User:Forensic hoffman

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basic info

9855528 tml.jpg

name-walter hoffman


race-irish causcation


kill count- humans-28 zombies-122

death count-7

cause of deaths-killed by agent aldon, killed by residentevil007,killed by victorious secret


occupation-forensic detective officer,temporary general of the anti zombie squad


relationships- racheal hoffman(deceased wife) ashley hoffman(deceased daughter) jason hoffman(deceased son) detective matthews(younger bro, status unknown) andrew redfield (zombie enemy, status zombie ) ethan anderson (human, enemy, deceased ) agent aldon (fellow detctive, major enemy, status destroyed ) residentevil007 (zombie warrior, enemy, status destroyed) cyrano de ventura (human ally,friend, status unknown ) officer lirette (human ally, fellow officer, status lost ) victorious secret (faggit, human killer, status alive and secretly gay) User:Eric bessette (human ally,friend,fellow officer)

status-truely immortal


before the apocalypse

(begin transmission) (flashback)

the day was a normal one at that seeing as forensic hoffman was working

at his desk with a tired look in his eyes nothing seemed to be out of

place with hoffman that day. half drinking coffee cup on his right side,

a photo of him and his brother catching their first criminal named henry

jarvis along with a photo of himself his wife and their two children on

their front poarch all of them smiling at the camera with the children

in front of both them and his beautiful wife racheal. it was always a

mystery to his unit why he was always so tired in the mornings, but

thats probetly because he was the last one of us to leave the department

i should know this because i am his lawyer and also his best friend, but

still it made you wonder why he would always volunteer to be the last man

to go home and spend what little time he had with his wife and kids which

due to his job didnt happen that much. in a strange way i wish i could

take his place for the night seeing as by 2 in the afternoon he was slump

ing on his desk and yawning louder then the rest of the building but together.

then later that day during our break i saw him watching the only channel he

had on his portable tv, the channel 4 news team with 5 time emmay award win

ning anchorman User:Ron Burgundy although walter would often skip and ignore

rons blabbing on scotch and women he would pay close attention to the

several strange murder cases that happend on the other side of the city

i went up to hoffman and chuckled to him that i was glad we didnt work there

he looked up at me from his chair with a smile and laughed along with me

i asked him why he always worked so hard at night and always stayed behind

after everyone else decided to leave and i also suggested that he should go

home and spend some time with his family so he wouldnt kill himself due to

overstress and low amounts of sleep. he told me he couldnt sleep well for the

last 2 weeks or so because he witnessed a terrible incident. it was our 45th

case in the city of malton and to date it was our only case that lasted for

over a month the suspects name was ethan anderson who was a criminal mastermind

who killed 5 cops with his eating tray and a 45.colt he was one of our more...

special convicts if you will, because he had survived things no other man could

despite being shot,stabbed,smacked and crushed constantly he had survived and

showed no illness or side effects and could lift up a full metal keg with one

arm and assumaply showed an intelligence of 178 making him our deadliest criminal

in the history of malton with a kill cound of over 40 innocents and 12 police but

the thing he did that freaked detective hoffman out was his apility to regenarade

flesh at a fast rate and in front of hoffmans eyes...he ate a police officers

hand in 2 bites which he seemed to enjoy. as hoffman described it, it seems

the two of them got into a fight and hoffman was stabbed in the leg as

ethan escaped but not before hoffman toke his gun and shot him in the jaw.

hoffman keep telling me of nightmares he had that ethan would threaten to kill

his family and his whole police department.the next day was april 14 and that

was another day where hoffman was working on ethans latest victems corpse

hoffman was the one performing the autopsy where he found a tape that told him

to go to kan 42 west avenue where only hoffman and i encounterd ethan and found

out that he was a former detective himself which would explain his knowledge and

advanced age and next to him we saw a young man named andrew chained to the wall in

a bathroom which was for some reason where we were having this conversation...but i

digress. anyway before we knew it he shot andrew with a revolver and seconds later

threw a strange needle at him and we watched as he died within seconds. little

did we know that poor andrew would become the first creature that would later start

an apocalypse and spawn our now major enemies...zombies. ______________________________________________________________________________________


above is a picture of andrew redfield, prior to becoming a zombie

battle of malton city

ethans next move was that he would destroy the city using andrew but first he had

to feed him some flesh and with that he pulled out a chainsaw and slashed me across the

mouth and cut walters right foot off sherly causes him to eventually die he then let

andrew try to break out of his chain but didnt help him he just left him and injected

himself with the same needle that he shot andrew with and said that if he ever died

he would join andrew in the verch of evolution and detective hoffman would be his first

target it was at this point where we lost and hoffman just watched as ethan

laughed at us...and then suddenly walters brother eric walked in the bathroom and shot

ethan and then went up to him and shouted this is for my brother and cut his neck with

ethans own combat knife eric then carried us to a nearby hospital to heal walters leg

and broken arm that he recieved from andrews jaw. a few days later when i was doing

ethans autopsy we found a tape that said play me in his stomach and when it was played

it told us that by playing this tape andrew has been freed of his chain and would start

infecting everyone near him, we tried to stop him but it was too late....the battle of

malton city had begun, and forensic hoffman (still in the hospital and in a coma) would

not see his family for another 2 years...but they would not be human, instead they would

be....somthing.....else. when detective hoffman woke up from his 2 year coma he found that

they were barely able to keep him alive due to lake of supplies and due to the infectous

bite from a needle similar to the one ethan had,warren had to have his right arm and left

foot replaced by machinary walter also during his coma had a zombie drop acid on his right

eye causing the hospital to replace his right eye a metal heat sensing one. the first thing

walter did after he got out of the hospital was go to his house only to find it in ruins.

once he made inside he grabbed 4 things for his trip back to =Knapp Boulevard Police Dept|

he brought a loaded pistol,a flak jacket,his upstairs radio,and a pocket watch with a picture

of his deceised family who he was forced to watch them die as he burned his house to the ground

killing them and making sure they would rest in peace (he coulndt revive them due to lack of

supplies at that time). walter apparently was uncouncious for so long that the zombie invasion

that he vowed to stop before happening had became so large that he alone could not defeat the

zombies for he would need the help of every living survivor and let them handle the zombies

while hoffman was on his way to kill the one who started this all...andrew redfield. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


above is an image of hoffman stanting over ethans body after his corpse has been autopsied

other side of life

its been a few days since forensic hoffman was last seen by my eyes and i noticed a difference in his

personality for he looked a little more violent seeing as he had a beard growing and he had weapons

chained to his arms probetly because he was always surrounded by danger, but then again we all were

like that.we talked for a while over some wine and he told me that malton was starting to tear itself

apart i asked him how that was possible and he replied that for an example he saw a bunch of zombies

murdering a man named Iden DeSeer who was, and even in death ruled over a group called Suicide Recon.

which was ironic because idens corpse was right outside the door at the time. we never saw him again but

we prayed that he would be revived...or put out of his misery. walter then told me to follow him so that

we could investigate a signal on his portable radio and brought along some pistols and shotguns when we

got to the investigation area we found 2 zombies attacking walters brother, eric matthews. walter quickly

killed the zombies and dragged his uncouncious body out of there and but him in a car, i was wounded and

stayed behind waiting for him. i realized what happend to my could infected by a zombie claw

i couldnt let walter see me because not only would he rat me out but he would also ruin my plan to become

one with evolution, for i wanted to be a zombie as well. so when he got back i knocked him out with a bat

and chained him to a chair and when he woke up i threw a needle at him so that when he died he would become

a zombie as well. and to make sure that was quick i toke out a pistol and shot him in the heart and left him

trapped there in that building as he slowly bled to death and trapping him there forever.(end transmission)

(walters p.o.v.) i couldnt believe this was happening, my entire life was flashing before my eyes i felt my arms and legs go cold

as i felt the serge of death hovering over me. i knew that i would not only die but i would become one of those

things that overtoke my family,my unit,....and my life. i swear if i ever get out of here im going to kill that

backstabber and feed him to the things he wanted to become. suddenly the already dark room became suddenly darker

and i started shaking and puking out blood. after 30 seconds of it i felt everything come to an end and i fell layed

my head on my shoulder and watched as my vision of my wife and children vanished away from me.

it had been 3 days since my death and i couldnt believe that although i was dead my mind was still thinking, as if

i was in a terrible dream just watching my corpse just now losing all of its water and in my horror i found myself

standing and looking in a new sort of vision. apparently i could sense heat and feel movement,i for some reason was

alot slower but i had better senses and i my skin had become gray and harder making me a better fist fighter, my teeth

also were sharper and i looked at the still closed door of the building i was trapped in and walked towards it only to

be pulled back by somthing on my wrists. as i susspected agent aldon had chained me to the wall with steel chains with

weird daggers attached from the wall to the chains. i looked at it for a few moments and easily broke the daggers from

the wall and started making my way out of the building and walking towards aldons hiding spot Edward General Hospital.

when i got there i found that he had mutated into a nearly completed zombie form with only his right side of the face

left to go, he told me that he left my brother at my police station to throw off suspicion and that andrew wasnt the only

"first zombie" but one of the stowaways that ethan got his hands onto and he laughed as he continued to tell me that no

matter what, i was doomed to be a zombie and stay that way forever having that said he opened his eyes widely in horror

as i put my chains around his neck and decapatated him and crushing his brain to make sure that he would never be revived or

a zombie threat in future battles. i sat there just wondering what to do now that i was dead with no other desire to live on

as i was, so i decided to take a nap and find a way to end my life as a zombie and for all time. when i woke up however i

found myself with a needle next to me and ingraved on it were the words THANK YOU on it, i simply toke the syringe and stabbed

myself with it only to be knocked out by its effect. when i woke up i found myself to be to be moving faster, and i suddenly

had the weirdest need for water, so i went to the sink,drank from it looked up in the mirror and found myself looking at a

person not dead, but reborn. and from that point on i decided that as long as the zombies are here...i will here watching over

the still living and will continue to live here among the this....URBAN DEAD. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

ruddlebanks destruction

a few week have gone by since i killed aldon and i couldnt believe that this was really happening i found that in so little

time my family,my unit,and my city that i vowed to protect was all gone or in a never ending whirlwind of death. i write in

this journal every once in a while to keep my self occupied because just like in prison, a man will do anything to keep his

mind occupied. funny as i say that seeing as i am, or was a police officer of the law i found that when i killed aldon he had

a record on me, he must have been planning on this for a while, i dont know why he did what he did but i believe he did it out

of fear because he did not want to die for a meaningless cause. now looking back on it i couldnt agree more seeing as the

military has left its own people here with those who used to call this place home. i miss my family....i miss my friends....I

MISS MY LIFE!!! i cant stand to live anymore so i decided to commit suicide by sliting my wrist but as i wast about to stab

myself i tripped on somthing and cut my shoulder sending my own blood onto the streets outside. i went to heal my wounds but i

heard a noisy banging at the door. i went to see what it was and i found that a load of zombies have been banging on the doors

but before i could shout to anyone what was happening one of the zombies threw a closet on me and kept me safe but left the

barricade wide open i got hit in the head pretty bad and passed out in that closet. much later i woke up and found that the

town of ruddlebank had been destroyed leaving me as its sole survivor i realized i had to leave for another town and fortunatly

my brother was still alive albeit barely breathing when i got to a town south of ruddlebank i found that my brother had been in

fected and only had time to do one action (ap point) he said to me that if he died by the side of anyone he was glad to have

it be his older brother, i told him that i could find a way to help him but he would have to make a choice, i asked him if he

trusted me and he simply noded and i toke a needle. with the needle i stabbed a zombie corpse and extracted blood and used this

blood to turn my own brother into a zombie however unlike most zombies he did not try to eat me but he simply followed me into

a near by hospital that was also made by necro tech so i was able to get the supplies to heal my brother but someone by

the name of residentevil2007 was inside. i asked him if he needed help but instead of replying he struck me with a knife to

the leg and i realized that he was a zombie summoner (a person who is human but summons the zombies to kill people so that he

can survive) i pulled out my gun and shot him in the chest and he ran away up the stairs and left me to die then he did what

no other human would ever do, he destroyed the barricades and let 30 zombies in.i tried to fight them but they eventually

overpowerd me along with my still zombified brother who was held to the ground in place as he saw me being eaten alive by the

creatures we vowed to kill and with my death came the complete destruction of our home...ruddlebank. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________-


above is a picture of ruddlebank, during its initial attack, please note that this was from a camera i found on my way out of the city

my last moment

although ruddlebank was destroyed i found myself still human but slowly becoming a zombie (which was about the same time that

the zombies stoped eating my slowly decaying body, with my last bit of effort i locked all the zombies in the town of

ruddlebank into one builing (the hospital). it was there that i also did my research of a special bomb named eseaesid, which

could kill zombies on impact. in my last efforts i make the only known exsisting copy of the bomb and lit it off, destroying

all the zombies in the building. i smiled in triumph as the building burst into flames and started to crumble to the ground.

however as it was doing that, residentevil2007 started to escape albeit without his legs, went up to him and smiled evily as

he started to slowly snap his neck and decapatade him. he was alive for a few seconds and the whole time, he was looking at

his body that he was now no longer part of. when the building was done burning i found my gun still on the ground along with

my brothers corpse which would soon revive on its own eventually. i checked my gun and i found that i still had one bullet. i

wished that the zombie part of me that would eventually take over would not harm anyone else in this world. so in my final

moments of my human form, i hooked myself onto a device that looked like a chair with a gun attached, the device would go off

and kill me when i got off the chair. this way, when i got turned into a zombie and stand up, the zombie form would be

terminated. i have to admit as the last few moments were some of the best in my life because as i was dieing i had a vision of

me and my family finally reunited after so long. good bye reader, i will now go and in peace.

"at 7:35 pm the zombie form toke over and was terminated by the device." "walter hoffmans body was found 3 days later by a man named ventura." "ventura buried walters body in his now burned down home, along with his familys chared remains". "may he rest in peace"- Daniel williams, chief of police in knapp PD. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

live again

"precisly at 8:00 on the same day of his bariel the now god like form once known as forensic walter hoffman had rose from his grave, however he did not amerge as a human nor a zombie but he had assumened the form of a god in a human body, he was now truely immortal and would survive until the worlds eventual destruction".-security guard near warrens grave.

a few days have passed since my eventual rebirth and i have to say that i am some what dissapointed that im still alive, i was

so close to being with my loves ones again. but i guess that its only a matter of time before i see them again, still it was

wonderfull thinking that i would be with my family again. but i digress, i found myself being in my old neighborhood again,

(wykewood) it was nice to see my house again (if i could still call it that). i was starting to get tired on my to the newly

rebuild ruddlebank (wow the survivors actually toke it back, im inpressed.) so i decided to rest in a nearby building, inside

where 3 men named eric,victourius,and ace,. i spend approximently 2 days with them talking,drinking,and just hanging out, it

was nice to have a friend like eric. however on the 3rd day victourius killed all of us (hes a faggot) and dumped us outside,

what a fool for thinking he could kill a god so easily, now he would feel my wrath for what hes done, i woke up from my "death

stage" and started to break down the building he stayed in, but little does he realize that i have back up from two un

expected sources, my brother and an old enemy turned good guy, (andrew)

now all i need is to wait patient and soon i will seek my revenge and remove his form from this world. o how i cant wait. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


july 29-most of ruddlebank is destroyed and only a few hundred people are left to defend it. i have lost contact with my brother, and detective redfield. i am currently in the cheeke building with USER:ERIC BESSETE. together, we will try to restore the buildings to its natural state. it should be noted that not all zombeis want to kill. seeing as a saw one killing another zombie who was eating a survivor. hmm strange what the memories of life can do.i plan on studying into this matter later on.

august 7-ruddlebank is destroyed, i have lost contact with eric bessete and have moved to the area to the south called old arkram. while i was there, the nt building was destroyed. i entered in the building killed the zombies inside and restored it to its original state. wow talk about impressive

october 06-i have joined (temporarily) the Anti-Zombie Squad and plan on helping the group out until the person they seek is destroyed or brought to justice

trivia 1.forensic hoffman is a highest "soldier" unit in the anti zombie squad only being out ranked by eric bessette and janus abernathy.

2.despite being the 3rd highest by rank, hoffman is the strongest member in terms of level (being a good dozen levels above eric bessete)

3.forensic hoffman is the only person in the anti zombie squad who has appeared in 3 movies (saw 3-5)

4.forensic hoffmans offical height is 5'8

5.hoffmans birthday is october 24th.

6.hoffmans favorite colers are red and black

7.hoffman has killed over 100 criminals in his life time, he has not forgotten any of their names

8.hoffmans iq is 142

9.hoffmans favorite weapon is his grandfathers revolver

10.hoffman is the last member of his original police squad.

11.hoffman has a scar in the shape of an x on the back of his neck

12.hoffmans favorite toy as a child growing up was a be-be gun

13.hoffmans original country was ireland

14.hoffman is a social drinker and never smokes

15.hoffmans right eye is constently bloodshot (due to stress from zombies and pkers)

16.hoffman owns 14 guns,a fire axe,and a knife

17.hoffman is the most ruthless of the anti zombie squad members.

18.hoffmans mustache nevers changes

19.hoffman is the only member of the anti zombie squad to kill another human, without orders to do so.

20.hoffman's favorite band is breaking benjamin.

21.hoffmans blood coler is light red

22.hoffman weighs 186 pounds

23.hoffmans favorite drink is captain morgan

24.hoffman has 2 pet cats named hercules and goliath, both have killed zombies. (im proud of them (: )