The Randoms/Funeral for a Sage

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Funeral for a Sage

On the 15th of May 2009, a funeral and memorial service was held in Griffiths Park in the suburb of Buttonville to commemorate the life (and undeath) of former Randoms Commander Shinosa. The event was attended by many of the Randoms, both those who wanted to pay their respects to Shinosa and those who wanted a free lunch from the buffet table, all of them united in their love for such a great man. Many Randoms prepared tributes and a record of these shall be stored on this page in order that this event shall never be forgot.

2006 - 2008

The Tributes

Zombie Repellent - Generalismo of Echo Squad

What can you say about Shinosa? He's a sexy, sexy, man, especially when he rocks the chaps. They just accentuate everything. For serious, it's pretty damn hot. Anyhow, we love our semi-nude lawyer pal. What is it that makes us love him so? He's the closest to sane one can be as a Random, while being far more random than the best of us. For me, well, I've always had a mancrush on Gregory Peck. And Atticus. I'd do him in a second. Anyhow, Shinosa, things aren't the same without you around. We love our sage dearly. You will be missed. Make sure you visit us before another six months passes! Seriously. If you don't dude will get out the torture implements, and I doubt the wife will appreciate that. Alright then. NEXT.

Cheeseman Muncher - Field Marshall of The Randoms

Shinosa. do you sum up Shinosa? The simple answer is that you can't. He has always been there watching over us, sprinkling his pearls of wisdom here and there to guide us in the right direction. There has not been a day that we have not missed him nor one where we wished he was back among us. We named a library after him and placed all our most interesting books and papers inside in a vain attempt to try and fill the void but alas it is impossible to do so. It may only have been 6 months since you passed on but to's felt like a lot longer. We wish you could come back and be our Sage again, to fix all the wrong in the world and show us once more what it means to be...Random. We'll miss you man. Rest easy.

Maho Tsukai - Alpha Captain

Gah I'm late to everything! and hadn't even been drinking! Shinosa died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And so would Shinosa. Shinosa, who loved cheese. And so, Shinosa, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Griffiths Park, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince.

Dudemeister - Mistress of Delta

I too have a poem!

Shinosa - how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
Except I only have 11AP so this can't take days
Once upon a time there was a man called Shinosa
Looked like a baked potato but tasted of porky samosa
The Randoms loved him like ho's love pays

Okay I'll stop it D: Shinosa, you are like the cool uncle is amazing at the pub quiz, sorting out embarrassing dilemmas without telling your parents and has infinite girlfriends. Every day we wish that there were like, scientifical liquids in a convienient syringe that would bring you back to life so we could spend more precious internets time with you but - wait what? o_0 Ahem, I suppose what I'm trying to get across is ZOMG SHINOSA WE LOVE YOU AND CRY LOTS CAUSE WE MISS YOU T_T < may your soul rest in peace and fly amongst the stars! Without dropping slimy things on our heads plz, we already get enough of that from EchoTrot. LOVE YOU < 3

Citrusman - Retired Charlie Sergeant

Mah Ahl Pah Thar Respects to the Graht Shino.

Oh wait, I'm alive. May he rest in pieces!

Kiali - Oracle of Delta and Wife of the Mistress

So I would like to sing a song for the occasion....

Everyone loves Magical Shinosa, 'Cause the tricks that he does are ever so clever
Look at him now, disappearin' himself, Where is Shinosa heading right now?
Taking a bow, it's Magical Shinosa, Everybody seen that the trick is clever
Look at him there with his leathery, leathery hat! It's made of magic, and with a little tip

  • (glass shatters)

What did he see in the parallel dimension?
He saw cheese, lots of cheese, lots of cheese, lots of cheese. Oh, cheese lots of cheese lots of cheese lots of cheese.
Yeah, yeah!

*sniffles* We miss you lots Shinosa. We wish you'd come back soon so we could have more meaning in our lives than just bashing heretics *clubs ZR over the head casually* and drinking Orange Julius all day =( PLEASE COME BACK TO US! *sobs*

Remembermylast - Bartender of the Cheesebox

*sigh* That was beautiful Randoms. Shinosa, I hardly knew ye. You left our presence just as I was a graduating cadet. But to instill such love and loyalty, you must have been great and kind and awesome at pin the tail on the zombie. So, to you, Shinosa. *Raises his glass of Orange Julius in toast, and drinks deeply*

Flaming Pie - Echo Captain


Groovymarlin - Bravo Sergeant

I cured my infection! Yay! wasn't an STD I swear...We are here to remember Shinosa. Who's not quite dead. Or not quite living. Or...something...

Krae - Otdel Agitatsii i Propagandy

When I first came to Buttonville, I'd never encountered a group the size of the Randoms (even as small as it was back then). I wasn't too sure about this group... a bunch of teenagers led by a double Scotch? But Shinosa and ZaqWer really made the B-Team welcome, and leant a sense of respectibility and stability (yeah, we did't know them yet) to the group. For me, he's always been one of the cornerstones of the group. You know, because he's square and heavy, and doesn't really move much. But also because he was always there for any of us who needed him. He was clever, stable, and always, always fair. And now that he's off training our newest recruit, I just wanted to take the opportunity (now I've sobered up a bit) to say thank you to his rapidly-inactivating corpus, for his part in making The Randoms what it is today, and for making me the Random I am now. Cheers, Shinosa. And I'll always pour a Julius for my dead homie.


At this point in the proceedings a short interval was held with musical accompaniment from the lovely dudemeister and kiali.

  • dude: "Shinosa, since we love you so much we decided to do a duet! A DUET OF EVERLASTING <3 !"
  • A zombie: "MRH!!!!!"
  • kiali: "We're no strangers to love~"
  • dude: "Not now zombie we're about to make a dramatic entrance!"
  • jarohojames: "krae, next time tell me before we start drinking....."
  • dude: "You know the rules and so do I!"
  • jarohojames: "DRUMROLL!!!!!"
  • kiali: "A full commitment's what I'm thinking of"
  • jarohojames: "i think this has to be one of the biggest gatherings of randoms"
  • jarohojames: "ever"
  • dude: "...if you've QUITE finished... go again dear wife <3"
  • kiali: "We're no strangers to love~"
  • dude: "You know the rules and so do I!"
  • kiali: "A full commitment's what I'm thinking of"
  • dude: "You wouldn't get this from any other guy!"
  • kiali: "I~ just wanna tell you how I'm feeling"
  • dude: "Gotta make you understand!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna give you up"
  • dude: "Never gonna let you down"
  • kiali: "Never gonna run around and desert you"
  • dude: "Never gonna make you cry"
  • kiali: "Never gonna say goodbye"
  • dude: "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt yoooou!"
  • kiali: "We've known each other for so long"
  • dude: "Your heart's been aching but..."
  • kiali: "you're too shy to say it!"
  • dude: "Inside we both know what's been going on!"
  • kiali: "We know the game and we're gonna play it"
  • dude: "AAAAAAND if you ask me how I'm feeeeliiiing"
  • kiali: "Don't tell me you're too blind to see"
  • kiali: "Never gonna let you down" (30 minutes ago)
  • dude: "Never gonna run around and desert you!"
  • dude: "Never gonna make you cry"
  • kiali: "Never gonna say goodbye"
  • kiali: "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
  • dude: "Ooooooooh, give you up!"
  • dude: "Ooooooooh, give you up!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna give, never gonna give"
  • dude: "GIVE YOU UP!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna give, never gonna give"
  • dude: "GIVE YOU UP!"
  • kiali: "We've known each other for so long"
  • dude: "Your heart's been aching but..."
  • kiali: "You're too shy to say it"
  • dude: "Inside we both know what's been going on"
  • kiali: "We know the game and we're gonna play it"
  • dude: "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII just wanna tell you how I'm feeeliiiing"
  • kiali: "Gotta make you understand"
  • dude: "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP <3"
  • kiali: "Never gonna let you down 3"
  • dude: "Never gonna run around and desert you!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna make you cry"
  • dude: "Never gonna say goodbyeeeee <3"
  • kiali: "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you <3"
  • dude: "Never gonna give you up!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna let you down"
  • dude: "Never gonna run around and desert yooou"
  • bakersdozen: "Ah my ears!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna make you cry"
  • dude: "Never gonna say goodbye!"
  • kiali: "Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you~! <3"
  • bakersdozen: "and yes dude I remember you aswell *hugs and steals wallet*"
  • dude: *jumps on bakersdozen* BONZAAAAAI. That was totally not my wallet. Girls have handbags with various torture devices in them. Yay!

More Tributes

Angry Hamish - Official Randoms Mascot

Ok, this should really be sung by a girl but hey, this is the internet so who can really be sure about me after all? A-hem....

Ooh my little pretty one, pretty one.
When you gonna give me some time, Shinosa?
Ooh you make my motor run, my motor run.
Gun it comin' off the line Shinosa
Never gonna stop, give it up
Such a dirty mind. Always get it up for the touch
of the younger kind. My my my i yi woo. M M M My Shinosa...
Come a little closer huh, ah will ya huh.
Close enough to look in my eyes, Shinosa.
Keeping it a mystery gets to me
Running down the length of my thighs, Shinosa
Never gonna stop, give it up. Such a dirty mind.
Always get it up for the touch
of the younger kind. My my my i yi woo. M M M My Shinosa...
When you gonna give it to me, give it to me.
It is just a matter of time Shinosa
Is it just destiny, destiny?
Or is it just a game in my mind, Shinosa?
Never gonna stop, give it up.
Such a dirty mind. Always get it up for the touch
of the younger kind. My my my i yi woo. M M M My Shinosa...
My, my, my, my, my, my, OUR SHINOSA!!!!

Mithos Yggdrasill - Leader of Alpha

Shinosa. When I first joined the Randoms, you were pretty much already dead. I remember as a wee young'un, hearing about your great deeds, and thinking, Man, I'd like to meet that guy. Even to this day, I can't really say that I ever got to know you. But I'm still here, man. I'm still here. Thanks for all the hard work you did bringing Buttonville up to how it was when I first came here. Also, this is totally an indoor event.