
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 20:17, 9 July 2009 by Centronias (talk | contribs)
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1. Centronias
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Been a While by --

Centronias ATI
21:17, 9 July 2009 (BST)

So in the past month since my last update, my groupmembers have done some work. Obviously, I did most of it, but Cytotoxia did quite a bit. I think that at this point, it is useless to do any more work until some members are recruited. For now, there's a solid infrastructure for a group, we just need the people.
Past Week by Centronias 6:10, 9 June 2009 (PDT)

So... In the past week or so, I've created the ATI and really put a lot of work into it. For now, I'm very displeased with my profile because of the colors, and it's all in html, so I have no idea how to work with it. Sometime in the future, I'm going to have to revamp it entirely with my new found knowledge and prowess with the wiki format.
Right now, though, I would like to really plan out a good group website, but that'll be tough to do. I need plenty of stuff, and my comrades don't seem to be too inclined to help me with all this stuff. Oh well.
Characters and more by Centronias 5:37, 25 May 2009 (PDT)

For now, this will stand as a vague explaination of my characters. Centronias is just. Blech. I dunno. James Weaver was a linguistics professor who wished to learn through field work about Zamgrh. He was zambah'd and yeah.

As a person behind these ideas, I strive to higher my knowledge. So today I added on the Royal Society of Malton badge. I rather like their ideas, and would be interested in participating in some of their member groups' as well as their functions.

Also today, two of my friends made accounts <3 We're trying to meet up in an undisclosed location, but it will be tough since they're harmanz an mah zambahz az zambah. D:

Template by Centronias 5:37, 25 May 2009 (PDT)

Just like to say that the table and structure of this userpage is based off of User:Rogue Sergeant's user page.


Cgisf-tgg.png This user is a zombese linguist.

Thinker.gif Royal Society of Malton
This user or group is a member of the Royal Society of Malton, a coalition of groups and individuals who pride themselves on their intellect and strive to make the survivors within Malton more intelligent.