The Handsome Devils
About The Handsome DevilsWe area pro survivor group looking to help out the general populace in Malton. We are here to help clean up the streets of Malton, all while looking good. Keeping up with The Handsome Devils is no easy task. One must always keep an extra suit on hand, never know when those zombies are going to get some brain matter on those pinstripes. Said person, should always try to maintain a certain "look" while roaming the streets too. Can't really have our members not looking their best! Also, and this may be the most important point, always remember, Style, Finesse, and Class, the motto of The Handsome Devils. HistoryOn May 27th, 2009, Megameh had decided it was time to leave the UBCS. Still wanting to help Malton out, he decided it was time for him to shine. Being the handsome devil he is, he thought it best to recruit all the handsome devils he could find. Just imagine, a giant group of handsome devils running around Malton. All the ladies would gather into one place, leaving less of them for the zombies to get. Thus, The Handsome Devils was founded. With his loyal bodyguard Wayne R Sneeden following suite, and Ephraim Reigner not far behind, The Handsome Devils had their first few members. Base of OperationsHeading to The Mazzie Towers, a new headquarters was made. Our barricades should be kept at extremely heavily barricaded at all times. Entry point to Mazzie Towers will be Baum Bank. RecruitmentWe are currently accepting members. Here are a few guidelines to follow:
NewsMay 27, 2009 - The Handsome Devils are founded by Megameh with his pimp suit on |