Soldiers of Crossman

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Soldiers of Crossman
File:Soldiers by spetznas.jpg
Abbreviation: SoC
Group Numbers: 30 and rising.
Leadership: Cortonna
Goals: Protection of Darvall Heights and North West.
Recruitment Policy: Speak to any member.
Active Structure
LEADERSHIP: Dictatorial Democratics:
  • Single operative has command of the SoC.
  • Tactical command is delegated to next in hierarcy ladder during extended missions.
  • Every member has right of voice when discussing plan.
Platoon Leader - Cortonna
  • Commands SoC, sees the bigger picture, oversees plans, operations and diplomacy.
Lieutenants - Zod Rhombus, Bromhead
  • 2nd in command of the group, tactical advisors, plan operations. If the Platoon Leader is down or unable to do his/her duty for some reason, they act as tribunal and take decisions for group.
Commissar - Frank Burn
  • Out of the main hierarchy, oversees propaganda around the suburb, may be acting regardless of other orders issued to the group in an effort to spread the word and keep the radiowaves alive with the sound of OUR music, recruits, sprays the good word and does whatever it takes to get some more people with the SoC. Oversees the relationship and the connection between SoC and it's allies.

As our numbers raise newer positions will be included to better our order and structure.


Back in the old days it was pride to be an LCD or CDF, and now we are proud to be the Soldiers of Crossman. Moreover it wasn't just the pride, but it was the friendship and brotherhood that we developed with each other. The knowledge that you always have someone to watch your back, that no matter what the odds, we all stand together win or lose. As such we mainly don't look for the level or experience but for:

  • Dedication.
  • Loyalty.
  • Brotherhood or standing together no matter what the odds.

If you feel you possess those qualities, then you are more then welcomed to join us. Prospective members - please contact us on our forum or one of us in game, sign your name and profile like everyone else on the end of this page and register to our forum (if you haven't already done so in the process of contacting us). Thank you.

  • SoC - a bond that will transcend time and moreover life and death.
  • SoC - Today, Tommorow, Forever.
  • SoC - Honour and Duty.
  • SoC - Dedication and Tenacity.
Current Goals
  • Establish strong presence in Darvall Heights.
  • Get the neighborhood running again and buildings back to the designated barricade plan found in Darvall Heights.
  • Spread our word around the neighborhood and gain new soldiers to fight the good fight.
  • Once those are met, we will move on to assist North-West as a whole and other places/or survivors in need.

What do SoC represents one might ask? The way I see it, the vision I head in mind, when making this group could be described with one word - brotherhood. Too often we find ourselves alone, scattered, disillusioned and last but not least surrounded by danger. Often as not you can't even trust survivors like you and I. What I envisioned was a bond - friendship and trust, trust that you will never find yourself left behind or alone when in need. To know that no matter how fierce the enemy is, you fight together with your brothers and sisters until the end, victory or not. No matter what the odds, no matter what it costs. With respect towards the enemy, honour and duty. All of us lost people, who we cared for and SoC represents family, our bond being our testament. I wish for myself and for everyone else to fight with cold determination and sheer tenacity. Having that I believe, will allow us to restore Darvall Heights and North-West back to the survivor haven it used to be and later to assist everyone else in Malton.

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This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.