Talk:XIII/Ronin Gallery

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General Discussion

All general, Talk pagey kind of stuff goes here. Please use a Level 3 header (the equal signs) for new topics. Thanks, the "management".

The Ronin Reporting "Thread"

Submit reports below. Please use a Level Three header (three equal signs) for each submission. When reporting, please include all the information we need to easily add your ronin to the Scrolls of Shame, i.e. profile link, iWitness, etc. Also, please sign and timestamp your reports. Reports will simply be deleted once they are either added or rejected to the list.

A cat named Joe

I stopped to rest from traveling, and was headshotted in the street. *sniffles* Profile Evidence: iWitness --Fifth Element 14:22, 8 September 2008 (BST) ADDED


Murderknob headshotted my survivor alt outside while waiting for a revive. iWitness --Fifth Element 15:23, 10 September 2008 (BST)

Thank you for your submission; however, XIII does not endorse "organised revification". In fact, we consider it a blasphemy against the New Flesh and sometimes disrupt such abominations ourselves. This fact will be reflected on the "Rules" list promptly. --WanYao 15:35, 11 September 2008 (BST)

Ewan Ewaner

Ewan Ewaner axed me while I was innocently mauling civilians. It's a shame you won't add all those other ronin who helped out.-- Ian McCootchy 13:23, 17 September 2008 (GMT-5)

eeep! they will all get assists, though. ;P unless it's an RP (i'll look soon) i'll accept this report, but could you possibly use iWitness in the future? it's an awesomely useful tool in any event and i recommend everyone use it! anyway, thank you for doing your part to add MOAR RONIN to the scroll of historosity, GRAAAGH! :P --WanYao 19:04, 17 September 2008 (BST)
Ooooooh... Rejected -- because the assailant is only level 2... if he were even up at level 4 or 5, I'd accept it, but not a level 2. I wish I'd implemented a system for the other people who assauled you, then it wouldn't seem like such a waste... Ideas on how to make that kind of thing are welcome... maybe a 1/2 point for assaults? i dunno... --WanYao 19:09, 17 September 2008 (BST)