Josephine General Hospital (Wykewood)
Josephine General Hospital |
Josephine General Hospital
Wykewood [11,76]
Basic Info:
The Josephine General Hospital, Wykewood's premier surgical facility, is currently maintained by Josephine's Generals, and anyone who wishes to come in may, provided they have freerunning, as the building is extremely heavily barricaded under the Wykewood Barricade Plan. Entrance is recommended through Adalbert General Hospital one block East which should in most cases be maintained at very strongly barricaded.
May 5, 2009/Powered and safe -Golgoth
20 January 2009 Perfectly safe hospital right now. --Bldude
4/20/08 - Josephine overrun. Adalbert's down, too. Zeds everywhere. It's a bloodbath. Nermid 21:19, 20 April 2008 (BST)
1/29/08 The efforts of Josephine's Generals, with the assistance of the Legion of the Octopope, the Crew Avenue Police Department and Tikhon Medical have secured the hospital.
1/6/08 Still overrun. 22 outside -Hobojedi
11/28 Josephine is overrun. 16 zeds outside, 6 inside.
11-20-07 Zeds outside and now inside, doors closed by me but still very dangerous but there are alot of survivors there will probably be taken care of Anti gorefest5 --02:18, 21 November 2007 (UTC)
Nermid 09:19, 15 June 2007 (BST) - Just arrived. Around 10 zeds outside. Building was already caded, but empty. No lights. Fixed the other hospital and ran out of AP in here. Somebody needs to get the previous occupants revivified, so I can go back home to Deakin.
13th of June, 2007. The Hospital is still surrounded by zombies, 26 at the last count, but survivors are holding out.
Malton Department of Emergency Management Information
Wykewood is in District One of the Southwest Division of the Department of Emergency Management.
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