed Northern Nemesis, the Eastonwood Ferals, was destroyed over the weekend. Tikhoners who were eaten have been revived, our supplies hold strong and our smack-talk is unmatched by any "GRAAGH!" they can utter. But yeah, they're sleeping in our beds. Eating our poofs. DAMN THEM! - Uncle Elbert 23:07, 12 May 2008 (BST)

May 7th 2008 - For several days, Tikhon has held its turf. Tikhon Prime reclaimed, Greenleaves Alley is being kept clear. The area is in good shape. Tikhon East, last I heard it was reclaimed. We assume revives are moving along and the area is in good shape. We've even taken and held Tikhon North, as the Eastonwood Ferals are sieging a mall (they'll be back). The northern revive points are also cleared. Tikhoners are advised to resupply as-needed, then moon the hell out of the zombies. -- Uncle Elbert 17:27, 7 May 2008 (BST)

April 30th 2008 - Operation: Cheesy Beaver has been declared a success. Santlerville is once again a survivor stronghold and the Dribbling Beavers are again free to dribble... or whatever it is they do. Tikhoners have moved back to redder pastures, like our home suburbs. Some of the Cheesy Beaver crew have taken on a new top secret mission and will remain gone for a time. The remainder are working to reclaim Ruddlebank and Dartside from the ashes. We are making short work of the revive queue at Greenleaves Alley. Progress is also being made in Dartside, though details are scarce. - Uncle Elbert 22:52, 30 April 2008 (BST)

April 24th 2008 - Tikhon East fell again last night as the red wave moves south. Tikhon West will prolly fall soon due to the lack of tikhoners in the area and as for north....well that's anyones guess

Support from the Dribbling Beavers, Malton Rangers, The Fortress and others has rolled into Santlerville, giving our hard-working medics of Operation: Cheesy Beaver a well-deserved chance to resupply and rest. Zergers notwithstanding, the suburb is no longer the deathtrap it was. If the situation continues to improve, our team can declare victory and return to either battle the MOB in Ruddlebank, or pick up the pieces. Uncle Elbert 18:07, 24 April 2008 (BST)

April 22, 2008 - Operation: Cheesy Beaver has seen both successes and setbacks, but overall is achieving its goal - however slowly. As it is an ongoing operation in hostile territory, details will be withheld at this time. Rat Tactics is a dicey proposition at best, but it does work. Tikhon North appears to be abandoned, pending a future operation to liberate it from our accursed, poof-hating northern enemy, the Eastonwood Ferals. Tikhon East appears to be scrapping with elements of the Dead as southeast Dartside builds on its reputation for tenacious defenders (and loads of tactical resource points). Tikhon Prime has plenty of business following the fall of Tompson Mall to the MOB.

April 14, 2008 - Operation: Cheesy Beaver underway. Turnout appears heavier than expected as Tikhoners are on the move. Emergency rations of Cheesy Poofs were handed out at Tikhon East as the troops departed. Uncle Elbert 20:25, 14 April 2008 (BST)

April 10, 2008 - East fell to the Dead early this month, but was quickly recaptured as many of the 120+ zombies shuffled elsewhere. It's been active and survivor-controlled for about a week. There are still about 40-50 zombies in the immediate area. Some of them are organized, but most aren't. Upgraded our danger level here as a resupplied and revitalized MMS has moved on and is no longer aiding our defense. They've got places to be. Shortly, I will too. Either a revive point or anywhere but here. We've held long enough for a lot of survivors to resupply, and we can reclaim the facility later. No news on North, and West is doing fine. - Uncle Elbert 23:08, 10 April 2008 (BST)

March 23rd 2008 - Wow, you go away for a bit, and the whole world goes to hell in a handbasket! East and North are caded and lit up, while Prime is still toasted. --Chelsea Dagger 15:30, 23 March 2008 (UTC)

March 11th 2008 - Well, Tikhon Prime's deep in the proverbial. Lots of Tikhonites are dead (including me), the hospital's ruined, and at last count there were twenty-seven zombies outside and sixty-two (!!!!) inside. Waaaaaah! - ChocoholicBec 7:05, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

March 10th 2008 - Dartside is experiencing a tidal wave of zombies as it gets hit by The Dead, Militant Order of Barhah, RRF and Undeadites. Tikhon East has fallen; at last count there were 43 zombies inside. It is presently devoid of life and ruined. After the fall of Tompson Mall, zombies are flooding into Ruddlebank. It appears the bulk are moving east, but there is significant overflow. A well-timed groan, and Prime could be in trouble. The revive queue at Greenleaves Alley is filling up. Tikhon North remains destroyed, like most of the northern half of Malton. - Uncle Elbert 19:37, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

February 25th 2008 - *hysterical crying* WE LOST IT!!! Fabian demolished, staff killed. They hit us over the weekend. I swear, they need to hit us when I'm sober. Not passed out. That just don't seem fair. *cries* - Uncle Elbert 15:55, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

February 20th 2008 - *maniacal laughter* WE GOT IT!!! Fabian is ours! For just how long, remains to be seen. Uncle Elbert 18:44, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

February 12th 2008 - We stood our ground and fought at Fabian - we were eaten. We ran strafing runs around Fabian - we were eaten. We brought Target Zombie up - he got eaten, twice at least. We rolled in feces - we got eaten. So our latest misadventure had us switch things up, and cleverly, like shotgun-toting uber-ninjas, raid Eastonwood instead. We got eaten. Just as soon as the zombies finish digesting our crew, Tikhon scientists will analyze for any patterns or commonalities in the plans. Can't speak to what's going on at East and West, it's kinda hard to see... y'know... from inside a freakin' zombie. - Uncle Elbert 23:08, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

February 6th 2008 - East has now been hit by the same group of pker's.....but i still can't remember their name?

Epistalum Barbarus. In Latin it means "Doofus Brigade". Unless I'm mistaken. - Uncle Elbert 20:38, 6 February 2008 (UTC)

February 4th 2008 - Prime has been targeted by PKing $#%@ers. Retribution has been swift, merciless, and poof-filled. East is just chillin' apparently. The whole South West area is actually green all across it, just proving how awesome the South West Alliance is. North is still getting regularly crushed, and the Tikhoners up North have in some cases started resorting to unconventional tactics. --Chelsea Dagger 16:16, 4 February 2008 (UTC)

Swift, merciless and poof-filled? My count had us taking down aorund 30 of you, to your 1-2 of us?? Damn, you showed us ;) EB went north, but the whole burb has been trashed, so we're moving on.... for now. We had, after all, been killing you all so much it was getting to the point of griefing - and thats not the goal of the 'doofus brigade'. Till next time - Sanpedro 09:50, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

January 23rd 2008 - The latest update allows zombies a chance to block survivors attempting to barricade. The chance of being blocked appears to be related to the number of zombies present, and it is quite effective. This represents a fundamental strategic shift. Tikhoners at East and West facilities are encouraged to support others in siege situations ( Tikhon North, Josephine General) in order to familiarize themselves with this new dynamic. Tikhoners at North are finding that barricading is now a lower priority - the mantra should now be heal, kill, dump, barricade. "Trenchcoaters" are actually going to be somewhat useful, as buildings must now be cleared quickly. - Uncle Elbert 20:11, 23 January 2008 (UTC)

January 4th 2008 - West and East remain peaceful. Operation: Open Season seems to have pushed PKer activity out of the Southwest, though there have been some minor incidents in South-Central Malton, around Dartside. Volunteers are headed to Josephine General hospital in Wykewood to assist Josephine's Generals with a minor siege. Nothing else to really do, and we have to practice our mooning. North continues to battle local hordes for control of the facility and surrounding buildings. Progress is slow, but the situation is improving. Danger status changed from "Rebuilding" to "Send More Ammo and Nails". It's not really that many zombies, there just aren't that many Tikhoners here, so the ratio is worrisome. - Uncle Elbert 18:29, 4 January 2008 (UTC)

December 10th 2007 - West and East are quiet, calm. Zombies seem like a bad memory in many cases. Survivors have taken to creating elaborate Radio dramas for listeners to enjoy. The newly established North on the other hand...after a week or two of growing survivor power, last night involved a huge wave of zombies trashing North and surrounding buildings... --Chelsea Dagger 05:52, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

November 29th 2007 - Things are quiet in Dartside. A few staff have attempted to sniff Cheesy Poofs.

November 18th 2007 - Not much happening. A few of us have headed over east to help out with our other, recently neglected hospital. Prime remains very safe. Not significant breakins since we reclaimed it.

November 10th 2007 - Tikhon East is doing fine, no zeds in the immediate area, all the surrounding buildings have been repaired and survivors abound. Still some zeds elsewhere in Dartside. As for West? Trashed, trashed, and ruined. Tikhon people from West scattered when it was destroyed, many heading north to Tompson and Cheeke NT, some east to Dartside, and a few west to Henley NT. Henley was trashed, and most surivors in the area gathered in Cheeke and Tompson. Cheeke was then hit hard yesterday, and by today was a smoking crater. At this point, both the NE and NW corners of Tompson are trashed too, and dead bodies are laying everwhere! --Chelsea Dagger 22:11, 10 November 2007 (UTC)

November 1st 2007 - This is Tikhon Medical Scout reporting. Tikhon East has been hit and turned into rubble (it's ruined). Lots of bodies all over the place, seems they didn't go without a fight, still a few zeds about though. Lots of the surronding buildins are also ruined. Our stock of Cheesy Poofs are safe as someone managed to lock them safely in the basement before the place fell. That the end of my report Over and Out. --Matt 15:01, 1 November 2007 (UTC)

October 31st 2007 - Now about 30 zombies outside Prime, it's a full-on siege again. West Tikhoners regret they will not be able to aid East Tikhon against the Bash, but hope to be able to assist with cleanup. - Uncle Elbert 17:20, 31 October 2007 (UTC)

October 29th 2007 - Prime and several surrounding buildings reclaimed. There is still some zombie activity in the area, and a small group of about 6 ferals outside. Zed activity is fairly light and not considered a concern. - Uncle Elbert 17:58, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

October 27th 2007 - Prime is toasty. And by toasty, i mean, burnt to shreds. Pretty much everyone who didn't make a quick get away is now sitting either inside or outside Prime, or in Greenleaves. As for East, small groups of zombies are around, but things look fine (Especially compared to Prime!) --Chelsea Dagger 06:05, 27 October 2007 (BST)

October 26th 2007 - LUE have been active at Prime. Minor breaches but cades holding. Parrot Zombies and spies a problem. - --D M Penfold 10:54, 26 October 2007 (BST)

October 25th 2007 - The Second Big Bash has entered Ruddlebank. Death cultists and para-zombies are targeting the facility, and the barricades being hit regularly. It appears we have the honor of being targeted for "special" treatment. Barricades are holding for the moment, the ammo is dry, the beer is cold and the Cheesy Poofs crisp. Life is good. - Uncle Elbert 23:22, 25 October 2007 (BST)

October 24th-ish 2007 - Seeing zombie numbers drop from 50 to 20-25, Tikhon has declared victory in the 6-week siege of Tikhon Prime. Barricade levels have been dropped back to normal levels, but we eye the Second Big Bash warily. - Uncle Elbert 21:04, 24 October 2007 (BST)

October 12th 2007 - West is still under attack by the most unorganised group of zeds ever, i mean come on we're almost into the 6th week of this siege now. Oh and I've upgraded East status to meh as over night all hell broke loose and loads of people we're killed (i did extract DNA from one and they were from LUE so we could be in trouble here)

October 3rd 2007 - West has once again reached mall numbers, but I suppose the zombies know that already. I have downgraded 2 levels to "meh" because we are close to or have more numbers than the ones outside, so we hardler need anymore assistance. Although more zombies are welcome, just don't take our cheezy poofs!

September 28th 2007 - The siege continues; but the Tikhons effort is being put at risk by fly-by combat revvers who turn up, jab, then run away from the potential consequences.

September 27th 2007 - The great siege is still in full swing at the moment with 52 zeds outside at my last count, I'd like to take a quick moment to thank the Legion of the octopope and the CAPD for their assitance in this hard (but fun)time.

September 25th 2007 - We managed to hold Tikhon West, with many casualties but the majority of them are reviving. There are 30+ zeds outside. Downgrading to Dammit! for now.

September 24th 2007 9 zeds inside but took them down to 7 then hours later its 15 again and theres TZ complaining about not being dead yet.S gill

September 21st 2007 Seeings that all is well i'm lowering the cades in the east to VSB+2 yay!

Finally, thats gonna help so many people I know S gill

September 18th 2007 - 1 zed outside tikhon and non at greenleaves, only about 3 zeds in the immediate area as well S gill

No zombies outside, but there are 32 bodies.--Elbowhead 17:45, 18 September 2007 (BST)

September 16th 2007 - Who likes the snazzy stuff I added?--Elbowhead 05:10, 16 September 2007 (BST)

September 14th 2007 - Tikhon has been retaken by me, repaired, and barricaded, and a certain elbow was revived which left me in the middle of 17zeds (wups)

Would of healed 'ya but I had no FAKs. Thanks anyway elbowhead
No worries a few guys helped me but i loged in just a little too late Silly Gilly

September 12th 2007 - well tikhon, cosens and rodham have all fell in ruin, not sure what the fall back point is, should probably post it here. S gill

Or not. We're discussing our response on the forum, where prying eyes do not see. elbert 23:37, 12 September 2007 (BST)
Arr good point elbert old sir S gill

September 11th 2007 - Um, there are sixteen zombies in West. I've barricaded to EHB, but... you know... the ones that are currently in there don't want to leave. Which kind of sucks. Help, someone? --ChocoholicBec 12:24, 11 September 2007 (BST)

September 10th 2007 - Dam, this is a bad sign, West is now worse than East for the first time since I'v been around here (which is a while) S gill

September 7th 2007 - After Matheus Kirel's attempt at a scond BBQ I have challenged him and anyone else to A TEXAS STYLE CHILI COOK OFF!!!. All are welcome.

Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a chef! ol' man elbert 21:03, 7 September 2007 (BST)

September 7th 2007 - West has a few more zeds in the area but is still fine as is east which has been in survivor hands for almost a week. woot, show those zeds the boot guys!!! S gill

September 2nd 2007 - Just as things begin to pick up slightly in th east the west has become a tad more hostile. Nothing we can't deal with but lets nots lose our home like before!

August 17, 2007 - Tikhon continues to change hands and is probably not the safest place to sleep in. Feel free to take a hard whack at them if they break in, but don't leave a scent trail.

August 13, 2007 - As of writing, there are 11 zeds attempting to preform live action knock-knock jokes on our front door, and four of our brave number are dead (as in the bad lying down and not getting up way). May Kevan have mercy on their souls.--Elbowhead 12:43, 13 August 2007 (BST)

August 8, 2007 - The roadtrip is officially done but there are still a few idles, I think. East holding. We have numbers, the zombies don't. Upgraded to "meh" status. (Slightly better than not so dangerous).

July 16, 2007 East currently has 33 zeds outside....Should we do something about this?

Ask them to leave? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 16:41, 17 July 2007 (BST)

July 4, 2007 - East isn't as safe anymore, there are eleven zeds outside, mostly UndeadFER (I'm assuming). Numbers outside fluctuate and the Hospital is typically either EHB... or ransacked. Leaving at moderate, for now.

Interestingly enough, the zeds outside East actually DON'T seem to be the UndeadFER, unless there are a lot more of their members than I have in my contacts. No word if these are simply ferals overflowing from the Tapton and Greentown sieges or more organized deaders (the Militant Order of Barhah being one of note). More investigation will ensue.
My apologizes to the friendly FER. I meant that not ALL the zeds seem to be UndeadFER. Yes, I still see you guys there. Needy buggers.

June 28, 2007 - The Tikhon Medical Roadtrip has been launched, yesterday, officially today. East and West hospital staff numbers may be lower than usual, but cjspearing bottled some of TZ's essence, so occupants should be fine.

June 24, 2007 - ::fwoom! .... BOOM!:: The resounding echo of bombardment upon both Tikhon hospitals can be heard for miles as the West vs East battle continues. East deflector shields have managed to sustain all attacks from West, but it is advised to continue attacks to keep West on their toes. Oh, and East is pretty safe; I guess thats kinda important...

June 17, 2007 - ::toss' four heads from out the window of the The Bagnall Building:: Vast improvement in Dartside, I've retaken a total of three buildings in the past two days and double that number in zombie kills. Tikhon East is back up, as is most surrounding buildings.

June 11, 2007 - I've just upgraded Tikhon West to "flower safe," an all new safe status that I just made up. Hurray!

June 5, 2007 - West has been reclaimed. Tikhon Medical advises any other zombies who wish to partake in the "Fodder Zombies for Newbs Movement" are asked to stand in an orderly, single file line until appropiate execution is received. A suitable honora (morphine) will be given as promise, but zombies may need to go over there to receive it. Tikhon East remains unknown to my knowledge.

May 30, 2007 - West has 4 zeds inside and east is barely holding that and i can't seem to find any tikhoners anywhere we need to regroup *joins forums* Hulin Drive Fire Station has been barricaded to EH. Regroup there for a recapture of the hospital.

No offence, but telling the zombies where we're regrouping (assuming we're even listening) is just plain dumb. You haven't even ran any sort of plan by us on the forums. Heck, are you even registered on there? --Amanil 11:50, 31 May 2007 (BST)

May 29, 2007 - Uh, yeah, West was attacked. Oops.

May 28, 2007 - Breakins on both Hospitals. Many dead. West should be fine, but there are lots of zombies outside of Tikhon East. (The surrounding area is devoid of death, though).

May 23, 2007 - Things are quieting down in Dartside. Breakins are still relatively frequent, but the zeds won't stay inside after they ransack a place. Tikhon East is in friendly hands and 'caded to full while Tikhon West has reached Mall numbers again since my last visit.

May 17, 2007 - Tikhon East still has zombies in it making a mess of the place. There are four of them at the time of this post. At least 1 of them is a rotter. So far the main bunch of zombies causing trouble are the UndeadFER group. But these zombies will be evicted eventually, even if they do end up only leaving of their own accord because they get shot alot and no kills due to the fact that no survivor in their right minds would sleep where there are a bunch of zombies swaying waiting for something to munch on.

On a side note, who sprayed the butt onto the wall in Tikhon East? And who's butt is it any way?? because they might be missing it. Though I will admit it is a bit of a 'cheeky' joke. (sorry couldn't resist) --Matt 16:48, 17 May 2007 (BST)

That would be me. Amanil's been relentlessly mooning the UndeadFERs, so I figured to give them a 'face' full each time they broke in. It's a generic butt, so nobody's missing it. Oh, and at last report, the zeds were all headshot and evicted. - elbert gray 22:33, 17 May 2007 (BST)

May 15, 2007 - Tikhon East has been smashed and graahged. Zombies are inside, I think, and there is 1 outside. Meanwhile Tikhon West is still full of daisies, smiles and hugs.

I... shall return. Then run away. And come back. And run away again. And so on. To borrow another group's motto, "Trespassers will be shot on sight. Zombies will be shot again until they go away." - elbert gray 22:07, 15 May 2007 (BST)

May 14, 2007 - Target Zombie is currently back and eating brainz. His trip was wonderful and is pleased to see everything is going great. Mrh?

May 8, 2007 - Nothing important is happening. Current news is created.