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Character Info

Joined: 03/13/2007
Character class: Civilian
Favorite equipment: Ax, Shotgun, Pistol, Revivification Syringe
Character profile: Sazahn
Current status: Alive
Character group: Shining Crest Mercenary Co.
Character stats: Tactical
Journal: Audio Logs (Use Your Imagination)

The Man Who Fights for a Cause

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"I am the leader and tactician of a small, yet brave mercenary company known as the Shining Crest Mercenary Co. within Roftwood."


A man with an islander skintone,black eyes, and dark brown hair. His left arm is replaced by a cybernetic arm. His right eye replaced by cybernetic optics.

Wearing: a blood-smeared white half-face mask, a bead necklace, a red long-sleeved shirt, a black hooded sweater, a pair of black jeans and a pair of steel toe-capped boots


"My life has been crazy ever since the undead began roaming the streets. I was being hunted by a group of zombies that chased me from suburb to suburb. I was able to lose them in Roftwood, but it was barely. Those little bastars took my left arm when I was caught. I hid in a run down factory that had been abandoned by survivors and I was able to find parts to build me a cybernetic arm. After that, they gave up on me, and I decided to create my mercenary company. With the help of swift fencer we created the Shining Crest Mercenary Co. We decided to take shelter in a factory, also known as the Shining Crest Mercenary Base. From there we have done much good for Roftwood, though we sadly aren't well recognized yet... But hey, that's how things work in this day and age right?"

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Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log May 27th, 2007

Recent Emotions

"Ever since the zeds have taken control of Roftwood and kicked us from home, I have been having nightmares... At first I was fine with PKing so long as I was hired for it. But recently I have seen myself in dreams attacking my allies... Though it's a dream, I am rather fearful of this event from happening. I have decided to wear a mask to conceal thoughts but to also promise myself that if I fall to becoming a PKer, I smash the mask, but if I remain sane then I will keep wearing it as my uniform to remind me what I fight for."

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Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log September 14th, 2007

Full Power/Life or Death

"I have finally achieved it! True power from both sides of the "fence" so to speak. I have both human and undead powers to fight as both in a battle. Technically I have become a war machine. But I am not at max power... There is one more ability I could possess, but once I do I can no longer return to the world of the living... I will remain on the path I have chosen..."

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Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log September 14th, 2007


"Well with most of the zombies spreading out, the many suburbs that have fallen seem to be taking back their homes. I have regained our base in Roftwood. We even received a new member who was a leader of another group... But I sadly can't remember which one. But we have all our mercenaries back and now since things are dangerous I have offered a way out for them if they want to leave... Hopefully they won't..."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log September 24th, 2007


"I swear, I believe Jack Neon has just gone completely loco. But hey, what else is new. He has been verbally harassing The Hellfire Club's name along with my mercenary company. Well I decided to ignore him. Just like Ms. Morg said, 'No need to waste ammo and time on him.' If anyone believes their propaganda and attacks my group for it then they will suffer..."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log September 26th, 2007


"Wow who woulda thought that members of my own company would actually choose to stay with me, I feel honored. What's more impressive is that we have 2 members from the Renegades, Deus' old group to join up with us. His men are loyal and I am impressed, this will make things a lot easier to defend with more members. I wonder how many members we have...? -paper shuffling noise in the background- Damn! We went from a total of 9 active members to 12! I am amazed! I guess we really are getting popular now. We would have 13 active but we lost a member in an ambush... But we shall move on and make Roftwood safe!"

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log September 27th, 2007


"Looks like the leader of The Hellfire Club, OmegaOmnus, has decided to attack us non stop until we disband. If my mercs leave thats fine, but I will not drop the Shining Crest."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log October 7th, 2007

Here We Go Again!

"Damn these undead are starting to become a handful... From all these reports, seems Went already fell and the Nichlos Mall is in their hands. Between the bullies of The Hellfire Club and the constant zombie attacks, one has to admit this is starting to get interesting."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log October 14th, 2007


"Well, with the constant duke between part of the RCC and the THC, things have been going, screwy. I lost Deus because he preferred his own group rather than the one he was willing to join. Oh well, this war has gone on long enough, I have decided to end my dispute with them."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log October 25th, 2007

Nice Treat Before Halloween

"Sorry I haven't been up to date audio log, I have just been rather busy. But let me give you a run down on what happened. Well on the 30th of October, I had just returned to St. Ethelbert's to come across a rather intresting conversation about masks. I was wearing a mask and soon enough I had ZF caressing my mask. *clears troat* I admit, it was rather pleasing. *silence* Anyway, it turns out she and I both like masks and how mysterious they make the wearer. This was actually the first time anyone has seen my face in a long time, and I got to see ZF's as well since she wears a gas mask... She looked beautiful, but why hide beauty behind the mask? It adds to the mystery. Well, after the mask discussion she wanted to know about my arm. She wanted to touch it and I let her. Then, I needed to rest up. While I was asleep, apparently the undead broke in and ran. Then I wake up to find her on top of me, and... grabbing... something... Ok, we find out Jallus set us up like that and was trying to play the role of Cupid. He wanted us together! I wasn't too mad at him though for what he did. She seemed to hide the fact she liked it, at least from what I can see."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log November 1st, 2007

Low Numbers & Sudden Promotions

"Well Roftwood is safe for the moment but not without issues... After returning from a mission, failing sadly, we went back to watching over Roftwood... However Sayyum, swift fencer, and ax of fire are all M.I.A. And losing Richard was expected but I still think back on it and how loyal he was to the company... At any rate, our numbers went from 14 to 6. I put in a mission to all mercs to recruit, but so far nothing... I really don't want to lose the company... I had to promote Itachiuchiha6 to cover for my loss of swift fencer, (2nd in Command) and promoted my next loyal mercenary Grate to 3rd in Command. He is a great man and so are Gnauga and stewetheripper. If all of us were to go on break and I needed a back up Command, it would be a really tough choice, but from background checks I would choose Gnauga since he was a member of the Renegades... I don't know his position but he seems to take instances ok. Also a little change has occured with me. I decided to change my outfit... The mask and pendant stay, but I now wear a black hooded sweatshirt and my birthday gift from someone special..."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log December 29th, 2007

March of The Dead

"Sorry for the lack of history as for the past while, I have been busy running and fighting with The Dead of Dunnell Hills. So far this group has managed to keep a LARGE portion of Malton in ruins, leaving a wake of sadness and despair. Most of my men are either dead or in hibernation deep below the factory. So far, it's just me... But I won't stop fighting now!"

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log May 1st, 2008


"Well the Dead have stopped their march and have broken up, giving control to the survivors once more. After fighting for a good two or three months, they gave up. *whew* Good thing or I think I would have just called it quits. But anyway, my men, along with myself have returned home. We are right now chilling with our old clients, the MMS and man do my men look relieved to be back. I am too, but I don't know, I seemed to get a kick of combating the zombies at every turn. Now it's gotten rather boring... Hmmm, maybe I will head out and travel for a bit to combat them wherever they seem the strongest. I guess I'll leave Itachi in charge since he's next in command. Anyway, I need to sleep so I'll stop here."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log May 22nd, 2008

Round Two RRF!

"Well, so much for just leaving my men to watch over Roftwood. Looks like from what my intel informs me is that there are two hordes approaching from the East and West. I know for a fact that hordes on the Western Front are RRF and ferals, but who is attacking our Eastern flank? *long sigh* No matter, we can handle it. Now if only the new recruits would come back! Itachi, Grate, swift fencer and myself cannot do it all by ourselves. Sure we have the MMS, but it still isn't enough. I think the RRF want revenge for humiliating them last war. There was an article on it too I believe from the MMS. *paper shuffling* I know I have it here, AH! This is it, *clears throat* Malton Medical Staff/Last Stand. Man that was rather funny. Well, I need to rest, first thing tomorrow I restock on supplies."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log May 27th, 2008


"If I wasn't a tactician I would have not known who was attacking from the Eastern Front. Looks like the Militant Order of Barhah is moving in. Already they have attacked. My men and the MMS have handled it. So far, the RRF is avoiding Roftwood, haven't seen any, at least in combat. Well, my shift is up and I need to patrol the area. Hopefully everything is quiet..."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log May 30th, 2008

Roftwood at Peace Again?/Another World?

"Bah! How boring is this? I wish Roftwood would remain in at least a little more danger! *sighs* Oh well, I guess it's better this way. It seems though that the MMS have hired me just to keep an eye on Ethelbert's until the group of undead of ten I think lighten up. I feel bad though, St. Ethelbert's WAS the entry point to enter in from, but with that many outside, we have to keep the barricades up at extremely heavily barricaded. Oh well, survivors will just have to learn to live with it I guess. In other news, Sir Elaine and Sir Binky have returned to Ethelbert's to give some aid. Good thing too, Pimbank fell to the RRF quite quickly. Sadly I lost Itachi and Kaboto in the event. I will revive them when they are ready to stand again. I also recieved an odd message from one of Sir Alloy's friends. Selena is her name. She wanted a report from me about Chris' mission. Well, I really can't look into any further since I do not have any evidence to do my last part of the job, but I am still in contact so far. Hmmmmm.... *creaking sound of a chair is heard* I have been having these weird dreams lately, I don't know if it's real or not, but I am in the same situation as I am now except I am weaker, and my name is different now. I really can't explain it, but when he gets hurt, I end up with the pain. Hmmm, is there another world out there besides the one we live in now? Like an alternate universe? Either way, I have a feeling I must not die in that world."

Sazahn the Tactician's Audio Log June 29th, 2008

The Future Company

"Well, the MMS has been holding onto my tape.... Heh, doesn't really matter, both sides are full, this is the last bit. But I can update everyone on what's going on. The RRF have booted us out of Roftwood permanently and the MMS have moved to a safer and quieter location. *cheering is heard in the background* Well, safer anyway... The Shining Crest have all but split up. Grate and myself are left to do the work of a mercenary. He is a good fighter and a good man, hopefully he--- *tape cuts off*"


File:WallSwords Shining Crest
This user is a member of the Shining Crest Mercenary Co.