Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. --General Dwight D. Eisenhower
IE SUXS by Rogue Sergeant 04:07, 26 March 2008 (UTC)
Well, I was wondering why my banner hasn't changed, then I realized it was Firefox. So anyways, got it fixed. And when I did fix it, I took a look at the page on Internet Explorer. Now, my template is screwed up on there! If anyone is using IE (still) can they confirm this for me? Thanks!
Light on Terror by Rogue Sergeant 12:03, 23 March 2008 (UTC)
In light of certain situations, I've been revived in UD finally. I mean it took 3 hours of waiting but it was done. Regardless of that fact, Quiz #2 is up and already it has been done over 80% with one question left, I'll give you a hint here if you read my user page consider it a benefit. The number starts with a 1**9 and ends with a 9, the two stars represent other numbers i havn't listed and you have 1 - 9 numbers to choose from, there are 99 number possibilities so it's not like I asked you to do push ups or what ever type of excercise you do. Anyways hope that helps.
Winning by Rogue Sergeant 02:14, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
Alright, so I won Airbornes quiz questions, feel like a pro now. Awesome prizes to, I mean who doesn't want a bloody knife or a Pistol clip, that might come in handy when zombies take over. The zombie infestation of course is GOING to happen, but people don't believe me. So I've taken the liberty to create my own barricade at home and work to prevent zombies from attacking me. If you want you can come in my barricade but it will cost you 10 cans of canned soups/food. Or even better Cookies. Aside from this, Army of Two was beaten and I thought it was whack. Not enough zombie in it for me. Anyways, enough of me randomly ranting, I was wondering to who ever reads this should I create a seperate page for awards/achievements etc? I think It looks a little out of place on my main user page, what do you guys think?
Heh by Rogue Sergeant 15:45, 21 March 2008 (UTC)
Okay well the User page and the Talk page are now 100% complete, drop me a line and tell me what you guys think of it! That would be great. Maybe tell me what else I should add etc. Anyways, I'm off to play Army Of Two. See you all in hell.
First Post by Rogue Sergeant 06:00, 21 March 2008 (UTC)
Hey guys, it's Rogue Sergeant. Just testing and putting up my user page, hope you like it. I didn't how ever make the template 100% my self, made it with some help of other guys over in Monroeville. Feel free to take and copy the template!
Airborne88's Friend
This User is a personal friend of Airborne88! For what that's worth.
Rogue Sergeant is ranked Sergeant, in and out of the battlefield.