User:Calvin Duerksen

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Revision as of 04:22, 19 March 2009 by Calvin Duerksen (talk | contribs)
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Calvin Duerksen


What Stats?






The AZS.

Cause thats the group I'm in dummie.


Class: Military

Location: Somewhere

HP: ?

EXP: ?


The Revolution




“Eight, if I get this next one you owe me a beer.”

The last zombie lurched across the street wearing a red, grey and blood biker jacket. His beard was almost completely gone… in fact most of his face was almost gone.

“We ran out of beer last week, laddie.”

“Says you.”


The zombie was at the front door of the house now, and banging hard on it. Calvin aimed a revolver out of the upstairs window of the gun shop he used to work at.

“All right, you’re…”

Calvin centered his sights on the zombie‘s head, pulled the trigger… and missed.


“Ha! Ya still need more practice, eh boyo”

“Whatever, man. I still want that beer.”

The zombie was continuing to bang on the front door… and was making dents.

“You gonna tae care of tha, or wha”

“I’m on break riiiiight… now.”

“Okae, Okae, I’ll take care of it.”

“Don’t go in the kitchen, I’m still trying to find your beer stash.”

“And don’t shoot it in the foot like last time…”

The fog was thick as the sun began to rise over Malton. Bits of light burned their way through the fog, making beams of sunlight shoot through. Things weren’t the same since the outbreak happened two or three years ago… hard to keep track since all the calendars had been burned or used for toilet paper. Necrotech had something to do with it… Calvin knew, but wasn’t gonna try to find out, exactly. Too busy trying to find out where that beer was.


"Hey Aidan, I found your beer stash." Pop! Hiss

"O' yeah."

"Yeah, under the sink."

Calvin took a big gulp of the Budweiser in his hand.

"Gonna have to move i' now, eh."

Aidan was your typical Irishman... in the sense that he had red hair and appreciated a good Irish beer any day, although in Great Briton and especially Malton, Irish beer was hard to come by. Aidan also owned the gunshop they were hiding out in now, and Calvin was a employee there before the outbreak.

"Oh yeah, we're running out of food too, so stop eating so much, fatty."

"Your the fat one, boyo."

"Says you."



Small2.gif Anti-Zombie Squad
Calvin Duerksen is currently a member of
The Anti-Zombie Squad
Phoenix Squad

Crucifixion.jpg This User > Jesus
This user claims to be better than Jesus
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png Why is capitalism superior to communism?
"Because I get to have sex on a huge pile of money while you work to feed your lazy brothers." -???
Benzin2hq9.gif Rebel Yell
Calvin Duerksen resists the invader in the name of freedom.

Odds be damned! Wolverines!!!

Pyro.jpg Pyromaniac
Calvin Duerksen is a pyro and proud of it.

1916Bannersm.jpg Rebellion
BadgeDEM.jpg DEM Ally
Calvin Duerksen is an ally of the DEM
Tactics.jpg Strategy Maker
This user is great at making strategies to get out of sticky situations even if things seem hopeless.

M24.jpg Scout/Sniper
This User is capable of a 1000yd HeadShot

Pkdaythumb.jpg Body Count
Calvin Duerksen has killed alot of zombies.
DontGK.jpg GKers Suck
This group thinks that destroying generators is a pussy move.

Contact me by

user talk: user talk:Calvin Duerksen

email: maybe

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File:Smallazs.gif Anti-zombie squad

Supported Policies

Dollars.jpg Capitalism
This User or Group supports the ideals of Capitalism as well as its reintegration into Malton society.
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.