Section 13/Honour Hall

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Section 13

Herein is listed members of Section 13 whose sense of duty, and loyalty; along with singular acts and consistent demonstration of valiance, have earned them a place of distinction. These are there names, and the commendations awarded to them. Section 13 members are given the option to publicly display their commendations (adding the medals to their Urban Dead character description)

Steve Farmhouse

  • (LSM)(Bar) - Having served in three Tours of Duty, Steve Farmhouse is herby awarded the Long Service Medal on this day Saturday, October 5, 2007
  • (LC) - Since the Creation of S13 Steve Farmhouse has shown an Unparalled interest and sense of duty towards Section 13, it's goals, and mission. This has earned him the distinct award of the Loyalists Cross on this day Thursday August 23, 2007.


  • (MSM) - Through vigilance and action, Sleyha has earned himself a place among the honoured. This day Thursday August 23, 2007.


  • (LSM)(Bar) - Having served in three Tours of Duty, RuckerT is herby awarded the Long Service Medal on this day Saturday, October 5, 2007
  • (DSC) - For persistant and determined agressive defence of Section 13 territory and members RuckerT has distinguished himself as a man of honour and bravery. This commendation comes also with the highest praise and confidence of S13 veterans, on this day Saturday, October 5, 2007
  • (OB) - For actions on August 21, 2008. During a long range coordinated strike, early plans faltered and the first wave of the attack was unsuccessful. Defeat loomed over the situation as RuckerT, through great resolve and disregard for his personal safety completed the mission single handedly, collapsing inside enemy territory. RuckerT later reached the rendezvous point which that night was breached by the undead. All members of the mission survived the night and returned to the forward base, the mission was declared a success and against great odds no casualties were taken. For this singular act, RuckerT is awarded the Order of Bravery on this day, August 25th, 2008.
  • (BSM) - During a two week Wolfhound blitz of a known DEM campus, more than half of the success experienced was the direct result of RuckerT's efforts. For dogged persuite of mission objectives, and fearless support of his comrades RuckerT is given the Bronze Service Medal on this day, September 8th, 2008.

Jack 13

  • (RAD) - Section 13 members hereby award Jack 13 the Romero Award of Distinction.


  • Honourable Discharge - It is with great humility and respect that the Tribunal hereby grants r3dz3r0 an honourable discharge. Fearing his condition of Brain rot jeopardized not only his friends, but also the goals of Section 13, r3dz3r0 requested a dismissal from his duties, and in the process sponsored a new recruit to fill his place. With his replacement trained and capable, r3dz3r0 immediately departed, and although he now wanders the quarantine alone it is rumored that he still wears the crimson 13 of our tribe.

Mark Baldwin

  • (LSM) - From Mockridge, to the Devils Promenade, to the Dakerstown Initiative, Mark Baldwin has served in more than three different theaters, over many months. He has crossed the city and earned a reputation as a blood in, blood out S13 man. It is the Tribunal's honour to award Mark with the Long Service Medal, on this day, May 1, 2008.
  • (BSM) - For efforts in the Dakerstown initiative, against the insurmountable Dead. Mark Baldwin is given the Bronze Service Medal on this day, May 1, 2008.


  • (BSM) - For efforts in the Dakerstown initiative, against the insurmountable Dead. j00p is given the Bronze Service Medal on this day, May 1, 2008.
  • (LSM, posthumous) - In memoriam, j00p has served well in r3dz3r0's stead. With grave hearts, and remberance the Tribunal presents j00p with the Long Service Medal on this day, May 1, 2008.

Rocky Ford

  • (BSM) - For efforts in the Dakerstown initiative, against the insurmountable Dead. Rocky Ford is given the Bronze Service Medal on this day, May 1, 2008.
  • (LC) - Since joining the ranks of Section 13 during the time of the Dakerston Initiative, and consistantly henceforth from that time, Rocky Ford has shown unfailing dedication, through only the highest level of service to his bretheren, and along with this consistant acts of great bravery, in times disregarding his own saftey. His loyalty, and his bond proven to be unflinching! Rocky Ford is given the Loyalist's Cross, on this day, Friday August 8, 2008

Reverend Scrape

  • (AD) - Our Chaplain, and spiritual leader in both our most prosperous, and our darkest hours. Reverend Scrape has become a fixture of Section 13 history and culture. In addition to overseening the oaths of all new members, his vigilant watch and open arms have provided shelter and safety to the inumerable survivors to pass through the doors of St. Maximillians Church. Reverend Scrape has earned himself a place among the honoured as the Tribunal proudly awards him the Act of Distincion on this day, October 10th, 2008.