Big Bash 3
This zombie Bashed, but now they're heading home after the party.
Red Rum
Venetia Phair is the epitome of taste, class, and lighthearted homicide.
This user is female.
This user is a PKer and is probably off killing some poor defenseless survivor.
The PKers got Kenny!
Oh my God! You killed Kenny! You bastard!
Suicide Girls
This user thinks Suicide Girls are fucking hot
Audacious repaired Primrose Bank (Pimpbank) for 156 AP.
This user is an atheist.
This user likes boobies!
Adventure Tourist
Audacious goes on holiday in ruined suburbs.
This user enjoys sneaking up behind people and fondling their backsides.
zOMG Headshot
This user likes being killed, and will ?rise for more.
Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
This user is a fan of the mysterious feral in a size M flak jacket.
Audacious repaired Stockley Walk Police Dept (Molebank) for 114 AP.
CPR supporter
This user or group supports the use of CPR on the living-impaired.
Militant Order of Barhah
The MOB is coming...
Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
All glory to the Hypnotoad!
Keeper of the Stale Candy
This user just can't get enough of that bitter sweet candy!
Bosch's sweater
Fiffy desires Bosch's sweater! (and Bosch) >_>
A rat, and it's for you!
Iscariot has given Fifth Element a rat for creating an excellent Empire template!
Valentines Day
Iscariot has given Fiffy a candy heart because he knows that one day she'll agree to video tape herself listening to his accent :p.
Blessed by Zombie Jesus
This user or group has the blessing of Zombie Jesus. Do you?
We mustn't dwell...
no, not today. We CAN'T. Not on Rex Manning day.